ailuchu 发表于 2023-12-10 14:29:24

外文翻译 老坑填补:同事的奴隶

前言:这篇文章的前面我有在论坛贴过。但后来没时间去翻译更新,而且原贴的网站也关闭了,也找不到原文了。虽然有论坛老哥给过我全文,但没有原文,看起来很别扭。今天无意在别的网站看到全文了,就贴了上来,算是给喜欢这类文章的朋友们一个交代。 My name is Jim and I work at a small dispatch center with a small group of people one being Toni. While I am 30 and single, Toni is 48 years old, married with two kids. To describe Toni, she is 5’2 about 200 pounds comes to work everyday wearing jeans a shirt and flats. Although just a co-worker, Toni has always been somewhat demanding definitely dominate in nature and has never had a problem telling people what to do. Toni has a habit of playing on her phone a little to much at work and not always finishing her daily tasks. To put it mildly Toni is not the most well liked person in the office.我叫吉姆,我在一个小型调度中心工作,有一小群人,其中一个叫托尼。当我30岁还是单身时,托尼已经48岁了,已婚,有两个孩子。形容托尼,她是5英尺2英寸大约200磅来上班每天穿着牛仔裤,衬衫和平底鞋。虽然只是一个同事,托尼总是有点要求,肯定支配性质,从来没有问题告诉人们做什么。托尼有一个习惯,工作时玩手机的时间有点多,而且并不总是完成她的日常任务。说得委婉一点,托尼不是办公室里最受欢迎的人。 A little description about me, I’m 30, single, have always been very submissive and subservient to women and have a very strong foot fetish.简单介绍一下我,我今年30岁,单身,一直对女人非常顺从,有很强的恋足癖。 I seem to always find myself spending time at Toni’s cubicle throughout my workday as she is usually either barefoot or playing with her flats throughout the day. I usually just stand and talk to her, mainly listening to her complaints about being over worked or how unfair things are at the office. Toni always has manicure fingers and pedicures, her feet are very pretty and well taken care of.我似乎总是发现自己在整个工作日都呆在托尼的小隔间里,因为她通常要么光着脚,要么整天都在玩她的平底鞋。我通常只是站着和她说话,主要是听她抱怨工作过度或者办公室里的事情有多不公平。托尼总是修指甲和脚趾甲,她的脚很漂亮,保养得很好。 One day as I was talking with Toni, she was complaining that the boss had talked to her about being late again and how hard it was to get to work on time. Most people would look at the Starbucks drink and pastry on her desk every morning and think if you didn’t stop there every morning, you’d be to work on time. I thought the exact opposite and saw this as a way to serve her.有一天,我和托尼聊天时,她抱怨老板又跟她说迟到了,还抱怨按时上班有多难。大多数人会每天早上看着她桌上的星巴克饮料和糕点,想着如果你不是每天早上都在那里停下来,你就会准时上班。我的想法恰恰相反,我把这看作是服侍她的一种方式。 I sympathized with Toni and asked her if she would like me to get her Starbucks the next morning so she would be able to get to work on time. Toni seemed a little confused and told me that being as I didn’t drink coffee she wouldn’t feel right asking me to stop for her. I told her it wouldn’t be a problem since I usually get up pretty early and she said ok if you really want to, which of course I did.我很同情托尼,问她是否愿意让我第二天早上去她的星巴克,这样她就能准时上班了。托尼似乎有点困惑,她告诉我,由于我不喝咖啡,她不会觉得有必要让我为她停下来。我告诉她不会有问题,因为我通常起得很早,她说如果你真的想的话可以,我当然照做了。 As I looked down at Toni’s beautiful red painted toes, I was so excited to bring her coffee.当我低头看着托尼漂亮的红色涂鸦的脚趾时,我非常兴奋地给她端来了咖啡。 I got up early the next morning, stopping at Starbucks to get her drink and pastry, which I couldn’t believe she spends $10 a day on, but I wanted to make her happy and hopefully make her life a little easier. I went straight to Toni’s desk and with a smile gave her drink and pastry on her desk. Toni had just got to work and was sitting in her desk wiggling her feet in and out of her shoes. Toni thanked me and went to her purse when I said please don’t worry about paying me back I am just happy I could help you out this morning and make your morning a little easier.第二天一大早我就起床了,在星巴克给她买了点饮料和糕点,我简直不敢相信她一天要花10美元,但我想让她开心,希望她的生活能轻松一点。我径直走到托尼的办公桌前,面带微笑地给了她桌上的饮料和糕点。托尼刚到公司,正坐在办公桌前,双脚在鞋子里进进出出。当我说“请不要担心还钱的问题”时,托尼谢过我,然后走向她的钱包。我很高兴今天早上能帮到你,让你的早晨变得轻松一点。 Toni looked at me and said I could get used to this with a smile on her face. I told her it was my pleasure and to please let me know anytime I could do something for her. I left very excited but hoping I wasn’t being to weird and that she would let me do this for her again. That afternoon I went back into her office and she was playing on her phone, with her shoes off, showing her beautiful feet. Toni started telling me how over worked she was as she had maybe two weeks worth of work on her desk. Toni definitely was not the hardest of workers. Kind of nervous, but determined, I asked Toni if I could bring her Starbucks again the next morning. Toni looked at me and asked if I was sure and I assured her it was no problem at all. Toni smiled and said “sure I’ll let you bring me Starbucks tommorow”. I left the office so excited hoping this could become a regular thing. Over the next few weeks, I brought Toni coffee and a pastry every morning and after a while she stopped asking me if she could pay me back and several times when she was on the phone just pointed to a spot on the desk where she wanted her stuff out. I found myself thinking of Toni quite a bit, even though I knew for her this was just a convience as she of course thought of me as a nice co-worker. After all she is 20 years older than me with a family. So about a month into bringing Toni coffee every morning, I woke up late one morning, so upset with myself, I wasnt able to stop at Starbucks before I came to work. I came straight into Toni’s office and apologized for not having her coffee, not knowing what she would say. Toni looked upset and said “Jim I need my coffee everyday, if you can’t get it for me, I can get it myself”. I had got her coffee every morning for a month and always paid for it as well, some would think Toni was being a little harsh. I looked at Toni, who was barefoot with a beautiful dark purple pedicure and again apologized, and said please don’t get your own coffee, it will never happen again, I promise. Toni looked up at me with a smile and said, “I believe you, would you like to try and make it up to me”. I jumped and said of course anything. Toni then said great, two things, one you can get my coffee and lunch for me today and bring it back and two I have about two weeks of paperwork I need done by tomorrow, would you mind handling that for me”. Looking down at Toni’s feet, I said of course and grabbed her paperwork from her desk. Toni looked at me with a smile as she was playing her phone and said, “good boy” as I left her office. I left her office on cloud 9, I couldn’t believe she called good boy and couldn’t help but wonder what she meant by it. I was in a fog all morning and spent my lunch hour going to Starbucks and then to get Toni a sandwich she wanted which was on the other side of town. I returned and put her drink and sandwich in her desk. Toni smiled and then reminded me I had a lot of work to do before my day was over as she was looking at a magazine. I worked all afternoon and barely made a dent in Toni’s paperwork. At 5 Toni stopped by my cubicle to tell me she was headed home for the day and I wished her a good night. Toni then said “have a good night as well, I’m guessing you’ll be here for a while, but I’m sure you won’t forget my Starbucks anymore” as she chuckled. I instinctively said, it won’t happen again, Ma’am. She smile at me and said, “Ma’am, I like that” and left the building. I ended up working until 10 pm finishing all of Toni’s paperwork, I couldn’t believe how much work there was, she really didn’t do to much during her workdays. When I got home I was dead tired, but set two alarms to make sure I was up on time and able to get Toni her Starbucks in the morning. When I got to work, I went straight to Toni’s desk put her stuff down and again apologized for yesterday and said, I promise that will never happen again Ma’am, you can count on me”. Toni smiled and said, “ I like that you call me Ma’am you really do want to be my good boy don’t you”. I said “yes ma’am, more than anything”. Toni smiled and said you can go back to work now, I’ll call you if I need anything. I was looking down at her bare feet when she said this and When I looked back up she kind of smirked at me. I went through the morning trying to work, but it was almost impossible all I could think about was Toni and what was going on between us. At about 10, Toni sent me an email that said, “Jill’s Daughter is selling Girl Scout cookies they are in the break room, I’d like two boxes of thin mints”. I couldn’t believe it, Toni didn’t ask but told me to get her cookies, I jumped up and almost ran to the break room paid for the cooked and brought them to her. Toni smiled and said these are my favorites then asked me if I had any plans for lunch. I told her that I didn’t and she told me she really liked the sandwich I had got her yesterday. After a quick pause, as she looked at me, I looked down at her feet and said, “‘Ma’am, I would love to get you another sandwich for lunch if you’d like”. Toni said “I was hoping you’d say that, you really are a good boy”. I again spent my lunch hour getting Toni her lunch and went straight to her and put her sandwich on her desk. Toni didn’t look up right away, as she was reading a magazine I just stood there ackwardly for a few minutes before she looked up at me smiled and told me I could go back to work. I thanked her and left. At the end of the day, Toni came to my desk, sat down and immediately took her shoes off, I couldn’t help but stare. Toni had her daily work in her hands and apologized for having me work so late the night before and said she came up with a plan. Toni put the papers on my desk and said she figured if I wanted to, I could do her work daily at the end of our work day so she could stay caught up and I wouldn’t have to stay at work so late. I took the paperwork and said, “thank you Ma’am, that’s a great idea”. Toni put her black flats back on her feet and told me to have a great night. Toni’s, paperwork usually takes me about two hours to finish so I usually leave the office by 7 every night, but it’s ok because it allows Toni to kind of hang out and relax at work. So it went for the next month or so, I started bringing Toni Starbucks in the morning and running around to get her lunch everyday as well. I was working about 10 hours extra every week, but it was so worth it every time I saw Toni’s Bare feet or she called me a good boy. One day around 5 as everyone except me was leaving the office, Toni came in with her daily paperwork and asked me if we could talk for a minute. Toni smiled and asked me I could massage her feet while we talked. This is something I had always dreamed of but would never dare ask. I turned red and was at a loss for words. Toni put her beautiful bare feet in my lap and apologized for the smell, telling me she had been wearing her flats all day. I slowly started massaging Toni’s feet in my lap trying unsuccessfully to hide my erection. Toni laughed as I massaged her feet and then said, I need you to listen to me for a minute, “ I love that you spoil me and let me treat you like my office bitch, it amazes me all the stuff that you do for me everyday, you get up early to get me coffee, spend your lunch break running around to get me lunch and on top of that work an extra two hours everyday to keep up with my work that I don’t want to do. I have known for a while you are submissive and had a feeling which is now confirmed that you love my pretty feet”. “It is important to me that I am not leading you on in any way. I am happily married and will never entertain a relationship with you. If you are ok with that, I will continue to let you serve me and do my bidding here at work, if you want more we will need to stop this”. Toni moved her foot up to my lips and said, if you want to be my work bitch, kiss my feet, I am sure you’ve been wanting to for a long time. I said thank you Ma’am and gently kissed her foot thanking her for letting me be her work bitch. Toni continued as I kissed her foot, “you have been a very good boy so far and if it continues, I will give you these special treats from time to time, but I expect perfection slave”. This is new to me, I have read about stuff like this but never even considered the possibility of it in real life. Be prepared, my good boy, our relationship will be give and take as in you give and I take, ha ha. And speaking of giving, I am headed out, I have a nail appointment, would you like to start paying for my manicures and pedicures?” Yes ma’am, of course as I held her beautiful foot in my hand. Great give me your wallet please. Without hesitation I handed Toni my wallet and she took out all the cash which she counted as $200. Toni looked at me for a second and I immediately said, “ma’am, would you please take all $200” that’s a good boy, you’ve made me happy, I’m gonna let you go now, I know you have a lot of work to do, Toni said as she left he office. I was in heaven, I had never kissed a woman’s foot, my head was spinning. Toni had made it very clear to me that she didnt want a relationship of any kind other than me being her work slave. And at that moment in time, I wanted nothing more than to be Toni’s slave. Our relationship went on like this for several months, I continued to bring her Starbucks, lunch and was working late every night to do her work. Toni would come into my office after work sometimes and allow to to massage and sometimes kiss her feet as we would talk. Toni would usually use this time to ask if she could “borrow” money from me, which of course I gave her and also had no expectation of being paid back, which I’m sure she knew as well. I was giving Toni quite a it of money and with work as well, my life was totally revolving around being her slave. One night after work, Toni came in with her daily work, put her feet in my lap and asked me if I had a girlfriend, when I told her I don’t she asked why. I honestly told her that I loved her and put her first in everything that I did and every thought that I had and couldnt even consider having someone in my life. Toni smiled, put her beautiful feet on my lips and told me to kiss her beautiful feet and show your love and devotion. Toni then said, “my good boy, although I don’t love you, I do appreciate all you do for me slave. It is kind of funny that I don’t really think of you away from work with my family life and all, but I am very happy to know you think of me, that makes me happy slave. And on the same subject, I know it’s not my place to say, but it would make me very happy if you were monogamous to me, I know it’s selfish but I really wouldn’t want to share you, your time or your money with somebody else. Good boy kiss my feet and promise to be faithful to only me”. I passionately kissed Toni’s feet promising to always be faithful to her and never so much as even think about dating another woman. “Now put my shoes back on good boy, you have a lot of work to do and I have to get home I have dinner plans with the family.” The next morning I brought Toni her morning coffee and after sitting it down, Toni wanted to talk. Toni was barefoot of course with a beautiful light shade of pink on her toes. Toni said she was very happy about our conversation yesterday and said that I really made her feel special. “Good boy, we were eating dinner at my friends restaurant and we have been invited to a cousins wedding in Hawaii, I really want to go, but am not sure we have enough money. Would you like to pay for our trip good boy.” As I looked at Toni’s beautiful feet, I knew I didn’t have enough money for that, I was in tears as I apologized to her. Toni looked at me with a smile and said it was ok and that she had an idea she wanted to run by me after work. As everyone on the office was leaving for the day, Toni walked into my office with her paperwork for the day slid her shoes off sat and put her beautiful feet in my lap, I was in heaven. “Good boy, I could tell this morning how upset you were and I’m sure you want nothing more than to pay for our trip to Hawaii”, I nodded as she moved the sole of her barefoot up and down my face. “ I know how much you love me and want to make me happy, I spoke with my girlfriend who owns the restaurant we went to last night. We had a few drinks and I told her about our special relationship and while chatting I found out she has an opening for a weekend dishwasher, the pay is minimum wage, but she needs a person who’s willing to work morning to night, 15 hours per day on sat and sun. I figured if you wanted to take the job, we would be able to go to Hawaii and maybe some other vacations as well.” “It’s totally up to you, my good boy, it would really make me happy to know that you were working for me on the weekends when I’m at home relaxing”. As Toni was talking, she was gently putting her toes into my mouth, I was in heaven. “Of course, Ma’am, thank you so much, I was so sad when I didn’t have the money to pay for your Hawaii trip”. Toni removed her toes from my mouth, and had a huge smile on her face, I was so happy. “Good boy, you have made me so happy, I will set everything up with my friend, she will call you be ready to start this Saturday morning. Here, you’ve been so good, I want to give you a gift, take my flats, you can take her home with you. This way you’ll never feel alone, when you go home tonight and I’m with my family, you can smell and kiss my flats and tell them how much you love them, ha”. Anyways I’ve got to get home, have a good night my slave. I came into work the next morning and went straight to Toni’s desk to give her Starbucks, she was in such a good mood. She said she was so excited that they were going to Hawaii and told me how happy she was with me. I was beaming with pride. Toni was looking through a Hawaii magazine and showing me pictures. Then Toni said, “ok that’s enough for now, get back to work, I’ll have my usual for lunch”. At the end of the day, it was Friday, Toni came into my office with her daily paperwork for me to do. Toni kicked her shoes off and put them in my lap, “I hope your excited to start your new job tommorow. I talked with Gina and she’s excited to have you coming on, she has had problems with good workers and I assured her you are the best!” As Toni put her toes in my mouth she reminded me “your are to show Gina the same respect you show me, good boy”. I have gone over your rules with Gina and have asked her to report your behavior to me at the end of your weekend. You are to work as hard as you can throughout the day, if there’s no dishes to wash, you ask what else you can do. You are not allowed a break or to sit at all during your shift, you may drink water, but your not allowed food. You will be the first one there and the last one to leave, no exceptions. You will address everyone you see as sir or ma’am. I know these rules are harsh, my good boy, but to be honest it excites me to know that you are working hard and not allowed to sit or eat for 15 hours because I told you so. And to think all of your pay will go to me for my family vacations while I relax at home”. Toni pushed all of her toes in my mouth at once and asked me if she made me happy, I nodded my head up and down as I sucked on each toe. Remember my slave my toes are a treat and I will reward you if you follow my rules, this weekend is going to be very hard for you. We have chosen two very different lives, your life know revolves around my happiness. It actually excites me knowing that you will be working your butt off all weekend while I relax with my family, all so Gina will give me a good report and give you an opportunity to worship my beautiful feet. “Ok my slave, try and finish my work soon, you have a long weekend, I can’t wait to hear about it on Monday”! Saturday morning I got up 5:30 so I could eat a big breakfast and get to the diner by 6:30, my shift was 7am to 10pm but I needed to make sure I was the first one there. I stood outside the diner until 7:15 when Gina finally showed up. Gina was about Toni’s age, tall and thin, very nice looking. You must be Jim, very nice to meet you, having talked with Toni, I’m very much looking forward to you working here”. Wanting to be as courteous as possible, I said, “thank you, ma’am, for offering me the position”. “Come on in Jim, there is some quick paperwork we need to go over before you start, go ahead and have a seat at the table. “Excuse me Ma’am, but would it be ok if I stood”. “Ha, that’s right, I’m so sorry, Jim, I forgot, your not allowed to sit”. My face turned a shade of red I was so embarrassed. “You may stand”, thank you Ma’am was all I could say. I signed several forms and then Gina laughed out loud with a completed direct deposit form already filled out and asked me how I would like my checks deposited. Another shade of red, I said, “ma’am if it no trouble, can you please direct deposit my checks into Toni’s bank account”. With a smile she said “of course I can, I just wanted to hear it from you, that’s all, ha”. “Ok jimmy ( I hate being called jimmy), I’m headed out the first shift will come on at 8 and the second this afternoon, you will be working both shifts, so your going to have quite a long day. Start moping all of the floors before the first shift comes in. I started immediately on the floors and at 8am Gina’s daughter, Kim came in. Kim was very attractive, mid 20’s tall and thin like her mother. I immediately stopped what I was doing to introduce myself. “Good morning ma’am, my name is Jim I’m the new dishwasher”. “I know, jimmy I just got off the phone with my mom, she told me all about you. I’m the day shift manager, come on in my office so I can explain your job duties. Have a seat jimmy”. “Ma’am would it be ok if I stood”. “Ha, I just wanted to hear it for myself, jimmy i would like you to stand at attention when I speak to You, ha this is going to be fun”. I said “yes Ma’am” and stood straight with my hands down to my sides. “Ok jimmy this should be easy, you are in charge of all of the kitchen cleaning, dishes and anything else I need is that clear” “yes ma’am”. “My employees are entitled to 15 min breaks and a half hour unpaid lunch every shift, unless of course you have any special requirements I should know about, do you have any special requirements you would like to ask me about Jimmy” Kim said while smirking. Turning a deep shade of red, I looked at Kim, who now had her feet up on her desk as I stood at attention and said “yes ma’am I have a few. If possible, ma’am, I’d like to work without any breaks and also work through my unpaid lunch”. “Jimmy that’s a very odd request, would you please tell me exactly why you need these special requirements”. As Kim was trying to contain her laughter, I stood at attention in front of her, full of embarrassment and said, Ma’am, it is the request of my friend, Toni, who got me the job that I don’t take any breaks or lunch and work as hard as I can throughout my shift”. “Wow, Toni isn’t taking it easy on you is she, she’s such a nice person, I never would have guessed this, but ok, are there any other restrictions I need to know about?”