nzxx 发表于 2023-11-9 17:13:13



   To Chanel YUKIChanel is one of thenoblest and most aromatic luxury brands in the world. It is my favorite brand.I always rejoice at the sight of beautiful and young Shanghainese girlscarrying Chanel purses in their hands. I feel like I can smell the scentthrough their fingers. TheJapanese word “YUKI” is one of the most romantic Japanese words ever. It means“snow flakes”. And on the very afternoon of January 22nd, 2014, as Iclearlyremember the date, the “snow flakes”,with the fragrance of Chanel, fell downfrom the sky, and shed light into my life.    In my whole life I have been pursuing adream: a beautiful and graceful Shanghainese girl, a real princess, noble anduntouchable, would be willing to spit and trample on my dignity. I would kneeldown in front of this princess and kiss her feet. It would only smell and tastetoo sweet.   Having searched for so long, I was on theverge of giving up. I realized that in no way could I find such a girl. Theyare just too precious to even look at me, and talking to them is like a dreamtoo far away for me to touch. Having tried every possible way to reach out forthat dream, I finally resorted to God. I say my prayers every day and wish mywords would be heard one day.Ithink God finally heard me on the very afternoon of January 22nd,2014. I was so nervous standing by the door, shivering inside and outside,saying my prayers. I prayed that the precious Lord would cast light into mylife, and lead me into the garden of Real Beauty. And blessed I must have been,for the garden of Real Beauty was laid out right in front of me. WhenI opened the door with my trembling hands, with the first glance of Chanel, Iknew that God had smiled upon me this time. He didn’t fail me this time. It wasthe first time in my life I wasso close to Real Beauty. The graciousness aboutChanel YUKI, her delicate cheek lines, her eyes transparent like two diamonds,and the intoxicating fragrance all around her, paralyzed me to the core,sending me right away to my kneels. The typical Shanghainese girl I have beenseeking all my life.   She moved her hand with grace, and, withoutturning her face, she nodded me an order to bend down, face to the ground, asif I were a dog. Yes, I was a dog. What else could I pretend to be in front ofmy princess? My princess was then completely ignoring me, her boots upon myright cheek, and my left was still tightly pressed upon the ground. I wish timecould freeze and I could permanently live in this moment.   The way she spoke and moved her hand, the wayshe smiled, the way she looked at me with disgust, the way she slapped my face,the way she called me pervert, they were all deeply engraved in my mind. As Itook off my clothes piece by piece, I felt like I was breaking down my soul into pieces, and placing every shattered piecein front of my princess. There was nothing left in me that I could not bring intolight before her. I no longer felt embarrassed or ashamed of myself for being apervert different from anyone else in the world. I am who I am. God taught us,“Ask, and you shall receive.” So I asked for my princess’s saliva, and shesneered in disgust and spat right into my mouth. I was groaning like a beast,naked. I looked into her eyes, and I trembled. She slapped my face so hard thatI felt like my cheek was burning, and looking into her beautiful eyes again, Itrembled more.   The moment came when I took off her boots,slowly, carefully, until her feet were completely exposed. I stared at hersoles in wonder, the wonder so strong that I couldn't help groaning andwriggling in excitement. The fresh scent of her soles, floated through mynostrils, swirled up into my mind, took my soul with it, and led it hightowards Heaven. I closed my eyes and placed her feet upon my face. I laid atpeace, my heart full of joy…..   On my way home, I came across a tree ofSakura blossoms. The blossoming petals were beautiful. They reminded me ofChanel’s delicate face. I was so close to her face, sniffing about her cheeksand hair tucked behind her pearl-like ears.   It was so sweet a dream, a dream that filledmy heart with peace and joy. The silver moonlight cast my shadow on the ground,and under the moonlight, I asked myself, “Do I wake or sleep?”

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