. “No ma’am”. “Ok jimmy would you like a cup of coffee before we start?” “No thank you maam”. “Ha did you forget something” “yes ma’am, I’m sorry I’m not allowed any food or drink except water during my shift”. “Wow this is gonna be fun, but to be honest, I already knew all of this, and hey if your a good boy, I might let you massage my feet before I go home. You may resume your mopping now jimmy”.“我的员工每班有15分钟的休息时间和半小时的免费午餐,除非你有什么特殊要求我应该知道,你有什么特殊要求想问我关于吉米的事情吗?”。我的脸变成了深红色,我看着金姆,她现在把脚放在桌子上,我立正站着说: “是的,夫人,我有一些。如果可能的话,女士,我希望能够不间断地工作,同时也能够完成我的免费午餐。”。“吉米,这是一个非常奇怪的要求,你能告诉我为什么你需要这些特殊要求”。当金正在努力抑制自己的笑声时,我站在她面前,满怀尴尬地说: “女士,这是我的朋友托尼的要求,她给了我这份工作,我不休息,不吃午饭,在整个轮班期间尽我所能地努力工作。”。“哇,托妮对你还真是不客气啊,她人这么好,我都没想到,不过好吧,还有什么限制我需要知道的吗?”.“不,夫人”。“好的,吉米,我们开始之前你想喝杯咖啡吗?”“不用了,谢谢,女士”。“哈,你是不是忘了什么东西”“是的,女士,很抱歉我轮班的时候除了水,不能吃任何东西或者喝任何东西”。“哇,这会很有趣,但说实话,我已经知道这一切,嘿,如果你是个好孩子,我可能会让你按摩我的脚之前,我回家。你可以继续拖地了 Jimmy”。 I worked through the morning without incident, it was really backbreaking work, but I got through it. It’s not a huge diner, so on top of my kitchen duties, I was also told to bus all the tables, I guess that is something that Kim usually does, but she spent most of the day in her office. The cook didn’t speak much English which was nice because I didn’t have to explain to him why I was calling him sir all day long. But as the day went on he seemed more comfortable telling me what to do and making sure I stayed busy all day.我工作了一个上午,没有发生任何意外,这真的是一项辛苦的工作,但是我熬过来了。这家餐厅不大,所以除了厨房工作,我还被告知要收拾所有的桌子,我想这是 Kim 平时做的事,但她大部分时间都在办公室。厨师不太会说英语,这很好,因为我不必向他解释为什么我整天叫他先生。但随着日子一天天过去,他似乎更愿意告诉我该做什么,并确保我整天都很忙。 Both of the waitresses were college aged girls, both attractive and very nice. I bussed all of their tables and was very polite always calling them ma’am as they all called me jimmy. After the lunch crowd left I brought a plate of food to Kim at her request, placed it on her desk and stood at attention waiting for her response. Kim kept me at attention for several minutes before thanking me for her food. Kim asked me how my day was going and it was almost casual talk except for the fact that I was standing at strict attention. Kim chuckled and let me know that all employees get free lunches or dinners but neither would apply to me because of my special restrictions.两个女服务员都是大学年龄的女孩,都很漂亮,人也很好。我收拾了他们所有的桌子,非常有礼貌,总是叫他们夫人,因为他们都叫我吉米。午餐人群离开后,我应金姆的要求给她带了一盘食物,放在她的桌子上,立正等待她的回应。金姆让我集中注意力好几分钟,然后感谢我为她准备的食物。金姆问我今天过得怎么样,我们几乎是随便聊聊,只是我严格地站在那里。金笑了笑,让我知道所有员工都有免费的午餐或晚餐,但都不适用于我,因为我的特殊限制。 As I was talking to Kim both waitresses came in to give me part of their tips, I guess that busboys get a certain percentage of tips. I thanked both of them and politely asked if they could place my tips on Kim’s desk as I didn’t want to move from my position. Both girls did, I’m sure it seemed strange to them, but they didn’t say anything.当我和 Kim 谈话的时候,两个女服务员都进来给了我一部分小费,我猜餐馆工人会得到一定比例的小费。我感谢了他们两个,并礼貌地问他们是否可以把我的小费放在金的桌子上,因为我不想离开我的位置。两个女孩都说了,我相信她们觉得很奇怪,但她们什么也没说。 Kim counted the money which was $60 total and said, “part of me wants to keep this as I know you wouldn’t object, but I’m guessing this will go straight to Toni and I don’t want to take it from her. “Thank You Ma’am for Your kindness, Toni I hope will be surprised I will give her every penny of it”. “Wow you really are her bitch, I don’t get it, she’s 20 years older than you and happily married, honestly why are you doing this?”金姆数了数总共是60美元,然后说,“我有点想留下这笔钱,因为我知道你不会反对,但我猜这笔钱会直接给托尼,我不想从她那里拿走。“谢谢您的好意,夫人,托尼,我希望我会把每一分钱都给她,她会感到惊讶。”。“哇,你真的是她的婊子,我不明白,她比你大20岁,婚姻幸福,老实说,你为什么要这样做?” I took a deep breath and tried to explain to Kim that serving Toni and doing things for her makes me happy and the thought of disappointing her in any way terrifies me”. “Tell me more, what about her feet?.” Toni has the most beautiful feet I’ve ever seen and when I do these things for her, she is gracious enough to let me massage her feet and sometimes even kiss her beautiful feet. “Ok, so your a good looking guy, why aren’t you dating or trying to find a woman who actually cares for you?” Ma’am, Toni wants me to be exclusive to her and wants me to concentrate all of my energy to her, I love her with all my heart and just want to make her happy”.我深吸一口气,试图向金姆解释,为托尼服务,为她做事让我感到快乐,一想到要让她失望,我就感到害怕。”。“告诉我,她的脚怎么了?托尼的脚是我见过的最漂亮的,当我为她做这些事情的时候,她非常亲切地让我按摩她的脚,有时甚至亲吻她漂亮的脚。“好吧,你是个帅哥,为什么不约会或者找个真正关心你的女人呢?”女士,托尼希望我对她专一,希望我把所有的精力都集中在她身上,我全心全意地爱她,只想让她开心。”。 “Ok, sounds like you at least are in a very committed relationship, I really wanted a foot massage jimmy, but after hearing you talk, it sounds like you would be cheating on Toni if you so much as touched my feet, ha”.“好吧,听起来你至少是在一个非常忠诚的关系,我真的很想要一个足部按摩吉米,但是听你说话,听起来就像你会背叛托尼,如果你这么多,触摸我的脚,哈。”。 “Ok, here’s Toni’s money, I’m sure she’ll enjoy a little extra. Ok I’m headed home the next shift is coming in soon, have a good day, see you bright and early in the morning jimmy.“好吧,这是托尼的钱,我敢肯定她会喜欢一点额外的。好了,我要回家了,下一班马上就到了,祝你今天愉快,明天一大早见 Jimmy。 The night shift wasn’t much different than the day shift, the second shift supervisor was Gina, it was nice to see her again, she asked me in the office and told me that she heard I did well and also told me that she would like me to stand at attention in her presence as well, which I did immediately. Gina talked with me for several minutes then sent me back to work.夜班和白班没什么不同,第二班的主管是吉娜,很高兴再次见到她,她在办公室里问我,告诉我她听说我干得不错,还告诉我她希望我在她面前也能立正,我马上照做了。吉娜和我聊了几分钟,然后让我回去工作。 I worked throughout the evening, pretty much the same as the morning, I tried to keep everything clean so at 9pm, we were able to shut down a clean kitchen. At Gina’s request I brought her a plate of dinner, which she thanked me for as I stood at attention. Several minutes later Gina thanked me for my work, told me I did a great job, which I thanked her for and told me I could go home. I was so tired my feet and back were so sore, I don’t think I had ever worked so hard in my life. I politely asked Gina how much longer she was planning on staying and she said after dinner she likes to relax in the office for an hour or two and watch videos.我整个晚上都在工作,和早上差不多,我尽量保持所有东西干净,所以到了晚上9点,我们关闭了一个干净的厨房。应吉娜的要求,我给她带了一盘晚餐,我立正站着时,她对我表示感谢。几分钟后,吉娜对我的工作表示感谢,说我做得很好,我对此表示感谢,并告诉我可以回家了。我太累了,我的脚和背都很酸痛,我想我从来没有这么努力地工作过。我礼貌地问吉娜打算待多久,她说晚饭后她喜欢在办公室放松一两个小时,看看录像。 “Excuse me Ma’am, would it be possible if I stayed until you leave, I have instructions to be the last one out every night”. “Oh ya I forgot about that, well this is my routine and kind of my alone time to wind down. If everything is done, I guess you can stand at attention nose in the corner so your not watching me until I’m ready to go”. Totally dejected, I tried to smile and said thank you Ma’am as I headed to stand st attention facing a corner for two hours.“对不起,女士,我能不能待到你离开,我接到指示,每天晚上最后一个离开”。“哦,是的,我忘记了,这是我的例行公事,是我一个人放松的时间。如果一切都准备好了,我想你可以站在角落里集中注意力,这样你就不会一直看着我,直到我准备好离开。”。我完全沮丧了,我努力微笑着说谢谢你,女士,当我面对一个角落站立两个小时的时候。 I finally got home close to midnight, only to be up at 5:30 to go to the diner, Gina had given me keys so I started the morning routine at 6:30. Sunday was no different from sat, I was dead tired by 1100 on Sunday and new I had to be up early on Monday for work. On the bright side, I knew I was going to see Toni and had $240 in cash in an envelope to give her from my tips for bussing tables.我终于在接近午夜的时候回到家,却在5:30起床去吃饭,吉娜给了我钥匙,所以我在6:30开始了早晨的例行工作。星期天和坐着没什么区别,到星期天1100点我已经累得要死,而且新的一天我必须在星期一早起去上班。往好的方面想,我知道我要去见托尼了,我有240美元的现金,装在一个信封里,可以从我收拾桌子的小费里拿出来给她。 Monday morning I woke up early, really tired, but I couldn’t wait to see Toni, give her coffee and her tip money. I came straight to Toni’s cubicle and placed her coffee, pastry and envelope with tip money on her desk and said good morning Ma’am as she smiled at me. I immediately noticed Toni’s bare feet and a new pedicure, dark red, her toes looked beautiful. “Good morning my little worker bee, what’s this? As she opened up the envelope and counted $240”. “Ma’am it’s the tips that I made this weekend, I wanted you to have it”. “That’s so thoughtful of you slave, I was just expecting your checks, this is a nice little bonus for me. I talked to Gina on the way to work this morning, I am very pleased with you, it sounds like you followed my instructions to a tee!” I had such a nice relaxing weekend, we went to the beach on Saturday and I slept in yesterday and got a pedicure in the afternoon, just for you! I couldn’t help myself from thinking about you this weekend, not only did you work all and I mean all weekend, but you followed all my silly rules. It’s funny on a whim I decided you couldn’t sit at work, which turned into a whole weekend of standing, I’m very proud of you my good boy you are definitely showing a new level of devotion worthy of me and my beautiful feet!” “Thank You so much for Your kind words ma’am, it is really hard work but and the end of the weekend knowing that I’m able to be a part of your life and allow you the opportunities to go on vacation means the world to me. And thank you ma’am for taking the time out of your day to get a pedicure for me”. “Your very welcome slave, I knew you’d like it and if you behave yourself this week you may just get to feel my beautiful feet on your face. Two things today, my good boy, one, I too would like you to stand at attention when you see me as a show of the respect you have for me. Two, I would like my usual for lunch and please stop by the bank you owe me $80 for my mani/pedi, your dismissed slave. As I left Toni was thumbing through her Hawaii magazine, I was so happy she had said such nice things about me. I ran out to get her lunch and go to the bank and immediately took it to her desk and stood at attention. Toni was on the phone and after a few minutes, she looked up, counter the$80 and waived me away with a smile on her face. Toni stopped by my office on the way out, handed me her daily paperwork, smiled and told me how much stress I have taken off her shoulders, then said she hadn’t done any of her work, apologized and told me I really looked tired and that she hoped I got her work done in short order. Looking through her paperwork, she really had a lot of unfinished work, I ended up staying at work until 9pm, I was exhausted when I got home. Toni basically stopped doing any of her work, meaning I was staying at work until at least 9 every night, i was getting very tired but the thought of Toni’s beautiful feet in my lap and on my face helped me push through. On Friday, I was dragging, so at Starbucks, I decided to try a large cup of coffee, just to get me through the day. As usual, I came straight to Toni’s desk placed everything on her desk and stood at attention waiting for her to acknowledge me. After a couple minutes, Toni looked up, thanking me for her coffee and then, “what do you have in your hand my slave?” “Ma’am, I was so tired this morning I bought a cup of coffee to try and keep me up”. “Slave, are you all of a sudden rich, how much was your coffee?” “$3 Ma’am”. “Well I hope your $3 coffee was worth not having my feet this week. Slave, I thought you new better than to spend money frivolously on yourself, I accept your needs but coffee is a want, I’m disappointed in your selfish behaviors, leave my office now!”. I left her office in tears, I never bought anything for myself, I guess I had never thought about buying coffee as selfish, but of course it was it’s $3 that I should have given to Toni. Toni called me into her office before lunch and gave me her lunch order, standing at attention, I apologized profusely. Toni smiled and said it was ok, just to get her lunch and bring it back to her. I thanked her and left immediately. When I returned I stood at attention after placing her lunch on her desk. “I have a way for you to make it up to me slave” “of course, anything thank you so much ma’am”. Toni had written the line, “slaves do not spend money on anything they don’t need”. “I want you to write this line as many times as you can until my day is over I will check on you before I go home, dismissed”. I went back to my office and wrote her line over 1000 times until she came into my office at 5. Toni kicked her shoes off and put her beautiful feet on my desk as she looked at the lines. “Of course you will not be touching my feet today, I’m sure you understand why. I hope this is a lesson to you. And I was thinking this afternoon, I think you should probably be placed on a budget, I’m just not comfortable with you spending money on a whim like you did today. Next week I want you to bring in your bills so we can make a budget we are both satisfied with my good boy. Now I’m off we have dinner plans. Remember your little mistake this morning because I’m guessing you will be here until midnight working as she threw her paperwork in my desk, with your work and mine needing to be done. Don’t forget to set your alarm for tomorrow, remember first one in, last one out, good night my slave. I stayed at work until almost midnight on Friday finishing all of our paperwork and was up and at the diner, moping the floors at 6:30. The whole weekend was a blur, 15 hours days are very hard, especially with my unique restrictions, but I got through it. All weekend my thoughts were of Toni and how selfish I had been buying myself a cup of coffee, all I wanted to do was to make Toni happy. Monday morning was hard, but I was up early, grabbed my bills to show Toni and stopped at Starbucks. As I got to work, I went straight to Toni’s, desk, she was talking on the phone as I placed her starbucks, my bills and her tips for the week and placed them on the desk, before standing at attention. Toni had her beautiful bare feet up on the desk as she motioned for me to stay. After about 5 minutes or so, Toni hung up the phone, gave me a smile and said, “I’m guessing you don’t mind my feet up on the desk, ha”. As I stood at attention, Toni took a sip of her coffee as she counted her tips before taking a look at my bills. “Well done, my good boy, it’s so nice to have extra cash like this, that’s the nice thing about restaurant work, but that kind of work isn’t not really my thing. Wow, slave after my coffee and lunches and pedicures, you really don’t have much left over. I guess with your new work hours you probably don’t have much free time to go out. I would like you to cancel your cable though, with all of your work, I really think you should be spending most of your down time sleeping. You look pretty tired today”. “And I see you don’t have your coffee in your hand this morning, good boy. I am loving our relationship, I find myself thinking of you throughout my weekend now, when I’m at dinner or with family and friends, I know exactly where you are and what your doing. Last night we went out to dinner and I laughed to myself as I thought, two things my good boy isn’t doing right now, sitting or eating, ha”. “I won’t lie to you, I absolutely love this, but their is a part of me that feels bad. After all I’m a 50 year old woman, married with a family, I offer you nothing and take full advantage of your submissiveness and use my feet to make you do anything I want. And you, your a good looking 30 year old single guy, my oldest son is a few years younger than you and he is out with his friends all the time, having the time of his life. And he doesn’t work nearly as hard as you, last weekend was his birthday, it’s funny I actually gave him my tip money from last week as a present. “Anyways, slave, spend the next hour writing a “love letter” to me, it’s important for me to know how you feel about me, dismissed”.QuoteLikeDislikeShareJa_Kop, cycollegeman, g_gulliver, footboyneil like this postAug 05, 2022#2letter I came up with. Miss Toni, In my heart, I have always been a slave, a slave without an owner. Until I met you, I was lost, I didn’t know what I wanted I tried dating, but it never felt right. When you allowed me to start serving you, for the first time I felt alive. The first time you put your beautiful feet in my lap, I was in heaven. The best kiss I’ve ever had was the first time you so generously rubbed the sole of your foot on my face. My true purpose is to sacrifice suffer and devote myself to you, Miss Toni, you bring me happiness and fulfillment. I would be lost without your direction. My happiness comes from doing for you, knowing that my sacrifices and hard work make your life easier is all I need. Knowing that me standing during my weekend shifts brings a smile to you makes me want to stand taller and straighter. Miss Toni as much as I would love to spend more time with you I completely understand and respect how valuable your family time is. What is valuable to me is making you happy, Miss Toni. I beg of you that you allow me to continue to bring you coffee, lunches, do all of your work and work every weekend. I beg that you continue to think of ways I can show my devotion to you. You are the most important person in my life and the only one that matters, Miss Toni. On my knees at your beautiful feet, I pray you allow me to continue serving you, I love you more than anything and would be lost without you. Respectfully Your slave Exactly one hour later, I returned to Toni’s desk, placed the letter on her desk and stood at attention. “Wow, already done, let me take a look while you stand. That a very interesting read slave. I’m really glad I had you write it. I didn’t realize how deep your love and devotion to me was. Thank you for writing this, you have put me at ease, all of the feelings I had about taking away your life, your friends, your future are gone. You are now my property slave, your life will revolve around me. I expect perfection and the word no shall never be uttered in my presence. From this point forward what’s your is mine. I will accept your love for me, but it will come at a steep price, kiss my feet and tell me how much you love me”. I passionately kissed Toni’s feet as I told her how much I loved and worshipped her, I had never felt better in my life. “Dismissed, slave!” Toni called me and told me I would be taking her to lunch today so we could spend a little time together. I was so excited I jumped out of my desk to escort her to lunch. “Wallet”. I immediately handed her my wallet and as she looked at my cash told me I had enough for lunch. I was so excited, I had never ate lunch with Toni before, this was a dream come true. As we parked and entered the restaurant, I noticed Gina walk up to greet us and give Toni a big hug. I immediately stood to attention as they talked and I overheard Gina tell Toni that she didn’t know I was coming for lunch. Then this, “oh no Gina, my slave would never eat with us, but I do want him to feel like he is a part of our lunch. Toni motioned to a spot not far from the restaurant, “slave, Gina and I are going to have a nice relaxing lunch on the patio, stand over there at strict attention as we eat, when I motion you, come pay our bill”. I ran to my spot as I heard Gina laugh saying, “I still don’t believe it, you really have a slave, don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, best dishwasher I’ve ever had, but damm, standing at attention in the sun while we eat! Lunch was a long hour, Toni had pointed to a spot with no shade and the sun was beating down on me, there was a nice shade spot a couple feet away, but I of course stayed at strict attention in my spot. From my view, I could see Toni and Gina sitting down, enjoying their drinks waiting for their lunch. They really seemed to be enjoying themselves, they didn’t even look over at me as they ate their lunch. When they finished lunch, they sat and chatted for what seemed like an hour before Toni pointed towards me. I hurried into the restaurant and Toni handed me the bill as Gina chuckled. “Go pay the bill and leave a generous tip, the food was delicious!” “Thank you, Ma’am” as I left to pay the bill. After paying the bill I stood awkwardly at attention for another 10 minutes until Toni and Gina walked out. “The three of us should go to lunch more often, Toni, I had a great time, ha”. Jimmy, I’ll see you this weekend, get your rest, after taking to Toni, I think I have a better understanding of you. I kind of felt bad giving you all the work I did, but I guess you should be the one thanking me, after all I am giving you the opportunity to show your dedication to Toni, so I’m a way I’m doing you a favor”. Yes ma’am, I agree thank you so much I love being able to work for you. As I opened the door for Toni, she smiled and said she was so proud of me. “I was giddy all lunch slave, we talked about you the whole time, I was showing you off for the first time today and it really excited me. I told Gina about all the things you do for me and give me and all the work you do for me, she couldn’t believe it. It was funny, she noticed you in the sun and asked me if you would move over into the shade and I told her there was no way you would move an inch and I was right, ha. Gina asked me if our age difference was an issue and if I felt bad treating you the way I do. Luckily I brought your sweet love note slave for her to read. Gina was amazed and I think she began to understand. Slave because you were so good, you may take off my flats and kiss my feet. “Thank you so much, Ma’am”. I kissed her feet with all the passion I had and told her how much I loved her and how happy I was. “That’s a good boy I love how much you love me and I love having you as my slave. No let’s get back to the office we, I mean you have a lot of work to do”. Toni stopped by my office, handed me her paperwork for the day and surprised me with a cup of noodles. “Here you go slave, I know your hungry, you haven’t eaten all day”. Thank you so much ma’am. “Your welcome, I’m good to you, aren’t I. You know what I was thinking, it’s kind of gross, but I bet you’d eat a can of dog food if I asked you too, wouldn’t you?” Yes ma’am, of course, if that was your wish. “Ha maybe another day, I’m headed home, make sure and get all our work done”. I worked until about 9, finishing our work up, but in the back of my mind I couldn’t help wonder if she’d really make me eat dog food. The rest of the week was more of the same, my life had become nothing but repetition. I was workin 13 hour days doing two full work loads as Toni basically stopped working. I was up early every morning to get Toni her coffee, my lunch hour was spent running out to get Toni lunch, I was exhausted, but so in love, all of my thoughts were of Toni’s happiness. Friday morning, after Starbucks I went straight to Toni’s office with her Starbucks, standing at attention, awaiting her response. My eyes glanced down and I noticed Toni had a new color on her toes, a dark blue. “Good morning slave, like my pedicure? Of course you do. When you get my lunch today, make sure and stop and get $80 to cover it. Oh yes, by the way, I have a special surprise for you after work tonight! Your dismissed. Of course my whole day was spent wondering what surprise Toni had in store for me. I brought Toni lunch and her pedicure money, standing at attention hoping for a hint. Toni looked up from a magazine, counted the $80 and put her beautiful feet up on her desk. “Thanks for lunch slave, hey by the way, the bosses are very impressed with my work, they asked if I could handle another account, so it looks like my work load got a little heavier, shouldn’t be that big of deal though, right?” No ma’am, not at all, I’m so happy they are starting to recognize all you mean to the company. “I was thinking the same thing, here’s the folder, go ahead and catch up on this, remember I want to make a good impression. Dismissed”. Looking through the files, this was going to add an extra hour to my day, but then I started thinking, I wonder if this was the surprise Toni was talking about this morning. At 5, Toni came into my office with her paperwork and two small boxes in her hands. I immediately stood to attention as she entered at sat near my desk. “Please, sit down slave, her is my paperwork for the day, I didn’t get around to doing any of it. But I have your surprise”. Toni took her shoes off and placed her beautiful bare feet in my lap. I’ve been talking to Gina a lot about our relationship and you being a 30 year old man, you have certain needs and need to feel like your in a committed relationship. Rub my feet slave. Like I was saying, our relationship is definitely unique, but I want to show you my commitment. I know how much you love me and it makes me feel very special. Let’s be honest, I’m old enough to be your mother, I’m married, have kids and don’t exactly have the body of a model. I don’t love you, I don’t think anybody who loved someone could do the things I do to you. But I appreciate your love for me slave and I want you to feel my commitment to you. I thought about having you get a tattoo with my name to show your dedication, but for now, I want to do something special for you. Give me your left had slave. I bought a set of rings for us to show our special commitment, I am placing this ring on your wedding finger for you to always wear as a sign of your dedication to me. Toni then handed me a second ring, which was a toe ring. Slave, place his ring on my toe, this toe ring is a sign of your slavery to me, this toe ring represents your place in my life, at my feet. Slave I have you stand at attention for me as a symbol of your life. You, in theory are always standing at attention for me, your life is about me and what makes me happy. By standing at attention I make sure your only thoughts are of me. Slave, you may now kiss my beautiful feet and the toe ring that symbolizes your life.” I kissed Toni’s beautiful feet, feeling her toe ring against my lips, with a love and passion I had never felt before. I couldn’t help it, I had tears in my eyes, I was so emotional. “Thank you so much Ma’am, I have never received such a nice gift in my life. I love you more than anything or anybody in the world and I promise to always be he best slave to you that I can be, both of these rings mean so much to me.” Toni dried my tears with her toes, “Your very welcome slave. I think it is important for you to see me as a caring master and to know that you have a very important role in my life. Now I need to get home, it’s been a long day. You better get to work, you have quite a bit to do, I will be thinking of you this weekend, remember first one in,last one out. Go ahead and kiss my feet one more time before I leave, good night slave”. The next month was much the same, I was working close to 15 hour days during my work week and 15 plus hour days at the diner, to say I was constantly tired would be an understatement, but I had such a sense of pride wearing Toni’s ring on my finger and everything seemed perfect every time I saw her toe ring, knowing what it symbolized. I would see Toni at work during the week, and of course it was the highlight of my days. Toni really enjoyed my structured life and reminded me how much she enjoyed having me as her slave. Toni believed my happiness came from her happiness and would often tell me how her kids were doing, how much fun she had on her weekends, etc and how her extra money came in handy. In fact Toni had already paid for her Hawaii vacation and helped pay for part of her sons new truck. It was nearing Christmas time and my mom called, wanting me to come home for the holidays, even offering to pay for my flight. I hadn’t seen my parents since last Christmas, that’s when the whole family usually gets together, it’s very important to my mom. I told my mom I really wanted to, but had to check with my boss first. Of course the boss I was speaking about wasn’t our boss at work, but Toni. I know how important family is to Toni and how important her children are to her, so I was sure she would be ok with it, I just needed to figure out the right way to do it. Since Toni had left several hours ago, I would try and talk to her in the morning. I woke up to my normal routine, Starbucks stop and went straight to Toni’s desk, placed her coffee and pastry on her desk and stood to attention. Toni stretched out her legs, placing her beautiful feet up on the desk and took a drink of coffee as she read a magazine. Toni had taken to ignoring my presence at her desk until she finished whatever it was she was doing. About 5 minutes later, she looked up and smiled, “Good morning slave, how are you this morning”. I’m great ma’am, thank you, may I please speak with you for a minute”. Toni looked a little surprised as I rarely speak out of turn but said of course slave, is everything ok. “Yes ma’am, everything is great, I was speaking to my mom on the phone last night and she is asking if I have the time to spend Christmas with my family, she offered to pay for the flight, it’s kind of a tradition, we do it every year”. “Wow, slave, I feel kind of bad, your family has never even crossed my mind, do you have a good relationship with your family?” “I do, ma’am, my mom and I have always been very close”. “ I can’t imagine not having you her for what, an entire week, let me figure a few things out and I’ll get back to you, dismissed”. I went back to my office, kind of upset, this was the first time I had asked Toni for anything and to be honest I felt really bad, maybe I shouldn’t have asked, but at the same time, I hadn’t seen my mom in almost a year and I really missed her. For the first time in a very long time, I was thinking of somebody other than Toni, I was starting to stress a bit.我回到办公室,有点沮丧,这是我第一次向 Toni 要东西,说实话,我感觉很糟糕,也许我不该问,但同时,我已经快一年没见到我妈妈了,我真的很想她。这么久以来第一次,我想到了托尼以外的人,我开始有点紧张了。 I dove into my morning work until lunch when I went to get Toni her requested lunch, which I brought back and stood at attention, waiting for her response. “Thank you for lunch slave, to be honest with you, I’m still thinking about your request this morning, I’ll get back to you at the end Of the day, dismissed”.我一头扎进早上的工作,直到午饭时,我去给托尼买她要求的午餐,我把午餐带回来,立正站着,等待她的回应。“谢谢你的午餐奴隶,说实话,我还在考虑你今天早上的要求,我会在今天结束后给你回电话,解散”。 I returned back to my desk and tried to work as best as I could, wondering what Toni was thinking, hoping she wasn’t upset with me.我回到办公桌前,尽力工作,想知道托尼在想什么,希望她不要生我的气。 At 5, Toni came into my office with a smile on her face, I immediately stood to attention, she sat down took her shoes off and asked me to sit, before putting her bare feet in my lap and putting her daily work on my desk. “Slave, I’m really torn with your request, on one hand, you are so good to me and do so much for me and of course you need to see your family, especially during the holidays. On the other hand, you are my slave and selfishly I need you here. My coffee, lunches and of course, I haven’t done any work for months, can you imagine how hard my week would be?5点的时候,托尼面带微笑来到我的办公室,我立刻站起来,她坐下来脱掉鞋子,让我坐下,然后把她的光脚放在我的大腿上,把她的日常工作放在我的桌子上。“奴隶,你的要求让我很纠结,一方面,你对我这么好,为我做了这么多,当然你需要见到你的家人,尤其是在节日期间。另一方面,你是我的奴隶,我自私地需要你在这里。我的咖啡,午餐,当然,我已经几个月没有做任何工作了,你能想象我的一周会有多艰难吗? Toni put her beautiful feet on my face and opened my mouth with her toes, I could feel her toe ring as it entered my waiting mouth. “Slave, I guess it comes down to this, who do you love more, me or your mother? I of course would pick my family in a heartbeat as would everyone else in the world, but I know it’s not so easy for you. Kiss my feet with passion slave, tell me how much you love me.托尼把她美丽的脚放在我的脸上,用她的脚趾张开我的嘴,我能感觉到她的脚趾环进入我等待的嘴里。“奴隶,我想这就是问题的关键,你更爱谁,我还是你的母亲?我当然会像世界上其他人一样立刻选择我的家人,但我知道这对你来说并不容易。用激情的奴隶吻我的脚,告诉我你有多爱我。 If you love me more than your mother, you will stay here, if not, you may leave for the week you have my permission slave”. I was at a loss, I had never thought about it like that. “Ma’am, I love you more than anything, I will stay”. “That wasn’t my question slave, if you love me more than your own mother and would rather work for me than spend time with your family and the mother you say your so close to, tell me.”如果你爱我胜过爱你的母亲,你就留在这里,如果不是,你可以离开这个星期,你有我的许可奴隶”。我不知所措,我从来没有这样想过。“女士,我爱你胜过一切,我会留下来”。“那不是我的问题奴隶,如果你爱我胜过爱你的母亲,宁愿为我工作也不愿花时间陪伴你的家人和你说你如此亲近的母亲,请告诉我。” Toni took her foot from my face as I spoke, “ma’am, I’m sorry I love you more than my mother and would rather stay her and work for you than spend time with my family”.当我说话时,托尼把脚从我脸上挪开,“夫人,对不起,我爱你胜过爱我的母亲,我宁愿留下来为你工作,也不愿意花时间陪我的家人。”。 Toni extended her foot to my face and rubbed my face with her beautiful foot.托尼把她的脚伸向我的脸,用她美丽的脚摩擦我的脸。 Slave your sacrifices mean so much to me, I want you to know that, it’s important to me. Selfishly I need to know I’m the most important person in your life and for a quick minute I wasn’t so sure but I am now. I’m headed home go ahead and call your mom and let her know you won’t be coming home for Christmas. And make sure and get your work done, you have quite a bit to do.奴役你的牺牲对我意义重大,我想让你知道,这对我很重要。出于自私,我需要知道我是你生命中最重要的人,有那么一瞬间我还不确定,但现在我确定了。我要回家了打电话给你妈妈告诉她你圣诞节不回家了。确保完成你的工作,你还有很多事情要做。 I called my mom and broke the bad news to her, she was devastated and started to cry, we as a family had never spent Christmas apart, it was our tradition. I felt horrible, I was so conflicted, did I do the right thing, do I love Toni more than my mother, I was at a loss.我给妈妈打电话,告诉她这个坏消息,她伤心欲绝,开始哭泣,我们一家人从来没有分开过圣诞节,这是我们的传统。我感觉很糟糕,我很矛盾,我做了正确的事情吗,我爱托尼胜过我的母亲吗,我很迷茫。 After work, I went home and could barely sleep, I felt so guilty. I was so happy with Toni, or was I? I mean my mom loves me unconditionally, always has, she had always been there for me, I love her so much. Toni on the other hand works me over 100 hours a week, feels no guilt in it, lives a great life, which she tells me about but will never let me into it. But I love her with all my heart.下班后,我回到家,几乎睡不着觉,我感到很内疚。我和 Toni 在一起很开心,是吗?我的意思是我的妈妈无条件地爱我,一直都是,她一直在我身边,我非常爱她。另一方面 Toni 每周工作超过100个小时,没有负罪感,过着美好的生活,她告诉我,但从不让我进入。但我全心全意地爱她。 I woke up very tired and of course stopped at Starbucks and went straight to Toni’s desk and stood at attention as she sat at her desk looking at her phone. Of course my eyes went straight to her toe ring which symbolizes so much in my life. “Thank you slave, how’d your mom take the news last night”. She was very upset Ma’am, she has never spent a Christmas away from me before”. Toni looked at me, I could tell she saw sadness on my face, “dismissed”. I went back to work, still emotional and worked until lunch when I took Toni’s order and brought her lunch, standing at attention waiting for her direction. “Still upset, I see slave, you don’t hide your emotions well do you, dismissed!”. I could tell obviously Toni was upset, I needed to stay smiling, her happiness was all that mattered, right? I worked throughout the day until 5 when Toni came in my office, I smiled as I stood to attention”. Have a seat slave, I sat as she removed her shoes and placed her bare feet in my lap. “I don’t like what’s happening here and we’re going to fix it now! I don’t believe in lying, especially to your mother, she needs to know the truth. You are going to call her now and tell her about us. And your going to tell the whole truth, now kiss my feet and tell me you love me more than your mother! Ok slave call your mom and put your call on speaker”. With trembling hands, I dialed my mom’s number as Toni sat back with a smile on her face, one foot on my crotch and another caressing my face. “Hi mom, it’s Jim, do you have a minute to talk? Of course sweetie, is everything ok? Yes mom, I just need to talk to you about why I’m not coming out for Christmas this year. It’s going to sound really strange to you, but please believe me when I tell you I’m so very happy right now and feel very lucky to be where i am”. What is it sweetie, you can tell your mom anything. “Ok mom here it goes, I have met the woman of my dreams, I love her with all my heart but our relationship is a little different than other people. I have always been very submissive and was lucky enough to meet a woman I work with, her name is Miss Toni, she’s wonderful and she has given me the honor of serving her and being her slave”. What do you mean slave, Jim, what does that even mean, your making me nervous. “Please mom let me finish I have more to say. I can’t come for Christmas and it’s my choice, I want to stay, it’s very important to me to make sure I bring Miss Toni coffee everyday at work, deliver lunch to her office and I stay late every night doing her paperwork. I would feel horrible if I wasn’t around to do these things for Miss Toni”. I can’t believe this you do her work, what else do you do for this woman Jim, and why does she make you. Miss Toni doesn’t make me do anything, mom, I love doing it for her and I also work as a dishwasher at her friends diner every weekend so she can have extra money, she’s using some of the money to go to Hawaii with her family next month”. What she has a family but she’s with you too? No mom, she’s not with me, I am her slave, I just do things for her to make her life easier and it makes me happy”. I don’t get it Jim I’m your mom and you know how much Christmas means to me, so how does she just make this decision I mean what is she going to do for Christmas? “I don’t know, mom, it’s not my place to ask Miss Toni, I can only hope she has a wonderful Christmas with her family”. I looked at Toni as she caressed my face with her foot, a smile on her foot, mouthing to me “tell her who you love more”. “And mom, I’m sorry but I love Miss Toni more than anybody else in the world, mom I love Miss Toni more than I love you mom. My mom started to cry into the phone, I know how much this hurt her, but I needed to tell her the truth as Miss Toni rubbed my crotch with her bare foot”. Well if your not coming home, if I send you Christmas money instead will you please buy something for yourself. “No mom, I would give every penny you gave me to Miss Toni, any extra money I get I give to her immediately”. I am at a complete loss, Jim I don’t know why your are telling me this. “Mom, this is Miss Toni, I’m sure this conversation hurts, but I told my slave that he needed to be honest with you. I am a mother as well and I couldn’t imagine hearing what you just heard, but you needed to hear it. My slave, your boy was moping around work all day because he felt like he upset you and it needed to stop. Your slave son is very good to me, always puts my wants and needs above his own. Well do you love my son at all? “To be honest, I don’t, I use your son, he does all my work, he brings me things, he works every weekend and all of his money from his weekend job goes to me. I am married with a family of my own. I work your son to the bone and then ask for more, the longer our relationship goes on the crueler I become. And believe me this is no secret, your slave son is sitting her listening to our conversation as I wipe my sweaty foot up and down his face. Your slave son can leave anytime he wants, he consents to all of this. If you follow my rules, I will allow you to talk to him on the phone and see him as well if you’d like. Rule 1- you will call him save son and me Miss Toni. Rule 2- your slave son works 15 hours a day, every day, if you’d like to see him, of course you will have to come to him and he doesn’t take days off like normal people, so obviously your time together will be limited. Rule 3- your slave son will call you ma’am from this point forward. I don’t expect you to make any decisions tonight, I know you have been thrown a lot, but I will allow your slave son to call you next week. Ok here is your slave son r real quick, he has a lot of work to do”. As Toni rubbed her beautiful foot up and down my face, I spoke with my mom, “ma’am, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this earlier, but I am glad it’s out in the open. I will follow Miss Toni’s rule to a tee, she is the most important person in my life and I love her more than anyone, including you, ma’am. I’m sorry I have to get back to work, goodnight”. “Kneel and kiss my feet slave. I am so proud of you, you don’t have to hide anymore, your mom can either accept you as you are or leave your life forever and that’s ok because that’s how much you love me. But wow, that was pretty intense, I really wish I could let you go home, I’m sure you need to after that, unfortunately I didn’t do any of my paperwork today, so it’s time to get to work, my slave, I’ve got dinner plans, goodnight.” I got home that night, and as odd as it may seem I was at peace, my mom new of my life and I felt relieved. My week went on as normal, I worked through the weekend, waking up Monday morning dog tired, as usual. I stopped at Starbucks and stopped at Toni’s desk first thing. I placed her Starbucks drink, pastry and envelope with my weekend tips on her desk and stood at attention. As I stood, Toni took a sip of her coffee and counted her weekend tips. “Good morning slave, as she yawned, excuse me I’m a little tired, my husband and I spent the weekend at this beautiful little resort wine tasting. I’d ask how your weekend was, but you’d give me the same answer every week, ha”. Has your mother tried to call you slave?” No maam. “Good she follows rules just like you, give me her number slave, I’d like to talk to hear again, by the way what is her name anyways?” Helen, Ma’am. “Perfect, dismissed”. I went back to work, wondering what miss Toni was going to talk to my mom about, but of course it was beyond my control. At lunch I took Toni’s order and when I returned I presented her lunch and stood at attention. “Slave, I called your mother and we had a sweet little talk, she loves you very much and wants to see you. She of course agrees with all of my rules, and wanted to see you so bad, she’s taking a flight tonight. We are going to meet her for lunch tomorrow. You are not allowed any contact with her until we met, dismissed”. I returned to my desk, wow, I couldn’t believe it, my mom was going to be here tomorrow! I went back to work but all I could think about was how my mom was going to feel seeing me like this. At 5, Toni came into my office, dropped off her paperwork and told to be on my best behavior tomorrow, before leaving. My stomach was in knots all night, just thinking about tomorrow. I woke up early and brought Starbucks directly to Toni, stood at attention, waiting for her to acknowledge me. Good morning slave, are you excited your mom is going to meet us for lunch today, I figured we’d go to the same place we had Lunch at with Gina, go get your morning work done, dismissed”. I tried to work through the morning, but was very nervous, wondering how lunch was going to go. At lunch time, I entered Toni’s office and stood at attention until she said it was time to go. We made small talk on the way but Toni made it very clear she expected me to be on my best behavior. As we approached the restaurant, I saw my mom, near the entrance, waiting and let Toni know who she was. When we met with my mom, neither one of us knew what to do, I stood at strict attention waiting for instruction, I knew I couldn’t offer my mom a hug. “Hi, you must be Helen, it’s very nice to meet you”. Hello, Miss Toni, thank you for inviting me, I’m really nervous, not sure what to do, I really wasn’t expecting someone my age, wearing jeans and a shirt, I guess I was expecting a domimatrix type person you would see on tv. “That’s perfectly natural, I understand, to be honest other than owning your slave son, I’m as normal as any other mom. please say hello to my slave, I know you haven’t seen him in some time”. Hello slave son, it’s really nice to see you. It’s really nice to see you too, ma’am, I hope you are ok. Miss Toni, may I give my slave son a hug?” Not just yet Helen, let sit for lunch first”. My mom was waiting for me to move towards the restaurant as Toni spoke, “Slave go stand at strict attention over there and watch your mother and I enjoy our lunch on the patio, I will call for you when the bill is ready”. “I’m sorry Helen, but my slave isn’t allowed to eat with me”. I hurried of to the same spot as the last time I was there. I stood at attention not moving a muscle as I watched Toni and my mother having lunch. They seemed to be smiling, but it was hard to tell from where I stood. My mom looked over at me a couple times, but other than that they just talked. After about an hour, Toni raised her hand and waived for me. I ran to their table and stood to attention as Toni handed me the bill. “Pay the bill slave, leave a generous type, the food was excellent wasn’t it Helen”. Yes Miss Toni it really was, thank you. “You’re quite welcome, slave after you pay the bill you may wait outside the patio until we are done”. Yes ma’am. As they walked out, Miss Toni directed us to a somewhat secluded bench, where she sat, “Helen please sit, slave, you may kneel at my feet and remove my shoes. Helen, as we talked about your slave son is very devoted to me, you should be very proud I couldn’t imagine a better slave than your son, you raised him well. Slave you may kiss my feet and tell me how happy you are as your mom watches”. Thank you so much ma’am, I love you more than life itself, kissing your beautiful feet Is the best reward I could ever ask for”. Ok slave, you may stand, I know it’s not the same as kissing my beautiful feet, but please give your mom a hug, take it from me their is nothing better than a son hugging his mother. I got up from my knees and hugged my mother, thank you for coming to see me and accepting me for who i am Ma’am, it means the world to me. Your welcome slave son, I will always love you and if this makes you happy, I will follow the rules Miss Toni sets forth for you. Ok slave we need to get back to work, Helen, your slave son usually works until 10pm every night and that won’t change because you are here. He has my permission to visit you at your hotel from 10pm until midnight each night that you are here, do you understand”. “Yes, Miss Toni, thank you”. Your welcome Helen, enjoy the rest of your stay, it was very nice meeting you”. The ride back to the office was pretty uneventful, Toni told me how much she liked my mother and how accepting she was of our situation. “I can’t help but imagine if I was ever in your moms situation slave, she kept her composure but it had to break her heart. To be honest, I’m so glad my son is nothing like you. I can’t wait to see him get married, have children, I can’t wait to be a grandmother. I’m guessing that your poor mother felt the same way until today. I means seriously my slave, you wear my ring and I wear our commitment on my toe. She saw you kneel and kiss my feet with true love. You will never have a wife or children, I would never allow it and your poor mom knows it”. All right back to work slave, see you later. I tried my best to get as much work done as I could so I could spend a few hours with my mom tonight. At 5, Toni came into my office and put her paperwork on my desk as I stood to attention. “Sit slave and rub my feet while we go over your rules for tonight. When you meet with your mom, you will remind her as soon as you speak that anything she says to you, you will report it back to me. You may do whatever you wish but you are not allowed to sit or eat and your are to refer to her only as Ma’am”. “Oh I almost forgot, I brought you something because I know you didn’t eat lunch today”. Toni then pulled out a can of dog food and a plastic spoon from her purse as she smiled. Slave, just to make sure you remember your place with your mother tonight, I’m going to feed you a can of dog food while you rub my feet, open up and make sure and smile, after all I got it just for you”. It was the most disgusting thing I had ever ate, bite after bite until it was gone, I felt like I was going to throw up, but I smiled and thanked her when the can was empty. Good job slave, that was impressive, I’ve never seen anybody eat dog food before, I wasn’t sure if you could do it, but you did and you did it for me. I’ve got to go, we are all going to eat at the diner tonight, I’ll make sure and tell Gina you said hi, goodnight slave and remember, you must leave by midnight, I’ll see you in the morning”. I spent around four hours doing our work, before I finished, left the office and went straight to see my mom, waiting until 10pm to knock on her hotel door. As she opened the door and invited me in, it’s was so nice to see her but obviously uncomfortable for us both. “Ma’am, it is so nice to see you, thank you so much for being so understanding, I know you never could have expected anything like this when you called last week”. “Jim, I just Don’t understand”, please ma’am, call me slave son and I need to tell you that everything we talk about I will report back to Miss Toni in the morning, I hope you understand, ma’am”. With a look of sadness my mom said, “yes slave son, I understand”. Well at least we can try and catch up a bit, I know it’s late, but would you like to get something to eat. No thank you, ma’am, Miss Toni gave my instructions that I am not allowed to eat or sit down while we visit. “Really, maybe we can call Miss Toni, if I ask maybe she will let you”. No, ma’am, Miss Toni was very clear and I’m not allowed to call her, she had plans tonight, she was going to dinner tonight with her family at the restaurant I work at, even if I could call her, I wouldn’t want to bother her”. “So you just came to see me and stand at attention in my hotel room?” What kind of life is this, can’t you see how unrational you are being, she is with her family and I flew all the way out here to see you and she gave you rules to see your own mom”. I’m sorry ma’am, if you want to see me, I have to follow Miss Toni’s rules. With tears in her eyes, my mom told me she couldn’t handle this arrangement and will always love me, but asked me to leave, saying she was catching a flight home in the morning. As I left, I said, “ma’am, I’m sorry you feel this way, but this is my new life and what makes me happy, I hope you have a safe trip back”. I left sad, but at the same time, I was was really tired and needed to get some sleep. I woke up early for work, stopped by Starbucks and delivered Toni her drink as I stood at attention. “Thank you slave, I really had a hard night, after dinner, we ended up drinking wine and hanging out until after 11, I’m really tired this morning. Oh I almost forgot, how was your visit with Helen”. To be honest, it didn’t go so well, Ma’am. She wanted to go out to eat and talk and after I told her I was not allowed to sit or eat during our visit, she was very upset and started to cry and then asked me to leave, she’s going home today. Miss Toni put her beautiful bare feet up in her desk as I continued to stand at attention, “Wow, how selfish of Helen, sorry slave, but your mom is a bitch. I specifically told her at lunch that I would allow you to spend time with her, away from me if she accepted our relationship and did not speak negative of me in any way. And that bitch had the nerve to question me having dinner with my family! I also told her if she said anything negative about me, you would face consequences. It’s obvious to me your mom doesn’t love you at all, I’m sorry slave”. Toni scribbled something down on a piece of paper and handed it to me. “Slave, because of your selfish bitch of a mother, you are to spend your day, writing as many lines as you can, you will be working until midnight now, I’m guessing. Slave, you are no longer allowed to speak with Helen, you don’t need this kind of drama in your life, your dismissed”. I went straight to my office and looked at Toni’s note, “my mother is a bitch, she does not care about my happiness”. I took out my spiral notebook and started my lines, looking at my stack of paperwork on my desk, today was going to be a long day. I worked on my lines, until lunch, when I went into Toni’s office and stood at attention waiting for her lunch order. Toni was talking to her son, I think for several minutes as I stood. Slave, I will take my usual for lunch, what did you bring for yourself today?” A pb&j and a banana, Ma’am. “Throw it away, you are not eating lunch today. How are your lines going, slave?”. Good ma’am, I’ve written over 20 pages, so far, please accept my sincere apologies for Helen’s behavior, you are right, my mother is a bitch, she does not care about my happiness. “I’m glad you feel that way slave, Helen has made it very clear, unfortunately that their is not room for both of us in her life. And because of Helen, you will face my consequences for her bad behavior, I will tell you more tonight, dismissed”. After bring Toni her lunch, I went back to my office and continued my lines until 5, when Toni came into my office. I stood at attention as she sat and removed her shoes. “Sit and rub my feet, slave, we need to talk about a few things. Your mother was very disrespectful and the only way I can punish her is through you. For the next month, you will be on a restricted diet of bread and water. You will also eat a can of dog food every morning and every night. Kiss my feet slave. Please know, I don’t want to do this to you, and to be honest I’m not, your mother is putting you on this diet. She is a horrible person who only cares about herself, I will not allow you to associate yourself with her, she is not good for you”. “Here is my paperwork for the day, I’ll put it on top of all of your paperwork you didn’t do, let me see your lines. Good job slave, you will be here half the night working, I’m so sorry I feel bad. I still can’t believe Helen, god forbid I go out to have a nice dinner with my family, she is such a bitch”. Kiss my feet and tell me how much you love me slave, I’d like to get home and relax a bit. “Ma’am, I love you more than life, itself, I’m so sorry that my bitch mother has put you through this, please don’t feel bad, I need to pay the price for her behavior, she needs to know that her rudeness has consequences”. I passionately kissed the soles of her beautiful feet and professed my love to her. That’s enough slave, I’m going home, and slave, you are to have no contact with your mother, if she tries and contacts you let me know. Oh I almost forgot here’s a can of dog food, eat this before you go home, but from now on, you will buy them yourself. After Toni left, I ate the can of dog food, which was absolutely disgusting, I can’t believe what a bitch my mother was, I was on a bread and water and dog food diet because of her, I wished she never would have come. I stayed at work until after midnight, then had to stop and get bread and cans of dog food because I had to eat a can first thing tomorrow morning. It seemed like I had slept an hour before the alarm went off, I put 4 slices of bread in a bag, ate a can of dog food, and left for work. I went straight to Toni’s desk and stood to attention after placing her coffee on her desk. Toni took a sip, looked up and asked me if I had ate my dog food this morning. “Yes ma’am, I bought the same dog food that you brought me, I hope that was ok.” Good slave, again I’m sorry you had to stay so late last night, but what’s done is done. You will follow your diet for a month, it’s important for me to know you are reminded daily how selfish your mother is. That being said, she is your mother, hopefully someday I can reach out to her again, I just can’t be disrespected like that again. But for the time being, I think fully concentrating on me is enough. The next month went by without a hitch. My life had become one of work, sleep and serving Toni, though I was always tired, I was in my happy place. The weekends of course dragged, restaurant work was hard, especially with my restrictions, but I managed, knowing that all of that money was going directly to Toni put a smile on my face. The only downside to the weekends was I wasn’t able to see Toni, but I always reminded myself, she had a life, weekends were for relaxing. On the Monday morning before, Toni was to start her Hawaii vacation, I came in as usual, standing at attention with Toni’s coffee and her weekend tips. “Thank you slave, coffee hit the spot this morning. Toni put her beautiful feet up on her desk, look, I got a French pedicure for our Hawaii trip, you can get my pedicure money when you get my lunch today. Slave, I love my tip money, it’s so nice, to like free money, it’s nice to have cash in my wallet, makes life easier. Anyways, good news, I talked to the boss for a minute about my paperwork while I am gone and told him how well we work together and how we help each other with our paperwork so you know my job pretty well by know. He is going to offer you my salary for the week to do my paperwork, isn’t that great!” Of course since it’s my paycheck, you will be able to give me all of my money when I get back, a win win”. Go ahead and get to work slave, talk to you soon, I’ve got a lot of research to do before we go. We’re taking my sons girlfriend with us as well and I want to make her feel like part of the family so I’m going to let her choose a couple of excursions we can all go on, I’m so excited”. I went to work with a smile on my face, seeing how happy Toni was, I was so excited for her vacation. And she was going to receive pay even though she was on vacation was great. I worked until lunch before taking Toni’s lunch order. I returned with lunch and pedicure money and stood at attention until she acknowledged me. Thank you slave, and slave your month is up you can go back to your regular food, you know it’s funny in a way we’re the same, I like the same coffee and pastry every morning and you spent a month eating bread and dog food, ha. By the way, I have a nice surprise for you tonight, dismissed”. I went back to work, but of course all I thought about was what surprise Toni might have for me. At 5pm, Toni came into my office, I stood to attention as she sat, Allowed me to sit and put her beautiful bare feet with her perfect French pedicure in my lap. “Massage my feet slave. I spoke with your mom today and told her about all that you had to endure this month because of her and she was very apologetic to me for her rudeness. She even offered to send me $1,000 to help with our Hawaii trip as a token of her sincerity. Be kind to her slave, she is your mother. I would be heart broken if I lost my relationship with my son as is your mother. We had a nice talk, I am kind of going through the same thing as your mother. My sons girlfriend is a little quirky and it takes work, but of course I welcomed her into our family without judgement. And your mother now understands that by being open and unselfish like I was with my sons girlfriend and welcomes me into her family is the best for all of us. Here we go slave, I am calling your mom now, we can FaceTime, I know she wants to see you. “Hi Helen” “hi miss Toni, thank you so much for letting me talk to you and my slave son”. “Your very welcome Helen, it was very big of you to understand how rude you were to question anything me or my family does. And even though your totally sucking up to me by giving me $1000 for our family trip, I still appreciate it. Now you want to say something to your slave son, go ahead Helen”. “Thank you Miss Toni, slave son I am so sorry you spent the last month on your special diet, it is all my fault and I feel horrible. I am so proud of you and want the same as you. I want you to be the best slave to Miss Toni as you can be. Work hard and try and go above and beyond to make her happy. Miss Toni, would you please allow my slave son the privilege Of kissing Your beautiful feet, I know that is what brings happiness to my slave son. “Well since you have been so sincere and taken responsibility for your actions, I think I can accommodate your request”. You may speak to your mother now slave. “Thank you so much ma’am, for realizing how horrible you were to miss Toni, and thank you for realizing what brings me happiness”. As I spoke Miss Toni moved her beautiful foot from my lap to my face, rubbing her foot on my face and lips, poking her toes in my mouth. “Helen, do you see how happy I make your son, see all I do for him”. “Yes, Miss Toni I do thank you very much, he looks so happy. “Helen, have you figured out what kind of payment plan you can afford?”. “Yes, Miss Toni, by cutting down as much as I can, I can pay you $200 per week”. “Helen I’m sure you can make it $300 per week, after all your son just spent a month eating dog food because of you and look how happy your son is”. I continued to gently suck on Miss Toni’s toes, wondering exactly what they were talking about. “Of course Miss Toni I’m sorry I will find a way, $300 per week, thank you”. Your welcome, Helen, $300 per week and I will allow you to call me to speak with your slave son once a week for a few minutes”. I may even let you come visit again now that I feel we finally have an understanding of each other. Say goodby to Helen, slave. “Goodbye, Ma’am, Thank you so much for your kindness and thank you for showing Miss Toni the respect she deserves”. Good bye, slave son, I love you. “Helen, as you know all of your sons love and adoration is directed at me, but I assure you, he cares for you, good bye Helen”. That was nice slave, it looks like Helen is finally coming around, it looks like your mom is now making sacrifices for me as well, maybe someday she will be at my feet as well, ha”. Ok I’m headed home, get to work, I’ll see you in the morning. The week flew by, before I knew it it was Friday, I woke up so excited, Toni was going to Hawaii tomorrow, she had been in such a good mood all week. I stopped at Starbucks and went straight to Toni’s desk put her coffee and stood at attention. “Good morning slave, I’m so happy we’re going to Hawaii tomorrow. It will be so nice to get away from this place for a week, you have no idea how much I need a vacation”. I know, ma’am, I’m so happy for you, you deserve this so much. “I know, I need to make a couple last minute arrangements, you may go now”.一周过去了,在我知道今天是星期五之前,我兴奋地醒来,托尼明天就要去夏威夷了,她整个星期都心情很好。我在星巴克停了下来,径直走到托尼的办公桌前,把咖啡放好,立正站着。“早上好,奴隶,我很高兴我们明天要去夏威夷。能离开这个地方一个星期真是太好了,你不知道我有多需要一个假期。”。我知道,女士,我真为你高兴,这是你应得的。“我知道,我需要在最后一刻做些安排,你现在可以走了”。 I went straight to work, but I was lost in Toni’s happiness, it was going to be a strange week for me though, without her. My day went on as normal as any other, I brought Toni lunch and went back to work. Toni came into my office at 5, I stood immediately as she sat and took her flats off, putting her beautiful feet on my desk. Slave I’m so excited, we’re leaving first thing in the morning. I just wanted to come in real quick to say goodbye and give you a few rules while I’m gone.我直接去上班了,但是我沉浸在托妮的幸福中,尽管没有她,这周对我来说会很奇怪。我的一天和往常一样,我给托尼带了午餐,然后回去工作。托尼5点钟来到我的办公室,她坐下来脱掉平底鞋,把她漂亮的脚放在我的桌子上,我立刻站了起来。奴隶,我太兴奋了,我们明天一早就走。我只是想进来说声再见顺便告诉你一些我不在的时候的规矩。 First slave, all of my paperwork will be in the boss’s office grab it first thing in the morning. Second, I don’t want you getting lazy when I’m gone, I need to know your sacrificing for me when I’m gone, so you’re going to go back to your diet for the week, bread water and two cans of dog food only. And each day I’m gone, morning and night, I want you to spend an hour at strict attention, thinking only of my happiness, that should keep you out of trouble. Oh, all of the money you spend on me every week will be added to my weekly tips as well. Go ahead and give my feet a quick kiss, I have to go, see you next week, slave.第一个奴隶,我所有的文件都会在老板的办公室里明天一早就去拿。其次,我不希望你在我离开后变得懒惰,我需要知道我离开后你为我做出的牺牲,所以你这周要回到你的饮食,只有面包水和两罐狗粮。每天我不在的时候,无论早晚,我要你花一个小时的时间专心致志,只想着我的幸福,这样你就不会有麻烦了。哦,你每周花在我身上的所有钱都会加到我每周的小费里。去给我的脚一个快速的吻,我得走了,下周见,奴隶。 I got home a little after 10 and went straight to the corner of my bedroom, set a timer for one hour and stood at strict attention, facing the wall. I was dragging, it was a long day and I was going to have to get up at 4:30 instead of 5:30 to stand at attention before work. As I stood, I went to my happy place, in just a few hours, Miss Toni would be boarding a plane for a week in paradise, I couldn’t be happier. After my hour was up, I went straight to bed. I woke up at 4:30 and dragged myself out bed, went to the kitchen and opened a can of dogfood. It’s still gross, but to be honest, you get use to it after a while. I then went back to my bedroom to stand for another hour before heading to the diner.我10点多回到家,径直走到我卧室的角落,设置了一个小时的计时器,面对着墙严格地站着。我拖拖拉拉的,这是一个漫长的一天,我将不得不在4:30而不是5:30站在工作前的注意力。当我站起来的时候,我去了我快乐的地方,再过几个小时,托尼小姐就要在天堂里登上一个星期的飞机了,我高兴极了。一小时后,我直接上床睡觉了。我在4:30醒来,拖着自己下床,走到厨房,打开一罐狗粮。还是很恶心,但说实话,过一段时间就习惯了。然后我回到卧室又站了一个小时,然后去了餐厅。 I started my day as normal, opened the diner and started moping and cleaning when Kim came in and called for me from her office. I ran in, stood to attention at her desk, “Good morning ma’am”. “Good morning Jimmy, I’m tired today, probably won’t be coming out of the office to much.我像往常一样开始了一天的工作,打开餐厅,开始闷闷不乐地打扫卫生,这时金姆从她的办公室里走了进来,把我叫了出来。我跑进去,立正站在她的桌子旁,“早上好,女士”。“早上好,吉米,我今天很累,可能不会经常从办公室出来。 Hey, Toni and her husband came in for dinner last night and me and my mom joined them, they are both so excited for their trip. I guess their staying at a five star resort and have all of these extravagant plans, it was so funny too. Toni’s husband was telling us how her company is finally appreciating her and has given her a higher position with a substantial pay raise and how much it has eased their financial burdens. You know he actually bought a brand new truck a month or so ago too.嘿 Toni 和她丈夫昨晚来吃晚饭,我和我妈也来了,他们都很期待这次旅行。我猜他们住在一个五星级的度假胜地,有所有这些奢侈的计划,这太有趣了。托尼的丈夫告诉我们,她的公司最终是如何欣赏她的,并给了她一个更高的职位,大幅度提高了工资,减轻了他们的经济负担。他一个月前还买了辆新卡车。 Me and my mom kind of looked at Toni and she had this little grin on her face, it’s so funny, her husband has no idea. For all you do for Toni, she doesn’t even mention your name, how does that make you feel jimmy”. “I just want Miss Toni to be happy maam, she has done so much for me, she deserves everything I am able to give to her, I just try my best everyday to be as selfless as possible”.我和我妈妈看着托尼,她脸上露出一丝笑容,很有趣,她丈夫完全不知道。尽管你为 Toni 做了这么多,她甚至没有提到你的名字,这让你感觉如何 Jimmy”。“我只是希望托尼小姐快乐,妈妈,她为我做了这么多,她值得我给她的一切,我只是每天都尽我最大的努力做到尽可能无私。”。 “Well that’s very admirable, I guess, you two have the strangest relationship I’ve ever heard of that’s for sure. Well I guess you will be able to relax a little bit when their on vacation, or did she give you any more “special instructions”. As I stood at attention, I was kind of quiet for a second. “Oh my god, she did didn’t she, she is so funny, what do you have to do while she’s gone”.“嗯,这是非常令人钦佩的,我想,你们俩的关系是我听说过的最奇怪的,这是肯定的。那么我想你可以放松一点,当他们在度假,或者她给你任何更多的“特别指示”。当我立正站着的时候,我有那么一会儿没说话。“哦,我的上帝,她没有她,她是如此有趣,你必须做什么,而她不在”。 Well, ma’am, she didn’t say anything about my work at the diner, so I will follow the rules we already have in place. But starting last night, she asked me to eat a can of dog food each morning and night while she’s on vacation and spend a quite hour in the morning and at night before I go to bed”.女士,她没有提到我在餐厅的工作所以我会遵守我们已经定下的规矩。但是从昨天晚上开始,她让我在她度假的时候每天早上和晚上吃一罐狗粮,在早上和晚上睡觉前花一个小时。 “Please tell me your kidding jimmy? Even though I know your not, ha. That is to funny, Toni is going on her dream vacation, which you paid for and she’s making you eat dog food while she’s gone. I’ve got to see this for myself. And when are you supposed to take an hour to stand at attention, it’s definitely not going to happen while I’m paying you to was dishes”.“请告诉我你在开什么玩笑,吉米?”?即使我知道你不是,哈。真有意思,托妮要去度她梦寐以求的假期了而且是你付的钱她不在的时候还让你吃狗粮。我得亲眼看看。你什么时候应该花一个小时站立,当我付钱让你洗盘子的时候,这肯定不会发生。”。 “No ma’am, of course not, i did my devotions last night before bed and I woke up early to do them before I came to work. I also ate my can of dog food before I came in as well. I’m sorry ma’am, I would bring the dog food in to eat, but eating at work is against miss Toni’s rules”. “Wow, so much for any relaxing when your off, Damm Toni is a Slave driver isn’t she. It’s funny though, you asked for it. When Toni first talked to my mom and I about putting you to work, she told us to please keep it between us and asked us to be open minded. We needed a dishwasher so we figured why not, who are we to judge, right. Then Toni told us about a young guy that she worked with who wanted to be her slave so she figured why not, she might as well use you to get some extra money. Toni told us the rules and to not get to excited because she couldn’t see how you could work so many hours and it probably wouldn’t last more than a couple weeks. You do understand that Toni is just playing a game with you, right? She just likes to see how far she can push you. But the funny thing is, it’s not a game for you, is it jimmy, for you it’s real life, all these hours you work, the dog food, the silly rules, you know she just makes them up to see if you’ll really do them. You actually live this life, you pay the price everyday. I’ll tell you what though, I think Toni is getting used to it and liking it now, I still think she loves fucking with you, but the money part, she’s getting use to that”. I was trying to digest what Kim just told me, I mean I guess I already knew that, but I’d never heard it like that before. “You look a little sad, jimmy, you do know she is just using you right, I mean don’t get me wrong I think she gets off on making your life miserable and loves teasing you, but that’s it. Toni’s really a nice person, take it from me, but for some reason she loves treating you like shit. But I can’t help but wonder, what’s in it for you, really. “Well, Ma’am, to be honest, I love Miss Toni with all my heart, I think about her all the time and just want to be the b at slave to her that I can be. “Well, believe me when I say she doesn’t love you, Jimmy she uses you because honestly your pretty pathetic, I just wish I would have found you first, ha”. Well get out of my office and get to work, your precious Miss Toni needs her money, ha”. I worked through my weekend and my work week without incident, I missed Toni more than I would have ever thought and thought about her often, I’m sure she was having a great time. I thought about what Kim said, it maybe true, but she doesn’t know Toni like I do. After another weekend of work, it was finally Sunday night, I stood at attention, with a smile on my face, knowing I was going to see Toni in the morning. I woke up early and stood at attention for an hour and had another can of dogfood because technically, Toni was still on vacation, I thought and if she asked, I wanted to make sure I followed her directions correctly. When I was done, I headed to Starbucks and stopped at Miss Toni’s desk, it was so nice to see her, she had a nice tan, a smile on her face and her beautiful feet up on her desk. I placed her coffee, two weeks of tips and another envelope with all the money I saved by not buying her coffee or lunch for a week and stood to attention. Toni was talking to Kim, I could only hear one side of the conversation of course, “yes Kim, Hawaii was the best, we had so much fun, my son proposed to his girlfriend while we were there, Yes were really excited they look so beautiful together, my son is so happy. How was my slave while I was gone. Yes, yes, oh yes, he’s actually standing at attention at my desk right now, of course he knows but I’ll remind him again, ha, no I’m not a bitch, my little slave loves me that’s all. Alright tell your mom I said hi, talk to you soon”. “Good morning slave, did you miss me”. Yes, ma’am, I missed you very much, it was really hard not seeing you for a week, but at the same time I was happy to know you were enjoying your vacation”. “I am happy salve, my vacation was great, my son is getting married, life is good. Did your hour long devotions and special diet help you miss me a little less, that was my hope”. “Yes it did ma’am, thank you, when I did my devotions, all I could think of was you relaxing, having a great time and when I ate dogfood, I just thought of all the wonderful meals you were eating. Toni smiled, “I’m so glad it helped, believe it or not I actually thought of you to. One time when we were eating out, I was eating this wonderful food and thinking of the special diet I gave you for the week. I also thought about you standing at attention after a long day, just thinking about me. By the way, my son is getting married, he proposed to his girlfriend on vacation, it was so romantic. I’m so excited I’m going to get to help her plan the wedding! Oh I was just on the phone with Kim, she told me that you two were taking about me and you looked a little sad. All she told you was true, but there is more to it of course. Slave I’ve always been honest with you. You gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse, you afford me the opportunity to live a better life. I mean look you brought me over $600 this morning in cash, not to mention my pay for you doing my work and your checks from the diner that are direct deposited into my bank. Also your mother just sent me her $300 weekly payment this morning. And on top of that I won’t be doing any work today of course, I’ll be looking through wedding magazines because your do all my work for me. And what do I have to do, I treat you like shit and rub my sweaty fucking feet on your face every once in a while. All the other stuff, I have grown very fond of this power I somehow have over you. I know it’s not right but I really enjoy it. I ate lunch with your poor mother while making her watch you stand at attention, only allowing her to hug you after you kissed my feet and she let me! I even found a way to get money from your mother so she could talk to you. So yes, Kim is right I don’t love you, how could I and treat you like this, in my mind I have to keep this separate, you are my slave, that’s all. But I do appreciate what you do for me. Slave, go ahead and give my feet a quick kiss and tell me how much you love me, then get to work, dismissed.” I worked throughout the day, just happy that Toni was back, looking so refreshed and happy. I took her lunch order and returned to her desk, standing at attention as she looked through a wedding magazine for a few minutes. “Thank you for lunch slave. Oh my, I didn’t realize how expensive weddings are and that’s with splitting the costs with her family, oh well, that’s what moneys for I guess. Slave, you do understand what I said this morning wasn’t to hurt your feeling right, I just believe in honesty”. “Of course ma’am, I love you with all my heart and work to bring you happiness. I love being your slave and am truly happy when you are happy. To be a part, any part of your life means the world to me. And please know I love every opportunity, you allow me to show my devotion to you, ma’am. Your rules and restrictions allow me to focus and be the best slave to you that I can be. That’s very sweet slave, I actually thought I was being a little harsh with my rules like standing at attention twice a day and your special diet, but it’s good to know you like that stuff, I’m glad I asked. Hey I told your mother we would FaceTime her today, it will only be for a few minutes as I need to go home and finish unpacking, but your mother is paying me for it so I don’t want to let her down, dismissed”. At 5, Toni came into my office sat down slipped her shoes off an put her feet in my lap, allowing me to sit and called my mom. “Hey Helen, how are you, I only have a few minutes, but didn’t want to cheat you out of you weekly call”. “Thank you so much for calling, Miss Toni, did you get the money ok?” “Yes Helen it came through just fine, you may send it the same way every Monday”. “Thank you Miss Toni, may I ask how your family trip to Hawaii was?” “It was very nice, Helen, my son proposed to his girlfriend while we were there, it was very romantic. Now the stress begins though, I’m helping plan the wedding and you know how that goes and the prices, oh my, but it will all be worth it to see the smile on my boys face. I’m sorry Helen, ha I probably shouldn’t have gone there with you know I feel kind of bad”. “Oh no, Miss Toni, don’t feel bad, my Slave son is very fortunate to have found you and is part of your life”. “Ah that’s so sweet Helen”. Toni then lifted her barefoot and placed it on my face, rubbing it up and down. “Because of your kind words, I’d like you to see the same smile on your boy that I saw on mine, slave show Helen how happy you are to have my foot on your face”. “Thank you so much for putting your beautiful foot on my slave son’s face, Miss Toni, may I please speak with him for a second, I know you need to go home”. “Of course Helen, he maybe a little distracted but go ahead”. “Thank You Miss Toni, slave son I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you. I hope you have a great week and work hard for Miss Toni”. Thank you ma’am for your kind words to miss Toni, your kindness I’m sure is why Miss Toni placed her beautiful foot on my face to worship”. “Ok Helen, that’s enough for this week, I’ll try and call again next Monday”. Click Toni removed her foot from my face and put her shoes back on. “That was a nice phone call slave, your mother is coming around. I feel kind of bad about the whole wedding thing, I’m going to have to think of a way to make her feel like I do, I mean obviously it’s different than my son, your just my slave, but still. Goodnight slave, you better get to work, you have a long night.QuoteLikeDislikeSharecycollegeman, footboyneil, g_gulliver, bud sinsemilla like this postAug 05, 2022#3My week and weekend went on as normal, it was so nice to have Miss Toni back, but work as usual. On Monday morning, I went straight to Toni’s desk with coffee and tip money and stood at attention while she spoke on the phone. “Yes Helen, no don’t be silly you deserve it just like any other mom, I know it’s expensive isn’t it, I’m glad you were able to figure it out, I know Helen this way you’ll enjoy the ceremony and also now the cost of it as well, your welcome Helen. Talk to you tonight. Good morning slave, how was your weekend, ha I’m guessing the same as every other one right? I love my weekly tips, I would love more but I guess I can only work you so much. Toni slipped her shoes off, oh look a new pedi, back to red, you can stop and get the money for it at lunch. Oh and I planned something special for our conversation with your mother today, dismissed. I went back to work, wondering what Toni had planned, but I couldn’t wait for it. I brought Toni her lunch as always, she seemed consumed with her wedding books, she looked at them all day. At 5, Toni came in as I stood to attention, she dropped her paperwork on my desk. “Slave, your in for a treat, give me your ring”. Toni took my ring and put it in a box and took her toe ring and put it in a box. “Good news slave, I’ve been on the phone with your mother a few times since we last spoke and let me tell you she has really stepped up. I felt bad talking about my son’s upcoming wedding so I thought, under certain conditions, I may let Helen witness our exchanging of our rings. I told Helen I would recreate our exchange if she paid my part of my son’s wedding, $10,000. After all nothing’s free and guess what she agreed. I guess she pulled out her retirement or something, your mother really loves you slave. Go ahead and sit slave, let me put my feet up on your lap. “Hi Helen”. “Hello Miss Toni, how are you”. “I’m good Helen, my slave looks a little nervous, I hope he says yes, ha and thank you for paying for the ceremony, you’ve made your son very happy. I’ll go ahead and start it off, just be quiet and enjoy this special moment Helen. “Slave, with this ring, I promise to be your master as long as it suites me. I expect you to work hard for me everyday, without fail or days off. I expect you to make daily sacrifices and shows of devotion to me and devote yourself to me fully. I expect you to follow any rules I give you, however trivial, without fail. I expect you to have love and devotion for one person and that is me. I expect you to live a selfless life free of material wants thinking only of me. Slave, with this ring, you will accept and promise to obey my orders. Here place the ring on your finger, perfect. Now slave, I didn’t tell you about this earlier because I wanted your vows to me to be from your heart. Here is the toe ring you will place on my beautiful foot. Miss Toni, with you I have found a happiness I never thought I would find, you give me meaning and purpose. “Oh don’t cry slave, I know it’s emotional”. Toni wiped a tear from my face with her perfectly pedicured red toe. Thank you miss Toni, I would have never thought it possible to feel love, the love I have for you. I have never cared or been concerned for anybody as much as I am for you, Miss Toni. To think of you not having so much as your morning cup of coffee or your lunch delivered makes me cry. From the first day I offered to buy you coffee, my only thought, my prayer was that you would be so open minded and understanding and take me as your slave. Miss Toni you make me the happiest slave in the world, will you please allow me to place this beautiful ring on your toe as a sign of my eternal devotion. “That was beautiful, of course you may, slave”. “Slave, you may now kiss my foot”. I dove to Miss Toni’s foot and kissed her beautiful foot and toes with a passion i had never felt, I was so happy I could feel my tears. As I continued to kiss Miss Toni’s feet, I heard miss Toni, “look at how happy your slave son is Helen, have you ever seen him so happy. Honestly his emotions surpass what I saw between my son and future daughter in law”. Keep kissing slave. “I do, Miss Toni, thank you for setting this up and understanding I really do just want my son to be happy and he is. It’s not the wedding I was expecting, of course but this is my slave son’s course in life and I love him. “Your welcome Helen, I know it’s a different path but your slave son is happy. “Slave as you kiss my feet your mother is watching, I want you to know that your mother wanted you to have a proper ceremony and wanted you to know that she paid for her ceremony, she wants you to know that she loves you as much as any other mother who’s child gets married. Your mother took out her retirement so she could pay for your special day. Now obviously it was free and her payment will go to my son’s wedding, but the point is she did it for you. Please take your lips off my toes and thank your mother”. “Ma’am, Thank you so much for your generosity, today has been a day I will never forget, I am so glad you were able to see our special day”. Your welcome slave son, Miss Toni is a very special woman, live by her vows to you and your vows to her, she deserves nothing but the best. “I will ma’am, thank you”. Miss Toni put both of her beautiful feet on my face and put her toes in my mouth as she continued to talk to Helen. “Helen, look how happy your son is. You really raised the perfect slave, I am so fortunate that we found each other. I really think you should try and plan another trip out here, now that we understand each other. “I would love to Miss Toni, but with this wedding payment and my weekly payments for calls, I’m stretched pretty thin. “I can understand that, Helen, maybe someday we can get you out here, my good friend owns a diner, they are always looking for help. Ok Helen, I hope you enjoyed the ceremony, we will try and call next Monday. Click. “That was a nice ceremony slave, I’m glad Helen got to see our dedication for each other, how much you love and cherish me. If she had any doubt of how you feel about me, I think she know without question that your life is about me. How are you feeling slave?”. I couldn’t be happier, ma’am, I couldn’t have imagined it, but I feel an even deeper connection to you. I feel that I need to do more for you to show you each and every day my level of devotion to you. “I was thinking the same thing slave, something that gives us a deeper connection. I know it sounds funny and you have my permission to speak if you disagree but I really like knowing you are suffering for me”. Continue kissing my feet. “Like I was saying, I really like knowing that after you finish our work, you go home, eat a can of dogfood and silently show me devotion. I don’t know what it is but just knowing as I’m eating dinner or watching tv before bed, you are eating dogfood or standing at strict attention thinking only of my happiness. And in the morning when I wake, knowing you are or have already completed your devotions. I know it’s a lot to ask, you already work 15 hours a day for me, but that would really make me smile”. As Toni was talking, she was caressing my face so gently with her foot, poking her toes in and out of her mouth. “What do you think slave, would you be willing to sacrifice two hours of your day for me”. Yes ma’am, I would love to if it brings you happiness. Thank you so much for allowing me to show such worship. “Your welcome slave, I know how important it is to you. But your devotion is in no way to interfere with your job duties, you will still work the same hours, still bring my coffee and anything else I require. Your commitment makes me happy, you have given me 17 hours of each day, seven days a week. I can rest now knowing that every minute of your waking hours are now dedicated to me. I expect you to start tonite slave. I’m headed home, I still have to unpack, good night slave. I finished work at 10, headed straight to the store to pick up a few groceries and more cans of dogfood and then home, from 11 to midnight I stood at strict attention, thinking of Toni’s happiness, hoping she was in bed sound asleep. My mind drifted to my mother as well. Although I was so happy she was getting along with Toni and understands how important Toni is to me and how important her rules are, I couldn’t help but wonder how she was giving Toni so much money. I was happy that my mother was giving Toni all that she was, but she’s definitely not rich by any means. But it didn’t matter, what mattered is because of my mothers generosity, I had a wonderful ceremony with Toni and Toni now doesn’t have to worry about paying for her son’s wedding. Before I knew it my alarm went off, it was midnight and i needed to be up at 5 to take a quick shower, eat my breakfast dogfood and do an hour of devotion before heading to Starbucks. 5 hours went quick, but I jumped out of bed because I had to, started my new morning routine and arrived at work with miss Toni’s coffee. I sat her coffee on her desk and stood at attention as she took a sip, good morning slave, did you do your devotions last night and this morning for me?” Yes ma’am, one hour morning and night and I ate two cans of dogfood, thinking only of your happiness. “That makes me happy slave and because of your devotion, I’m proud to wear your ring on my toe. Why don’t you get to work now, dismissed. The rest of the week went by pretty quickly, with work and devotions, I literally worked and slept, of course I’m always tired, but Toni has made my life very simple in a lot of ways. On Friday, Toni came into my office at 5, put her paperwork on my desk and sat as I stood to attention, sit and rub my feet for a minute slave, you deserve it, you’ve worked hard this week. “Thank you Ma’am”. Your welcome slave. That feels good slave, it’s been a long week, a vacation hangover I guess, I just need to go home Have a glass of wine and relax. On Sunday my son’s fiancé and I are going out to brunch and then getting massages, it’s really important to me that we have a good relationship. Family is very important slave, that’s why I’m so happy your mother came around, it’s important to me that she’s in your life. I know it’s only by phone because of your busy schedule, but at least it’s something. Go ahead and kiss my feet slave, I’ve got to get home. Hope you have a good weekend, see you Monday. The next few months were more of the same, my life had become one big repetitive loop, I was tired but pretty much on auto pilot, with my work and devotion schedule, I was allowed just enough sleep to push through each day. Following another weekend shift, I came in Monday morning to Toni’s, desk, she was sitting with her feet up, as I entered, a new pedicure, like a blood red color, on her beautiful toes. I placed her coffee and tip money on her desk as I stood at attention. “Good morning slave, do you like my new color, I know you do. I was thinking about you this weekend slave, my son and his fiancé did the cutest thing, the got matching tattoos with each other’s initials, not to big, but in their hearts. Anyways, that night I was taking a bath, looking at my toe ring and thought maybe that wasn’t enough for us. What do you think about tattoos slave?” “Ma’am, I would be honored to tattoo your initials in my heart, if you would allow me”. “Huh, interesting, I’ve got a few ideas, get to work for now, dismissed”. I took Toni’s lunch order and returned to her desk with it and pedicure money as I stood to attention. “Thanks slave, I’m just looking at a few tattoo ideas, dismissed”. That evening, Toni came in at 5 and dropped off her paperwork. “I have early dinner plans, we’ll try and talk to Helen tomorrow, tonight doesn’t work for me, goodnight slave”. The next morning when I came into Toni’s office, I put her coffee down and stood to attention. “Slave, were going to lunch today with Kim, see you at noon, dismissed”. At noon, I picked up Miss Toni and we drove to the same restaurant she usually goes to with her friends. When we arrived, we met with Kim, who was waiting outside. As they spoke, I stood at strict attention as they ignored me. “Hi Toni I’m so glad we could meet for lunch. So I called my tattoo guy, he’s really cool and he said he could do it no problem. He works out of a private studio so Nobody will see you guys”. “That’s perfect kim, that’s exactly what I was looking for”. “He said it would be about $500 total”. That works I have a plan for that Kim. “Perfect let’s go in and have lunch, slave, go stand in your spot at strict attention”. “He toni, since it’s such a hot day, can you have him stand out of the shade, that will be fun to each”. “Ha, kim, it’s like 90 degrees out here, slave, find a spot in the sun where you can watch us eat and stand at strict attention. Ok let’s have lunch, I’m starving”. I stood at strict attention, as I watched Toni and Kim eat lunch on the patio. After about two minutes, I started to feel sweat running down my face, this was going To be a long lunch. After they ate and their waiter took their plates away, they must have hung out at least another half hour, the waiter refilled their drinks two more times. As I stood, I couldn’t help but wonder about my tattoo, I was really excited, it looked like Toni was putting a lot of effort into it. After what seemed like forever, Toni lifted a finger and motioned for me. I ran to her as I watched her and Kim chuckle. “Go ahead and pay the bill slave and wait for us we will be out in a few”. After paying the bill, I stood at attention for several minutes waiting for them to get out. As they came out they were laughing, “god you two are to much, jimmy did you enjoy lunch”. “Yes miss Kim, it was very nice watching you and miss Toni have a relaxing lunch”. “Well glad you enjoyed it, so Toni talked me into doing you a huge favor. On Saturday, she is coming to the diner and I’m going to give you a couple hours off, just means you’ll have to stay later, but she’s going to pick you up to get the tattoos”. “Thank you so much for your kindness, Miss Kim, I will work extra hard to make sure everything is done”. “Oh I’m sure you will, I can’t wait to see the finished product, I might stay around the diner a little late for it, ha”. “Ok, let’s go slave we need to get back to work. Your generation is so funny slave, I really like Kim, you know she actually graduated with my son. I know she’s a couple years younger than you, but I do like that your so are so respectful of her. I know it was hot out their, I mean it was hot in the shade on the patio. To be honest the shade would have been fine with me. When we went to sit, kim told me she was just joking about standing in the sun, but we had already sat down and I didn’t feel like getting up again to tell you you could stand in the shade. But we got a good laugh out of it. Thank you for doing that for me, go ahead and give my feet a quick kiss slave”.“好吧,我们去奴隶,我们需要回到工作。你们这一代是如此有趣的奴隶,我真的很喜欢金,你知道她其实是和我儿子一起毕业的。我知道她比你小几岁,但我很高兴你这么尊重她。我知道外面很热,我是说在院子里的阴凉处很热。说实话,我觉得阴凉的地方挺好的。当我们坐下来的时候,Kim 告诉我她站在太阳底下只是在开玩笑,但是我们已经坐下了,我不想再站起来告诉你你可以站在阴凉处。但我们还是笑了。谢谢你为我做的一切,继续给我的脚一个快速的吻奴隶”。 I knelt at the car and gave her beautiful feet a kiss. “Thank you, Ma’am and please don’t feel bad, I glad you didn’t have to get up and interrupt your lunch, I would have felt terrible. “That’s kind of what I thought. Let go we need to get back to work”.我跪在车旁,给了她一个美丽的吻。“谢谢你,女士,请不要难过,我很高兴你不用起来打断你的午餐,否则我会感觉很糟糕。“我也是这么想的。放手吧,我们需要回去工作。”。 We got back to work and I went straight to my desk to try and get my work done, but it was hard, I was so excited about being able to spend time with Toni on Saturday. At 5, Toni came into my office sat down and told me I could stay seated as she put her beautiful bare feet in my lap.我们回到工作岗位,我径直走到办公桌前,试图完成我的工作,但这很困难,我很兴奋能够花时间在周六与托尼。5点的时候,托妮走进我的办公室,坐下来告诉我可以坐在这里,她把她美丽的光脚放在我的腿上。 I’m so excited for for this Saturday slave, I’m so happy you want to get a tattoo just for me. It’s something so permanent, your such a sweet devoted slave”. As Toni was talking she took her foot and caressed my face. “Ma’am, Thank you so much, I’m so excited to spend time with you and to have your initials tattooed on me would make me so happy”. “Your welcome slave, it should be fun. The tattoo is $500 and I know how much you want it, But to be honest it wouldn’t mean as much to me if I had to pay for myself. And I know you don’t have $500 laying around, I’m guessing if you did, you’d have already given it to me. Slave were going to call your mother now, I’d like for you to ask her if she’d like to pay for it. Yes ma’am, I will ask her. “Perfect slave”.我为这个周六的奴隶感到兴奋,我很高兴你想为我纹身。这是如此永恒的东西,你如此甜蜜忠诚的奴隶”。托尼说话的时候,她用脚抚摸着我的脸。“女士,非常感谢你,我很高兴能和你共度时光,能把你名字的首字母纹在我身上,我会非常高兴的。”。“你的欢迎奴隶,应该会很有趣。那个纹身要500美元,我知道你有多想要,但说实话,如果我要自己付钱的话,那对我来说就没那么重要了。我知道你身上没有500美元,我猜如果你有的话,你早就给我了。奴隶现在要打电话给你妈妈了,我想让你问问她是否愿意付钱。好的,女士,我会问她的。“完美的奴隶”。 Hi Helen, it’s Toni”. “Hi miss Toni, thank you so much for calling”. “You’re welcome, I was busy yesterday, I had early dinner plans with the family. I’m sure you were expecting your call yesterday, but things come up”. “I understand, Miss Toni, I hope you had a nice dinner and I appreciate you calling today”. “Your very welcome, I know how important it is to talk to your slave son, I’m just glad I can be part of it, by the way, I received your $300 payment yesterday. So anyways, yesterday at dinner my son and his fiancé showed us matching tattoos, they got each other’s initials on their hearts, is was really cute. Now my slave is begging me to get a tattoo to show his devotion to me.海伦,我是托尼。“嗨,托尼小姐,非常感谢您的来电”。“不客气,我昨天很忙,和家人约了早点吃晚饭。我知道你昨天一定在等电话,但事情发生了。”。“我明白,托尼小姐,我希望你有一个美好的晚餐,我很感激你今天打电话来”。“非常欢迎,我知道和你的奴隶儿子谈话有多么重要,我很高兴我能成为其中的一部分,顺便说一下,我昨天收到了你的300美元付款。总之,昨天吃饭的时候我儿子和他未婚夫给我们看了情侣纹身,他们把对方名字的首字母刻在了心上,真是太可爱了。现在我的奴隶求我弄个纹身来表示他对我的忠诚。 You know how these kids of ours are, all getting tattoos, I thought why not. And it is kind of sweet that your slave son wants my name tattooed on him to show me I’m the most important person in his life. What do you think Helen?”.你知道我们这些孩子,都有纹身,我想为什么不呢。你的奴隶儿子想把我的名字纹在身上让我知道我是他生命中最重要的人,这也挺好的。你觉得海伦怎么样?”. “Miss Toni, I’m sure it would make my slave son very happy, to have your name tattooed on his body. “I think so too, Helen he’s very excited. Let me take my toes out of my slaves mouth so he can talk to you for a minute, can you see him ok”. “Yes, Miss Toni, I can, thank you”. Hi, slave son, how are you?”. “Im doing very well, ma’am. Im really excited that Miss Toni is allowing me to get a tattoo with her name. Miss Toni was kind enough to do research and find a tattoo artist. The cost is $500, I can’t afford it though and would never ask miss Toni to pay for it. I beg of you, ma’am, would you please send Miss Toni $500 to pay for my tattoo, I would be forever grateful”. “Slave son, I’m so sorry I dont have any more money, I’ve given it all to Miss Toni”. “Ok ma’am”.“ Toni 小姐,我相信把你的名字纹在我的奴隶儿子身上,他一定会很高兴的。“我也这么认为,海伦,他很兴奋。让我把我的脚趾从我的奴隶嘴里拿出来,这样他就可以和你说几句话,你能看到他吗?”。“是的,托尼小姐,我可以,谢谢你”。嗨,奴隶儿子,你好吗?”.“我做得很好,夫人。我很高兴托尼小姐允许我用她的名字刺青。Toni 小姐很好心地做了调查,找到了一个纹身师。花费是500美元,但是我买不起,我也不会让托尼小姐付钱。我恳求你,女士,请你给托尼小姐500美元来支付我的纹身费用,我将永远感激不尽”。“奴隶的儿子,我很抱歉我没有更多的钱了,我已经把钱都给托尼小姐了”。“好的,女士”。 “Helen, your slave son wants this so bad, look at him, I’m wiping tears from his eyes with my toe. I am paying for my son’s wedding, you know how much that costs, but I do it because I love him. Helen, I’m sure you can find a way. Sell some jewelry, get a quick loan, be a good mom, Helen!” “Your right, Miss toni, I’m so sorry, I will find a way to send you the $500 by Friday”. “That’s great Helen, look at that smile on your slave son’s face. You’ve made him very happy, just to make sure you understand though I’ll still need your weekly payments, I’ve got bills too”. “Oh of course, Miss Toni, I wont miss my weekly payment”.“海伦,你的奴隶儿子非常想要这个,看看他,我正在用脚趾擦拭他眼中的泪水。我要为我儿子的婚礼买单,你知道那要花多少钱,但我这么做是因为我爱他。海伦,我相信你能找到办法的。卖掉一些珠宝,快速贷款,做个好妈妈,海伦!”“你的权利,托尼小姐,我很抱歉,我会想办法在星期五之前把500美元寄给你”。“太棒了,海伦,看看你的奴隶儿子脸上的笑容。你让他非常高兴,只是想让你明白,尽管我仍然需要你每周付款,我还有账单要付。”。“哦,当然,托尼小姐,我不会错过我的每周付款”。 “Kiss my feet, slave, tell me how much you love me. “I love you more than anything else in the world, Miss Toni, you make me so happy, I could never thank you enough for letting me be your slave”. “Are you still there helen”. “Yes, Miss Toni, I am”. “Isn’t it nice how your slave son can show his love for me in front of you, in a way I’m envious, my son and his fiancé may share a quick kiss in front of me, but they never say such nice things to each other as we do. Well I have to go, I promised my husband I would make him dinner tonight and your slave son still has to do all my paperwork for the day. And Helen don’t forget, get that $500 to me by Friday at the latest, goodnight Helen”. Click.吻我的脚,奴隶,告诉我你有多爱我。“我爱你胜过世界上的一切,托尼小姐,你让我如此快乐,我永远不会感谢你让我成为你的奴隶。”。“你还在吗 Helen”。“是的,托尼小姐,我是”。“你的奴隶儿子能在你面前表达他对我的爱,这难道不好吗? 我很羡慕,我的儿子和他的未婚夫可能会在我面前快速地接吻,但他们从来没有像我们这样对彼此说过这么好的话。”。我得走了,我答应我丈夫今晚给他做晚饭你的奴隶儿子今天还得帮我做文书工作。海伦别忘了,最迟星期五把那500美元给我,晚安,海伦”。咔嚓。 “Ok slave, I’m headed home, that was a nice conversation, I really love how well Helen is taking our relationship.“好了,奴隶,我要回家了,这次谈话很愉快,我真的很高兴海伦能接受我们的关系。 After Toni left, I tried my best to concentrate on work, but I was so happy, on some level, I know Toni is putting her feet in my face and allowing me the honor of sucking on her toes to kind of rub it in to my mother how much love I have for her, but to me it’s my favorite time of the week. I am so happy my mother agreed to pay for my tattoo as well, though I have no idea how my mother is paying Miss Toni so much money. My mother has always been very kind and giving and I guess somewhat submissive in her behaviors. I wonder if she has any submissive feelings towards Toni, only because I thought she would have disowned me by now based on the past few months. Either way, the only person who matters in my life is Miss Toni and i am happy that my mother is able to give her money to help her live a better life. I worked hard the rest of the week, thinking mostly of what a special day Saturday was going to be and how kind miss Toni is for taking time away from her weekend to spend time with me.QuoteLikeDislikeSharebud sinsemilla, cycollegeman, footboyneil, g_gulliver like this postAug 05, 2022#4On Friday, I woke up, did my devotions, ate my can of dogfood and stopped at Starbucks before stopping at miss Toni’s desk, placing her coffee and standing to attention. “You look happy slave, are you excited for tomorrow?” Yes, ma’am, I’m so happy, I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited, I had a hard time sleeping last night. “That’s good to hear, I’m glad I make you happy slave. I’m a little tired, why don’t you get to work, hopefully this coffee works”. My work day went fast, I brought Toni lunch and then back to work. At 5 Toni came in my office and put her paperwork on my desk as I stood at attention. “Have a seat and rub my feet for a minute before I get home slave. I can tell your excited, I am too, a little nervous though. I’ve never been to a tattoo parlor before, kim told me it’s private though. And my husband is fishing with his buddies all weekend so I don’t have to try and hide it from him. I’m so happy you don’t hide anything from your family and friends. I mean I know your work schedule doesn’t allow you time for friends, but you know what I mean. With me though, the only people who know about our relationship are Helen, Gina and Toni. I couldn’t imagine what my family and friends would think if they knew what I did to you. I have always preached morals and values and let’s just say that they don’t match with owning a slave, if you know what I mean. I rationalize it to myself, I know this is what makes you happy, which is why I do it. To think it started out with you offering to buy my morning coffee to our relationship today is crazy. But it is so beneficial to me, I mean with the diner job, tips, helens money, my coffee, lunch, pedicures, etc I make over $1,000 a week, plus a full salary for a job I don’t even do. And I have learned to love your devotion, I love knowing that your eating dogfood and doing two hour of devotions to me before and after a long day, dog tired but you keep going, I love how much you love and worship me. It’s such a power trip and you know, I’m almost ashamed to say, but I love how I put Helen in her place, I mean I have her begging to let you kiss my feet. I don’t allow her to call you or have any contact if not in my presence and she thanks me for it, every time I push it further with her she takes it, sometimes I wonder if she’s a slave like you. But mainly I remind myself I’m not lying to you, I’ve always been honest. You know I use you for your money, your work, your time and now helens money. I know how much you love me, but I don’t love you, I enjoy the life you afford to me, that makes me happy, it like I’ve said before nobody could love somebody and treat them the way I treat you. Anyways, I got off track slave, what I was talking about is I’m a little nervous to bring another person into our life for this tattoo, I wonder what he will think. I mean for gods sake I’m 50 and your 30 and your getting a tattoo with my name in it”. But I’m doing it because I know how much it means to you, I hope everything turns out ok tomorrow, goodnight slave, do your devotions and I will come pick you up tomorrow at the diner. After work, I went home ate my can of dog food did my devotionals and went straight to be, but didn’t sleep well, I was so excited. I woke up without my alarms to start my morning. I was at the diner a little after 6 and started my morning routine until I was called into Kim’s office. As I entered, I stood at straight attention, “good morning jimmy, are you excited?” “Yes, Ma’am, I’m really looking forward to it, thank you so much for allowing me to take time of work, I promise to make it up to you”. “Oh you will slave, I’ll make sure you still get your hours in, I’m sure Toni wouldn’t be happy if your paycheck was short, ha”. “Thank you Ma’am, I wouldn’t want that”. “So today’s the big day, your getting your tattoo, I’ve got four, all from the guy your seeing, he’s really cool, he’s our age and does good work. I told him about the whole slave thing, he’s cool with it, but said he’s going to make you sign something to say it’s what you wanted, he’s never done anything quite like it. But I’m guessing by his office, he’s kind of into some kinky shit, so it’ll be cool”. Toni might feel a little weird, I wouldn’t say it’s the type of place she’d visit though”. Alright, get to work, Toni should be here shortly. At about 10, Kim called me into her office, she was sitting down talking with Toni. As I entered, I stood at strict attention, I wasn’t expecting her so early. “Jimmy get me a cup of coffee, would you like anything Toni”. “Sure, thanks Kim, I’ll have a cup of coffee as well slave”. I ran to get their coffees placed them on Kim’s desk and stood to attention, not knowing exactly what to do, stay or go back to work. As I stood they spoke as if I wasn’t there. “I’m a little nervous Kim, I have never been to a place like that and I don’t even know exactly what to ask for. And on top of that what’s the guy gonna think of me, he’s going to think I’m a total bitch for doing this to him”. “No don’t worry I’ve already told him about it, he’s cool with it. He might be surprised to see you in your shirt and your jeans. I mean, no offense, but you two look like you could be mother and son and you look more like the grandmotherly type than the dominatrix type who would ask for something like this”. “Oh, great Kim, now I’m really nervous, ha, I’d go home and change but I don’t exactly have leather pants and spiky boots at home, ha”. “I’m just kidding Toni, you’re awesome, I think it’s the coolest thing ever, me and my mom just wished we would have found him first, he’s the best worker we have and to think if we could work him 7 days a week AND not pay him, oh well I think he’s one of a kind. I was telling my mom about our lunch and how I asked him to stand in the sun in hat heat, but how I was ready to say just kidding right before you told him to do it. She thought it was so funny, we both love hearing your stories. And jimmy is so fun to work with, you’d think he’d be tired from his hours and work restrictions, but every time I yell for him he comes running always standing at strict attention for me and my mom. And I love tempting him, “have a seat and relax” “get yourself something to eat” ha, he always is so polite, saying no thank you ma’am. It’s amazing, you can tell sometimes how tired he is after a long day or night of work, but he has never even so much as tried to sit down, even for a minute. “Of course he doesn’t, kim, he loves me, ha”. If he’s going to eat dogfood and pray to me every morning and night for an hour after I have him work 15 hour days, so you think he’s going to sit if I tell him he’s not allowed. It’s funny though, when I first thought of his, what did you call them work restrictions, ha, it just kind of came out I was thinking of things for him to do. To be honest, I forgot that he even still does them”. “Hey Kim, can I ask a huge favor, is it possible you can take off work and come hang out with me, when my slave gets tattooed kind of help me with ideas, I mean the tattoo is going to last forever, I kind of want to make sure I don’t do something stupid”. “Of course, Toni, I was kind of hoping you’d ask, but I didn’t want to impose, this is going to be so cool”. “Slave, go get in the backseat of the car, we’re leaving”. The drive took about a half hour, I was quiet the whole time as Toni and Kim just chatted. When we got their, it was actually a house with another detached house that was the tattoo parlor, not what I was expecting. We went to the door and met with the tattoo artist, “hey Kim, how are you, thanks for coming in, this is going to be fun”. “Hey tommy, this is my friend Toni and her slave jimmy”. “Nice to meet you Toni and slave jimmy, I’m not sure what I was expecting but it wasn’t you guys, ha”. “Toni is a friend of my mom’s tommy, she’s not really the “slave owner type” so when I told her about you and how cool you were and how discreet this place was, she wanted to come”. “Well cool, I can’t wait to hear all about it, can I get you all something to drink, beer, soda?” “Sure, wed love a beer, ease the nerves a bit”. “No problem three beers coming up”. “Oh I’m sorry tommy, my slave doesn’t drink, if he would like something to drink he can get some tap water, if that’s ok?”. “Ok well let’s have a seat and figure out what we want to do today. So slave what are you exactly looking for today”. “I actually wanted to surprise him, tommy, if that’s ok” “I guess if it’s ok with him, it’s ok with me, I’ll just need him to sign a waiver releasing me of any liabilities”. Of course, slave sign the paper, “yes ma’am”. “Wow you guys are pretty into this huh”. “Pretty much, it’s kind of embarrassing but yes, he’s my slave and he does whatever I ask of him, slave, take my shoes off and kneel at my feet and massage them while we talk, “yes ma’am”. “Ok so kim told me you were thinking of getting your initials on his heart?” Then Kim asked, “Toni why don’t you do something bigger, I mean we’re already here and you have $500”. “You know what Toni, I’m free all day, I’ll tell you what for $500 I’ll do whatever you’d like”. Then Kim had a couple of ideas, “why don’t you put property of Toni in big block letters across his chest? That would be cool”. “I don’t know that seems like a lot kim, what do you think tommy?” “Well, to be honest Toni, if your looking to mark the poor kid for life to wear he can’t take his shirt off without looking like an idiot, I’d say sure, other no, either way, I can do it, we have plenty of time”. “Oh my god, Kim, I don’t no, it seems like to much”. Toni and Kim we’re laughing just thinking about it, then Kim said, “Toni your such a wuss”. Still laughing, “am not kim, you know what, go ahead and do it tommy, property of Kim in big letters across his chest, ha I can’t believe we’re doing this”. “Wow you girls are crazy”. “I know, kim I feel like a teenager hanging out with you, this is so fun, can we have another round of beers tommy”. “Sure ladies, coming up”. “Ok slave go ahead and kiss my feet and get on the table”. I passionately kissed Toni’s feet and then sat on the table, I thought I was just going to get Toni’s initials, I was kind of scared, but I looked over at them, Toni and Kim were having so much fun, I decided not to say anything”. “This is going to take an hour or two to finish, one more time before I start are you sure you want to do this slave jimmy, this is going to cover most of your chest”. “Yes sir, please do it, I’d really like to have Miss Toni’s name on my chest”. “Ok save jimmy, here goes nothing. “Wow, look at the outcome Toni, that’s huge, all over his chest, property of Toni, this is so cool, I guess your not a wuss, ha, well thank you kim, I’m glad you talked me into it”. “Your welcome, now I’m really glad I came, do you ever think how stupid jimmy is for doing all of this crazy shit for you”. “Everyday girl, ha”. “Hey tommy can we get another round of drinks?” Sure thing ladies, give me a minute”. I could tell Toni and Kim were getting a little drunk, they were getting loud, but having fun. “So tell me Toni, how does one go about finding a slave like this, must be nice to have him around the house”. I heard Toni and Kim laughing as he asked that question. “What are you two laughing about”. “Oh I don’t live with him tommy, I’m married, I actually have a son that’s my slaves age. They have no idea, I have a slave, that’s why I wanted to do this in a private place”. “Holy shit he’s letting you do this and your not even with him? What does he do for you then?” They were all talking as he was tattooing me, as if I wasn’t even there. “Why don’t you get us another round of beers and I’ll tell you”. “Ok coming up, I gotta here this”. “Ok promise not to judge me ok. I met my slave at work and he started doing things like buying me coffee and stuff, but he was weird about it, like constantly asking me if he could do stuff for me. He’d come into my office and always look down at my feet, I have a habit of going around barefoot in the office. I kind of thought he had a foot fetish thing but he kept asking if he could do things for me or buy things for me. “You do have pretty feet Toni, I’m not a submissive myself, but I do love a nice pair of feet”. “Well thanks tommy, that’s nice of you to say, my slave pays for my pedicures every week, maybe when we’re done I’ll let you play with them”. “OMG, Toni, your so funny I’ve never seen you with a couple beers in you”. “What Kim, we’re just having fun. So anyways. He was so persistent, always bugging me to let him do things for me so I started letting him do my work, at first just the stuff I didn’t want to do, but he kept asking for more. Finally I had to have a talk with him, I didn’t know what a slave was, I just thought he liked me. So I brought him into the office and told him I thought it was cute that he had a c违禁词语无法显示 on me, especially with our age difference but that I was married and not interested. So he tells me he understands and isn’t looking for a relationship, but wants to do things for me and give me things, so I think why not if he wants to. He starts doing everything for me and even then wants to do more. All the while he is constantly staring at my feet so one day I go into his office after work to put and end to it. He apologizes and I feel bad so I put my feet in his lap and he gets hard in like half a second. Then he tells me he wants to be my slave and work for me and do anything I want. Well, I was hurting for money and we were planning a Hawaii trip so I told him If he really wanted to be my slave, he could work as a dishwasher for Kim on the weekends and give me all his money. And guess what he says yes. So I call Kim and find out the need two shifts of dishwashers so I tell him if you want the job it’s 15 hours per day and just to fuck with him I tell him no sitting or eating at all during his shift and he still says yes. So now he does all this shit for me and more, he even eats dogfood for me and prays to me. It’s pretty intense. But the only people in the world who knows are kim, her mom Gina and my slaves mother. “Holy shit I’ve never heard of anything like this before, his fucking mom knows?”. “Oh yes, that’s a whole other story. His mom actually gave me $500 to pay for this”. “Well I’m almost done, do you want anything else on it?” Then Kim says ya tommy, “how bout paid for by his mom, ha”. “Ya tommy, can you put paid for by Helen, that would be hilarious”. They all laughed and tommy said sure thing. Well all done ladies, what do you think?” “Oh my god, Toni, it covers his whole chest from his neckline to his stomach, that’s so awesome”. “I know I can’t believe we did that to him, it’s so funny. Oh look, I love the little paid for by Helen tattoo on the bottom, how cute he got his moms name too, kind of, ha”. “What’s she going to think, Toni”. “If I tell her to love it, she’ll love it, I can make that bitch do anything I want too, I fuck with her every time I call her, you know I make her call me miss Toni and only let her refer to her son as slave son. I actually had her beg me to put my toes in her son’s mouth and she did”. “I’m having so much fun, thanks kim and tommy. Hey slave, come over here and kiss my feet and thank me”. “Hey I thought you were going to let me play with your feet” “oh I didn’t know you were serious tommy, there all sweaty and they kind of stink, I was in my old flats all morning, ha”. “Oh, nevermind then, ha”. Slave, I said get up and kiss my feet and thank me, are you deaf? Ha”. “I’m sorry ma’am, of course, thank you. “I thought you said they smell, Toni”. “Well they do, kim, I wouldn’t want tommy to have to kiss my smelly sweaty feet, ha. I knelt at Toni’s her beautiful feet, kissing them and thanking her for my tattoo, she was having so much fun, I didn’t even want to think about how it actually looked, I thought it was just going to be Toni’s initials. “And what do you think about helens name tattoo , I mean she paid for it, not exactly an I love mom tattoo but it’s something, ha”. Hey tommy, how about another round”. Sure why not, coming up. As I knelt at Toni’s feet, they all continued to talk as if I wasn’t there. I had never been around Toni when she was drinking. She was usually pretty reserved and to the point when she spoke about it to me. Toni was talking about me and my mom like we were complete losers, which in a way of course we were, but I had never heard her talk like that. I cleared my head, it didn’t matter anyway, Miss Toni was right and I was just happy that she was happy, I concentrated on rubbing her beautiful feet. “Wow, jimmy loves your feet for some reason, doesn’t he Toni”. “I’m telling you, kim, he’s obsessed with my little piggies, ha. Their my little money makers, my slave pays a lot of money for the privilege of worshipping them. Toni pulled her foot from my hands, “here kim have a kiss for free”. “Get your stinky feet away from me, ha ha, your so funny, we should hang out and drink more”. “Ah, thanks kim, slave, kim kind of hurt my feelings, I thought my feet were perfect”. “They are Ma’am, your feet are the most beautiful feet in the world they are perfection in every way”. “Told you kim, ha, hey slave are my feet more beautiful than helens face?” “Yes, Ma’am, without question”. “Do my feet smell better than your precious mother”. “Yes, Ma’am, it’s no comparison”. “Ha, you are so mean, Toni, talking about jimmys poor mother like that in front of him”. “Ha, I just want to make sure he’s not one of those mommas boys, slave, tell Kim whose more important to you, me or your mom”. “Miss kim, Miss Toni is the most important person in my life, all that matters to me is making her happy. I don’t have any feelings for my mother, only Miss Toni”. “That’s so cute slave, go ahead and suck on my perfect toes slave, you deserve it”. “Hey tommy, thanks for letting us hang out and tattoo my slave, I’ve had so much fun. “Your welcome, Toni it was definitely an experience, but hey you guys still have plenty of time if you’d like me to do another piece?”. “I’m kind of tired, kim, you want to head out”. “What, tommy said he’d do another tattoo, I thought you weren’t gonna be a wuss, ha”. “I’m not as young as you guys, I could use a nap, ha”. Look at jimmy down there sucking your toes, he sure does love your feet doesn’t he”. “He does, but it feels nice on my little toes”. “Hey I know, I’ll bet you lunch next week that you won’t put a tattoo of your feet on his back. “No kim, I already scared him for life don’t you think that’s enough for one day”. “I know Toni that’s the point, in two hours, you made sure jimmy would never have any kind of relationship with a woman ever again, really what’s the difference, it’ll be fun”. “Ok, kim, just a little one”. “Your so funny Toni, I thought you were a big bad master who could do anything with jimmy you wanted, ha, I dare you to do a big tattoo of your foot on his back that would be hilarious”. “Ha, your crazy Kim, but now you got me going, I accept your dare. Hey tommy I have an idea, can you trace my feet on my slaves back and tattoo them, my whole size 7, both feet and can you make my toes a bright red too?”. I continued to gently suck Toni’s toes, I didn’t dare say anything, but it sounded like she was being serious, I couldn’t believe it, if Kim wouldn’t have come it would have just been a small tattoo with Toni’s initials. “Sure what the hell, I’m not sure about the bright red though”. “Oh no problem, if it’s to much”. “No it’s not that, it’s just that the coloring is a lot more painful and if your slave ever decides to try and get his tattoos removed, it will be next to impossible with the bright red”. “Oh ok then just my feet are ok. What Kim, why are you laughing, I know, I’m a wuss right?”. “Well you always get pedicures so it’ll look more real”. “Yes it would look kind of cool, but I don’t know, you know what, I’ll ask my slave and let him make the decision”. “Wait let me ask, Toni. Jimmy, tommy said the red is going to hurt like a bitch and will never go away, you don’t have to do it but your perfect Miss Toni thinks it would look kind of cool. But you don’t have too, it’s your choice, ha” “ha ha your such a bitch Kim, you know what my slaves gonna say now. Just for fun slave, tell me what your choice is”. “Ma’am, please have the red tattooed on my back, if you think it will look cool, I would love to do it”. “Ok slave jimmy, go ahead and lay on your back, Toni can you please come up and stand on his back for a minute so I can trace the outline”. “Sure coming up, wow, I’ve never stepped on him before, I hope I’m not to heavy, ha”. “If he’s letting you get a tattoo of your feet on his whole back, I’m sure he’s fine with it”. “Ok go ahead and hop off, two size sevens coming up, ha”. “I know tommy, it is pretty funny though right”. “I guess, you guys are crazy, I just hope you plan on keeping him, he’s going to be marked up pretty good!”. “Oh I never really thought of it like that, i mean I guess, I like the money and he does all my stuff at work. I’ll keep him for sure as long as we’re working together. I guess when I retire I’ll figure something out, I’ll still want his money, right”. “God, I must sound like such a bitch, tommy?”. “You know, it’s kind of weird, I mean ya, you’re a total bitch, ha, but at the same time, not really. You seem really cool, I mean your just having fun and this dummy laying on my table doesn’t seem to mind, so if it’s not hurting anyone, so what right?” “Oh that’s so sweet of you to say, tommy, I feel the same way, and my little slave dummy is happy too, ha”.“哦,你这么说真是太贴心了,汤米,我也这么觉得,我的小奴隶也很高兴,哈”。 This was so crazy, they all talked like I wasn’t there, like it wasn’t a big deal that I was being tattooed for life like this. And I had never even thought about what Toni would do when she retired, I mean she’s 20 yrs older than me, oh no this is crazy then I had to remind myself to calm down, it’s not about me, it’s about Toni.这太疯狂了,他们说得好像我不在场似的,好像我被纹上这样的纹身没什么大不了的。我从来没有想过托尼退休后会做什么,我是说她比我大20岁,哦,不,这太疯狂了,然后我不得不提醒自己冷静下来,这不是关于我的,这是关于托尼的。 “So, Toni, I did have one couple come in once, he was her slave and I tattooed her initials on his chest, kind of like I thought we were going to do. So, I do piercings too. They wanted me to pierce his penis, they brought in this metal Chastity device that we locked through the piercing so he couldn’t jerk off, I guess without it being unlocked. That was the craziest thing I ever did before, before today, I guess, this takes the cake”.“托妮,有一次有一对夫妇进来,他是她的奴隶,我把她名字的首字母纹在他的胸口上,就像我以为我们会做的那样。所以,我也穿孔。他们想让我给他的小弟弟穿孔,他们带来了一个金属的贞操装置,我们把它锁在穿孔处,这样他就不能打飞机了,我猜是因为没有解锁。这是我以前做过的最疯狂的事情,在今天之前,我想,这是我做过的最疯狂的事情。”。 “Ha, That sounds so cool, Toni, you could take away his little sex life too, ha, then poor jimmy couldn’t jerk off anymore”. “What, I never even thought about that, ha”. “What did you think, Toni, he’s a 30 year old man, they jerk off all the time”.“哈,听起来太酷了 Toni 你可以把他的性生活也夺走哈,然后可怜的 Jimmy 就再也不能打飞机了”。“什么,我从来没有想过,哈”。“你怎么想,托尼,他是一个30岁的男人,他们手淫所有的时间”。 “Wow, I never thought about sex, ha, no not like that, my husband is a horn dog, I never thought about my slave jerking off.“哇,我从来没有想过性,哈,不,不是那样的,我的丈夫是一只角狗,我从来没有想过我的奴隶手淫。 Toni walked up to me as I was lying on my chest as tommy was just getting ready to start the colors. “Slave, tell me the truth, do you jerk off?”. I was at a loss, we had never talked about this before. “Yes ma’am” was all I said. “I told you Toni, even slaves jerk off, he probably jerks of thinking about your feet”.当我趴在地上的时候 Toni 走过来 Tommy 正准备开始涂色。“奴隶,告诉我真相,你打飞机吗?”.我不知所措,我们以前从来没有谈过这个。我只说了“是的,女士”。“我告诉过你,托尼,即使是奴隶打飞机,他可能也会为你的脚打飞机”。 “Is that true, do you jerk off thinking about my feet”. “Yes, Ma’am”. “How often” “Ma’am, I masturbate thinking of your beautiful feet on my face and toes in my mouth after my morning and night devotions”. “Twice a day you cheat on me, jerking off behind my back, what are you 16 years old”.“那是真的吗,你想着我的脚打飞机”。“是的,女士”。“多久一次?”“夫人,在我早上和晚上的奉献之后,我一想到你美丽的脚在我的脸上,脚趾在我的嘴里,我就自慰。”。“你一天两次背叛我,背着我打飞机,你才16岁”。 “Relax, Toni, it’s not like he’s cheating on you, even your slave has needs, ha”. “I guess I never thought about it like that, ha. isn’t twice a day a little much. “Toni, do you really want to take away the one thing he enjoys in life, oh no, ha your such a bitch with that smile of yours, you do don’t you”. “God I’m going to sound like such a bitch, but yes, i want to have control, maybe I’ll let him do it like once a month or on birthday or something, ha, that would be something to look forward to, right?”.“放松,托尼,他又没有背叛你,就算是你的奴隶也有需求,哈”。“我想我从来没有这样想过,哈。不是一天两次有点多。“托尼,你真的想夺走他生命中唯一享受的东西吗? 哦,不,你这个带着微笑的婊子,你不想吗?”。“天啊,我听起来像个婊子,但是,是的,我想要控制,也许我会让他一个月做一次,或者在生日什么的,哈,那会是一件值得期待的事情,对吗?”. They were all laughing, even tommy, as he was poking the ink needle into my back, it hurt so bad it was bringing tears to my eyes, yet I stayed quiet. I wished tommy never would have brought that up, Toni didn’t even know what a Chastity device was, now she wants one, maybe she’ll forget about it, god I hope she forgets about it, but it wasn’t meant to be.他们都笑了,甚至是 Tommy 当他把墨水针戳进我的背的时候,疼得我眼泪都流出来了,但我还是保持安静。我希望 Tommy 永远不要提起这件事 Toni 甚至都不知道贞操装置是什么,现在她想要一个,也许她会忘了它,上帝,我希望她忘了它,但它不是命中注定的。 Toni walked over to where I was laying face, knelt down and looked me in the eyes. “From the look on your face, that must be hurting huh?” “A little ma’am, but it’s ok, it’s worth it”. “I would agree slave, ha, my feet look very pretty on your back, now it’ll be like I’m always stomping you into the ground, every minute of every day, ha ha”. “You are so funny when your drunk, Toni, this has been such a cool day”. “I know and I’m learning so much”.托尼走到我躺着的地方,跪下来看着我的眼睛。“看你的表情,一定很痛吧?”“一个小女士,但是没关系,这是值得的”。“我同意奴隶,哈,我的脚在你背上看起来很漂亮,现在就好像我总是把你踩在地上,每一天的每一分钟,哈哈”。“你真有趣,当你的醉酒,托尼,这是一个如此凉爽的一天”。“我知道,我学到了很多”。 “Now I want to get one of these chastity lock things for my slave. I could let him out for special occasions and stuff, ha it’ll be fun”. “Damm Toni, you are to crazy, your such a bitch to jimmy”. “Ha, hows that being a bitch, it’ll be more intimate that way, ha ha, what would be mean is making his mother pay me to release him”. “No way, could you do that”. “Sure why not, if I want her to pay she’ll pay, im telling you, kim, that bitch is just like my slave, yep it’s settled maybe my birthday Christmas and when Helen can pay up”.现在我想给我的奴隶买个贞操锁。我可以在特殊场合放他出来玩,哈,会很有趣的。”。“该死的托尼,你太疯狂了,你对吉米真是个婊子”。“哈哈,那样做一个婊子,会更亲密,哈哈,什么意思是让他的母亲支付我释放他”。“不可能,你能做到吗”。“当然,为什么不呢,如果我想让她付钱,她会付的,我告诉你,金,那个婊子就像我的奴隶,是的,它的解决也许我的生日圣诞节,当海伦可以付出。”。 What do you think slave? I didn’t know what to say, I wanted to please ask her to reconsider, but she seemed pretty sure, my only hope is that she would change her mind when she sobered up. “Ma’am, if it pleases you, I would love to wear a chastity device for you”. “Perfect slave, that makes me happy, not today though, you need to get back to work and I need to get home too. About how much longer Tommy?” Oh we should be done in a few minutes I’m just finishing your pedicure, ha”. “So if you want I can order a chastity device and we can do the piercing in a few weeks”. “That sounds good, let me check my schedule, tommy”. “Of course, and while we’re at it, I could put a big stud through his tongue, guys do it mainly for oral sex, but it might feel nice on your toes”. That would be awesome, but can he talk alright still, for now, that’s important at our work?” Oh ya it won’t be huge, probably uncomfortable at most, but he’ll be able to talk just fine”. “Perfect, I’ll take it, ha”. “Ok, all finished up, what do you think?”. “Oh my god Toni, I can’t believe we did this to him, he’s never gonna get laid again, ha”. “Of course not, silly, he looks like a complete fool and plus why would he need to her in love with me”. I’m so glad you came with us though, I really was just going to get a small tattoo with my initials on him but I love it, I can’t wait to see what Helen is going to think, but you watch, even through tears she will thank me for doing this to him, ha”. “Ok let’s go, slave go thank tommy”. “Thank you so much sir for my tattoos, I’m so proud to show that I’m miss Toni’s property and to know her beautiful feet are marked on my body is so wonderful”. I couldn’t help but figure what is done is done, it still stung, but there was no going back, I could only hope to butter up Toni and pray she changed her mind on the chastity device and tongue stud. “Well, your welcome slave jimmy, this was definitely an experience I’ll never forget, I never felt like I was literally ruining your life as I tattooed you today, but hey if it’s what you really want what the hell”. Toni and Kim, it was a pleasure, now who’s gonna drive home because it’s definitely not either one of you. “Oh no worries, tommy, my slave can drive us home, I can drop off Kim at the diner, keep the car at the house and it’s only about 10 miles back to the diner, so my slave can just walk back, I’ll need my car later, you know”. “Ha, your to much Toni, can’t see what he sees in this but hey he seems happy and that’s all that matters right. As I drove them home, they were laughing the whole way. “Kim that was so fun, thank you so much for coming, I was really nervous, but you made my day! I felt like one of the girls, I was scared tommy was going to look at me and make fun of me, you know what I mean, I don’t exactly look the part of a dominatrix with a slave”. “No way, Toni, your the coolest mom I know and I’m so jealous, I want a slave to put my name on, ha”. “Well, I don’t exactly know how to help you find one, mine just kind of came to me. Ok, we’re here, as soon as my slave drops me off, I’ll have him walk back to the diner”. “Sounds good Toni, have him hustle, I’m sure he’s in for a long night”. I dropped of Toni, opened her car door and thanked her for such a special day. “Your welcome slave, go ahead and get going, to be honest I’m not comfortable having you around the house. I’m going to get some rest, hustle back, I want you back at the diner ASAP slave”. I jogged the whole way back, it took about an hour and a half, I was exhausted, but I made it. I grabbed a quick cup of water from the tap and went straight into Kim’s office and stood to attention. Kim and Gina were sitting down laughing when I entered. “Wow, That was fast jimmy, why don’t you go get my mom and I a cup of coffee”. I ran to get their coffee, put the coffees on Kim’s desk and stood to attention. “So jimmy, I was telling my mom I kind of felt bad, I know Toni was just going to have you get a small tattoo. To be honest once the drinks started coming, I got a little silly with my suggestions, we probably shouldn’t have been drinking. I know what’s done is done, but I just wanted you to know I do feel kind of bad”. As I stood at attention, “please don’t feel bad, Miss Kim, I know you were having fun and this is what Miss Toni wanted, so I’m really happy”. “I gotta see it, kim, jimmy take off your shirt, it can’t be that bad”. I took off my shirt and they both started laughing, “holy shit Kimberly, I can’t believe you guys did this to jimmy, property of tony, what does that other part say”. “It says paid for by Helen, Miss Gina”. “Why!” “Helen is my mother Miss gina and Miss Toni asked me to ask my mother to pay for a tattoo with miss Toni’s name on it, so Miss Toni wanted to make sure to tattoo my moms name on my body as well”. “You’ve got to be kidding me, your mom is ok with this?” “Yes ma’am, my mother knows that I’m Miss Toni’s slave and knows how much I love her, she just wants me to be happy”. “Tell my mom about the phone calls jimmy”. “My mother pays Miss Toni $300 per week to talk to us together once a week”. “Holy shit, that’s crazy, I never would have guessed Toni could be like this, good for her though, she’s got to be making some pretty good money off you two”. “Is your mom rich, jimmy”. “No Miss Gina, not at all I believe she’s starting to sell off her belongings to try and pay Miss Toni”. “That’s so funny, do me a favor jimmy, tell Toni that we need another 15 hour a day dishwasher during the week, maybe your moms up for it, if she’s anything like you I’ll take her”. “I will Miss Gina thank you” “Turn around jimmy, show mom your back, mom this was totally my idea, Toni actually wanted to go home after the first one”. “Oh my good, are those Toni’s feet tattooed on his back”. “Yep, he put both of her size 7 feet on his back, it was so funny mom, tommy had Toni stand on his back so he could trace her feet before he started”. “Jimmy, you are definitely a strange one for sure, it’s so funny to me, but hey it’s nice to have a good dishwasher. And I’m serious, we need to talk to Toni, if I can get your mom to work here that would be great. The kitchens a mess, jimmy, get in there and get to work, I’m guessing you’ll be here half the night catching up, dismissed”.QuoteLikeDislikeSharebud sinsemilla, cycollegeman, footboyneil, g_gulliver like this postAug 05, 2022#5I went back to the kitchen, it looked like a tornado hit, I went straight to work it was going to be a long night. I couldn’t help but wonder if somehow my mom would agree to come out here to work at the diner, this was getting to be too much, I mean, I am so happy being Toni’s slave, but my mom never asked for this. I know, especially after today how pathetic Toni thinks my mom is and she does it right in front of me. Why do I worry about my mom, Miss Toni is all that matters, if my mom could make Miss Toni more money, that’s all that matters to me. I didn’t finish cleaning the kitchen until almost 2am. I was so tired I got home, quickly ate a can of dogfood and set the timer for an hour and stood at attention. As I stood at attention all I thought about was how much I wanted to sleep and how little I was going to be able too. Then I stopped myself I was being selfish, I started to relax as I thought of Toni sleeping comfortably in her bed and hoping she would enjoy her Sunday. A few minutes after 3 the alarm went off and I dove straight into bed, knowing it would be a short sleep. My alarm went of at 4:50 and I jumped out of bed, knowing I’d be in trouble if I didn’t. I hurried up and ate a can of dogfood and set the timer to stand at attention for an hour. I was so tired I was probably swaying back and forth although I tried my best to stay straight. As I daydreamed I wondered if Toni ever thought of me standing at attention, like does she ever wake up and think of me before she rolls back over and goes back to sleep. I thought, what if she would have thought about how late I was going to work last night would she have cut me slack and not had me do my devotions, either way, not my place to question, the alarm went off, my hour was up, I jumped in the shower for two minutes, b违禁词语无法显示ed my teeth and left to start what I could only imagine would be a very long day. When I got to work, I immediately started my morning chores, I was dog tired, but I was in a way proud of my tattoos, I know it sounds stupid, I just felt closer to Toni. Around 8 kim came in, I went to her desk and stood at attention, “coffee jimmy now!” I ran to get her coffee and came back resuming my position. “Im so tired jimmy, but you look like shit, what time did you get out of here?”. “2am Ma’am” and back at 6:30? “Yes ma’am”. “Shit that’s like 4 and a half hours, you must be dragging ass”. “Um”. “Oh no jimmy you didn’t, yes you did, even after getting home at 2am, you did your stupid devotions?” “Ma’am, with all due respect miss Toni requires them so when I got home, I ate one can of dogfood, stood at attention for an hour, got up at 4:45, ate another can and stood at attention for another hour before I came in”. You are to much jimmy, I don’t think Toni would have minded if you skipped last night, shit you didn’t even sleep two hours. Wait a sec”. Kim grabbed her phone, “since Toni’s husband is fishing all weekend let’s give her a call, Hey Toni, what you doing, your still in bed, must be nice, while me and your slave are hard at work, yep he’s standing at attention right in front of me, uh huh, ok, well don’t you feel a little bad, oh ok hey jimmy, Toni wants to talk to you”. “Hello, Good morning Miss Toni how are you. Good morning slave, I’m guessing your tired huh, kim thinks I should have let you sleep in tell kim what you think please”. “Miss Kim, I’m sorry if my looking tired gave you the impression I was upset, but I don’t need to sleep in, my prayers and devotions to Miss Toni are much more important to me than sleep”. “Ha, told you kim, ha, I know but he likes it, it’s cute he prays to me. “Ya but he didn’t even sleep 2 hours and he’s standing here scared to death he’s upset you”. “Hey it’s not easy being a slave, especially mine. Slave, sounds like Kim has a soft spot for you, listen up I don’t care what she says, no sitting today push through it, I’m going back to bed. Hey slave, here’s something to keep you going, I’m getting a pedi today just for you”. “Thank you so much, Miss Toni”. “Now get back to work”. Click. “Well you heard her, she’s ruthless jimmy, ha, get me another cup of coffee and get back to work”. I somehow made it through the day and after my nightly devotions got to sleep, I got a good 5 hours of sleep, which for me is now what I know as a good nights sleep. I woke up excited that I was going to see toni and her pedicure, after devotions I came in to work and went straight to Toni’s desk, put her coffee on her desk and stood at attention. “Well good morning slave, don’t you look happy today. I wasn’t so happy to be woken up by a phone call Sunday morning”. “I’m so sorry ma’am, I didn’t mean to look tired, I’m so so sorry for interrupting your sleep”. “No worries slave, just remember, kim may be nice to you sometimes, don’t take her for granted, she’s your boss, not your friend, you don’t have friends, you don’t have family, you have me slave, understand”. “Yes ma’am”. Good, now what do you think of my pedicure”. It was a light purple. “It’s beautiful ma’am, your toes look gorgeous”. “Well thank you slave, they don’t match your tattoo anymore though, ha. You know, when I was looking at my toes yesterday and noticed my toe ring, I kind of laughed thinking how I wear my toe ring for you slave, no one really notices it, to be honest my husband has never even mentioned it. And for me, you have a full tattoo on your chest telling everybody in the world I own you and you also have my life size feet on your back and know I didn’t forget your going to wear one of those chastity device things for me soon. Sometimes I just think how crazy the dichotomy between us is, you literally have given your life to me and I don’t do anything but take and take from you. I’m mean I would never tell my family about you, they have no idea, yet you spend every single waking minute of your life thinking about me. Slave, I’ve got to say you’ve created a monster, ha”. “Anyways last night, i was talking to Gina, she said she had asked you to tell me something?” “Oh yes ma’am, I’m sorry, Miss Gina wanted me to let you know she was looking for a dishwasher to work both shifts Monday through Friday and said she’d love to have my mother do the job if she ever became available”. “That’s hilarious slave, it sounds like she’s going broke pretty quick. Maybe we can bankrupt Helen, slave and then I can offer her the job, but keep her money, just like I do with you. Alright slave, I’ve got some thinking to do, dismissed”. Oh wait, don’t forget my pedicure money when you bring lunch. I tried to go back to work, but all I could think about was Toni wanting my mom to go bankrupt and then be her slave working at the diner. And she told me basically that I was going to help. I worked until lunch then I took Toni’s order, picked up her lunch and put it on her desk, standing at attention. “Thanks slave, hey today we get to call Helen. This should be fun, we get to show her your tattoos. I wonder if she’ll cry, i bet she will but I’ll make her tell me how beautiful they are, ha. And then I’ll remind her that the only reason we did it is because she paid for it, ha”. Alright go back to work see you at 5 slave, dismissed. I tried to go back to work, but it was hard, my poor mom was going to be so upset. It seemed like something changed with Toni when I was getting my tattoos. I mean she was open with me before, but not like this. At 5 Toni came into my office and put her beautiful bare feet up in my lap, just like that any thoughts of anything other than complete servitude to Toni disappeared. “Ok slave, lets call Helen, if we can make her cry, you may get to worship my feet, slave”. “Hey Helen, it’s Toni, I’m here with your slave son, just wanted to give you a call, by the way, your $300 payment came in today, good job”. “Thank you Miss Toni, I’m glad you got it and thank you for calling me. “no problem, Helen, after all you paid for it. Anyways we had a little change of plans, when we went to get a tattoo, I gave the guy your $500 and he said he’d do anything, so we figured we’d get our monies worth. Anyways, I brought a friend of mine with me and we had a couple drinks and got carried away. Don’t get me wrong your son consented, I put my sweaty feet in his face and he begged me and the the tattoo guy for this tattoo. Oh, but I did a little something for you as well. Helen, can you see him alright, “yes Miss Toni, I can see my slave son. “Take your shirt off and show Helen how much you love me”. “Yes ma’am”. “Oh my god, why, why would you do that I thought I’d was just going to be your initials”. “Tone, watch your tone with me Helen, I’m only going to warn you once and then I’ll hang up and he’ll eat dogfood for a year”. “I, I’m sorry miss toni, I’m just a little surprised it’s that big”. “Are you crying Helen”. “I’m sorry miss Toni”. “You should be Helen, your son loves me and wants to be my slave for the rest of his life. But wait there’s more Helen, you know how much he loves my feet, well he decided he wanted my beautiful feet with him forever, turn around slave, show Helen your back”. “Speechless Helen, that’s a good thing, I think you probably wouldn’t want to say anything you’d regret later. But honestly, tell me what you think Helen, we need to know”. “Thank you Miss Toni for allowing my slave son to show his devotion to you. Your beautiful feet look so nice on his back. “Your welcome Helen, you’ve raised a good slave for me, and know he’s mine as long as I’d like, I mean he’s my property, says so in his chest”. “Helen, your doing really well with this, remember we’re both moms too, I get it, but eventually our kids leave us. Look when my son gets married, I know I’m going to have to make sacrifices, I am going to have to understand I’m not going to be as important anymore. But I’ll deal with it. It’s kind of the same thing here”. “I know miss Toni, I’m trying to get to where you are, it’s just a little hard”. “Of course it is Helen, I mean it’s a little different. I mean my silver lining is hopefully grandchildren, Christmas with all the kids around the table, all the stuff I’m sure you dreamed of too. But you need to realize and accept that is not going to happen for you. I don’t want to sound rude Helen, but honestly, we are better than you, we deserve it, not from everyone, of course, but from people like you and your slave son. My slave fully accepts that his life is 100% mine, my slave tattooed his body for me, knowing that his decision meant he would never be with anybody else. My slave doesn’t love you because i don’t allow it, I’m selfish and want every ounce of his love and submission. As his master it’s a great feeling, but like I said earlier, owning your son is a very small part of my life. I can’t imagine what I would do if my son did the things that your son does, as his mother I would be devastated, just like I’m sure you are. But there is a difference Helen, I wouldn’t take it, I wouldn’t accept it, but you do. I mean, I’m telling you right now, right in front of him, I don’t care about your son, how could I and do these things to him. I use him that’s all, I wanted his tattoos done so he could never be with anyone else, so I can keep using him. Helen I’m going to go home in a few minutes and totally forget about him, but I’ll know he’s working until I go to sleep and I know when he gets home he’s actually going to pray to me, thinking only of me and my happiness. And you know what he’ll wake up and do it again, Helen. Toni put her barefoot on my face and started caressing my face. “Helen look how pathetic he is, I’ve ruined him, I work him to death, I use him and take his money, but he doesn’t care, he’s selfless only caring for me, right slave”. “Yes ma’am, I just want you to be happy, I want to be the best slave I can be, you have made all my dreams come true, Miss Toni. Every day that you allow me to serve you is a blessing”. “See Helen, accept it, your boys not going to change, I think the tattoos were the nail in that coffin, ha. And Helen, let’s be honest here, if you can 100% embrace him as my slave, I have some ideas for you as well. I mean look how happy my little slave is with my pretty little toes in his mouth”. Ok Helen I think thats more than enough phone time for you for today. I’ll tell you what though, feel free to cal me when your ready, you know what I mean Helen”. Click “Well that was a nice little conversation slave, I think Helen is really starting to come around. We have been able to use her love for you to our advantage, but I think that Well is drying up slave. I’ve got some ideas for your pathetic mother slave, they should be fun, I bet she calls this week. Anyways, I need to get home, goodnight slave.” As I worked and through devotions I wondered what Toni was thinking of doing to my mom. It’s funny I mean I don’t care what she was going to do, but just wondering. My week and weekend went on as usual, work, devotions, sleep, repeat. On Monday, I came into work as usual, placed Toni’s coffee and tip money on her table and stood at attention. “Good morning slave, good news, guess who called me last night wanting to talk, that’s right slave, your stupid mother. Well she’s broke and getting evicted, not so good with her money, I guess, ha. Means she won’t be talking to you for a while though. Anyways slave, she’s flying out on Friday, just got to figure out what to do with her now. So we’re meeting Kim for lunch today, the dishwasher job is still open, I need to negotiate my cut of this though. I have a very important job for you though today. Your my slave and I’m definitely not going to call her Helen after today, I’m going to let you try and rename her, something good and your reward will be some feet time slave”. Go ahead and get to work, dismissed. At noon, I went into Toni’s office, stood at attention and waited for her so we could leave. Ok slave, let’s go. The ride was uneventful, Toni did not ask me about my ideas for helens new name. We got to the restaurant, same one as always, they love that place and as we approached, both Kim and Gina were sitting down waiting outside the restaurant. They greeted each other as I stood at attention, it was another hot day, I was hoping for Shade today. Let’s go eat ladies, we have a lot to talk about. I finally got her, no we can talk price, ha. “Your to much Toni”. “Slave go stand at attention while we eat, you can stand in shade, your liable to pass out in this heat”. “What, kim said last time you made him stand directly in the sun, she said it was so funny”. “It was Gina, but it’s even hotter today than last time”. “Oh alright, your right I just thought it would be funny”. “Well if your going to pout about it Gina, ha”. “Slave go find a spot in the sun and stand at attention watching us eat lunch”. “Yay, thanks Toni”. I ran to a spot and stood at strict attention where I could see their table, omg it was hot outside, I started sweating a minute into it. As I stood, it seemed like minutes turned into hours. When I finally was called to pay the bill, able to look at my watch after being at strict attention, they had a two hour lunch. As I took the bill from Miss Toni, “slave your all red, go in the bathroom wash your face and drink some tap water before you pay your bill”. “Thank you Ma’am”. I came back and paid the bill as they were walking out they stopped in the shade outside to talk some more and I stood to attention, thankful we were in the shade”. “Ok so we’re set, I get half of her salary and half of her tips every week and she’ll stay with you kim”. Perfect, me and slave here will take a half day Friday to greet her and go over the rules. But I’m telling you now, jimmy is only a good worker because of the way I treat him, if your going to be nice with her, you won’t get the same results. We can talk about it more on Friday”. Let’s go slave. On the way home, Toni asked me if I had thought of a name yet. “Yes ma’am, Helen told me a story once when I was a kid of being bullied in school when she was a girl, kids used to call her lumpy, I guess she had some kind of growth on her head that doctors later removed. I remember her being very emotional still talking about it, it was a big reason she hated elementary school. “Oh that’s great slave, I love it, lumpy. And you know the best part slave, I’m sure she told you that in confidence, I mean you know how much that name hurt her as a child and the pain she’ll feel when I bring it back to life. But you don’t care do you, sell out your mother for my sweaty stinky feet in your face for a few minutes”. “But I expect nothing less slave. I really hope lumpy, ha I love it, is treated the same way as I treat you, but it’s up to kim and Gina, I mean she works for them. But with you I do have rules. You will not speak to her in any way unless it’s work related or I allow it. Effective immediately, your mother is dead to you, her name is lumpy. You are to have no relationship with her, your loyalties are always to me and me only. Slave, I’m taking it extremes here but if I told you to punch her in the face, you will in a heartbeat. Lumpy is a paycheck to us that’s it!” By the way I love the name slave, great job, we’re not talking to your mom today, but after work I’m going to try and give you a little time with my feet”. “Thank you so much ma’am, I can’t wait”. I know slave, get back to work. I worked throughout the day with a smile, I couldn’t wait until 5. Toni was going to love the expression on my moms, oops lumpy’s face when she calls her that. At 5, Toni came in at sat putting her paperwork on my desk as I stood to attention. Sit slave, I’ve actually been wearing my flats most of the day, my poor feet are so sweaty, before you rub them you deserve a little face massage for your loyalty”. “Thank you so much ma’am, my loyalty is second nature, your the only person who matters to me”. Toni took her feet and started rubbing them on my face, they were damp with sweat, it felt wonderful. She rubbed my face as she was playing with her phone, poking her toes in and out of my mouth. “You know slave, I really think in some way lumpy envy’s you, I really do. I think she wants to be a slave, maybe that’s where you get it from. It must be in your genes I mean your a fool for letting me do the things I do to you, but I really think she wants it too. I just wish I would have met you years ago, I could be retired by now, ha”. All right slave, rub my feet for a minute, I need a little relaxation before I go home. “That was nice, now get back to work, I need to get home, goodnight slave”. The week flew by, before I knew it, it was Friday morning and I was at Toni’s desk, standing at attention as she sipped her coffee. “Today’s the big day slave, lumpy’s coming in at 10 and headed to the diner. I figure we should get going, I’d like to talk to Gina and Kim about what there going to do with lumpy when she gets here. The drive to the diner was uneventful, we came in and met with Kim and Gina in Kim’s office. “Good morning ladies”. “Hey Toni, me and mom are so excited, this is going to be so cool”. “I know, kim it looks like your gonna get that slave you wanted”. “I know, but I don’t know if I can treat her like you treat jimmy”. “Kim, your looking at it the wrong way, I really think she wants exactly what my slave has. And you’ll get the best work out of her”. “Let me tell you my secret. You look over their and see jimmy. I look over a see a pathetic man who’s been standing at attention for the past 10 minutes, why? Because that’s my rule, he won’t move an inch”.开车去餐厅的路上一切正常,我们进来在金的办公室见到了金和吉娜。“早上好,女士们”。“嘿,托尼,我和妈妈都很兴奋,这将是如此酷”。“我知道 Kim 看来你要得到你想要的奴隶了”。“我知道,但我不知道我能不能像你对 Jimmy 那样对她”。“ Kim 你看问题的角度不对,我真的认为她想要我的奴隶所拥有的东西。你会得到最好的工作,她”。让我告诉你我的秘密。你看看他们,就会看到 Jimmy。我看到一个可怜的男人在过去的十分钟里一直站在那里,为什么?因为这是我的规矩,他一步都不能动。 “Damm Toni that’s harsh, he standing right there”. “It’s not harsh, I’m being truthful. My slave loves me with ever fiber in his being, I am the only person in his life I treat him like dirt daily, work him like a dog. Our relationship works and I’m able to do these things to him because I honestly don’t even look at him as a human being, I’ve said it before you can’t care for somebody you treat like that, it’s impossible”. “You are so brutal I mean why does he keep doing it”. “Because he loves me, let me remind you, slave take off your shirt, ha I’ve made you my fool. Now kneel at my feet and kiss them”. “Thank you, Miss Toni, I love you so much”. “See, back at attention slave”.“该死的托尼,太残忍了,他就站在那里”。”这不是苛刻,我说的是实话。我的奴隶全心全意地爱着我,我是他生命中唯一一个我每天像对待泥土一样对待他,像对待狗一样对待他的人。我们的关系很好,我能对他做这些事情,因为我真的不把他当人看,我以前说过,你不能那样对待一个人,那是不可能的。”。“你这么残忍,我的意思是他为什么一直这样做”。“因为他爱我,让我提醒你,奴隶脱掉你的衬衫,哈,我让你成了我的傻瓜。现在跪在我的脚下,亲吻他们”。“谢谢你,托尼小姐,我非常爱你”。“看,回到注意奴隶”。 Anyways, do what you want, but my slave is not allowed to talk to her unless it’s work related or approved by me and his special instructions still apply.不管怎样,随你便,但是我的奴隶不能和她说话除非是和工作有关或者得到我的批准而且他的特别指示仍然有效。 “I don’t know mom, what do you think?. Well we said we wanted someone like jimmy, toni makes sense, she’s gonna stay with you, but I can treat her like a slave under my watch”. “It would be nice mom, having a slave at home and work”.“我不知道,妈妈,你觉得呢?.我们说过我们想要像 Jimmy 这样的人 Toni 说得有道理,她会和你在一起,但我可以在我的监管下把她当奴隶一样对待”。“妈妈要是能有个奴隶在家工作就好了”。 “See ladies you can do it and you can always call me if you have any questions. By the way, my slave came up with the perfect name for her, call her lumpy, that should put her in her place right way, ha. The name has a cool backstory I’ll share with you girls someday”.”女士们,你们可以的,如果有任何问题随时打电话给我。顺便说一句,我的奴隶给她起了一个完美的名字,叫她笨笨的,这样就可以把她放在正确的位置上了,哈。这个名字有一个很酷的背景故事,有一天我会和你们分享。”。 “Well she should be her soon, slave get us some coffee”.“她很快就会回来的,奴隶,给我们弄点咖啡来”。 I stood at attention, shirtless for over an hour as they sat and talked. Toni was basically telling Gina and Kim that it might work better if they let her take the lead.他们坐着聊天的时候,我光着膀子立正站了一个多小时。托尼基本上是在告诉吉娜和金姆,如果他们让她带头,可能会更好。 “Ladies, I’ve got a plan I kind of initiate Helen, I mean lumpy, ha into her new life if that ok with you guys”. They just sat and talked as I stood at strict attention, toni was really enjoying her morning off work, I was really happy for her. “So I have a question, Toni” “what is it Gina”. “So jimmy has been standing there for over and hour and he hasn’t moved an inch, isn’t it kind of weird just having him standing over there like that”. “Ha, no not at all, Gina, you’ll get used to it. You see it serves a couple purposes. First, it reaffirms his life is only about me, you may not see it but while we are hanging out talking, he takes pleasure seeing his master having a good time talking with her friends. It’s also good discipline, for all I know he’s had an itch on his nose for over an hour, but I know he wouldn’t dare scratch it, I don’t even need to look at him, he’d stay like that all day if I told him too. Third is convenience. If let’s say u wanted a napkin over there he’s there to get it. Like I said, if you think of him as a person, it might sound ludicrous, but I don’t, like it says on his chest, he’s my property, that’s all, ha”.“女士们,我有一个计划,我有点启动海伦,我的意思是块状,哈进入她的新生活,如果你们觉得可以的话”。他们只是坐在一起聊天,而我则严肃地站在那里,Toni 真的很享受她早上下班的时光,我真的为她感到高兴。“我有个问题,托尼”“什么事,吉娜”。“ Jimmy 在那儿站了一个多小时,一动不动,他就那样站在那儿,是不是有点奇怪”。哈,一点也不,吉娜,你会习惯的。你知道它有很多用途。首先,它重申了他的生活只与我有关,你可能没有看到它,但是当我们在一起聊天的时候,他很高兴看到他的主人和她的朋友们聊得很开心。这也是一种很好的纪律,据我所知,他的鼻子已经痒了一个多小时了,但我知道他不敢挠它,我甚至不需要看他,如果我告诉他,他会一整天都这样。第三是方便。如果你想要一张餐巾纸,他就会去拿。就像我说的,如果你把他当成一个人,这听起来可能很荒唐,但我不会,就像他胸前写的,他是我的财产,就这样,哈”。 “Ok, I’m starting to get it. See, kim our little lumpy can just be our property, then she can work all the time and we won’t feel bad”. “Exactly, Gina, but you also need to remind her of her place and make her feel like a slave. A hint, if your starting to feel like your being mean, take it 10 steps farther, like this”.“好吧,我开始明白了。你看,我们的小胖妞 Kim 可以是我们的财产,这样她就可以一直工作,我们就不会觉得难过了”。“没错,吉娜,但你也要提醒她她的地位,让她觉得自己像个奴隶。一个提示,如果你开始觉得自己很刻薄,那就再往前走10步,像这样。 “Slave, break from attention, im sure your poor feet are sore, why don’t you come kneel and kiss my beautiful feet”. “Yes ma’am, thank you”. As I knelt to kiss Toni’s beautiful feet, “you know what slave , I changed my mind, I don’t think you’ve done enough today to put your filthy lips on my precious toes, back at attention now”. “Yes, Ma’am”. “God your such a loser, just like your stupid mom, do you think lumpy will want to kneel and kiss my feet when she comes in”. “Yes ma’am, she’d be very lucky if you allowed it”. “Oh, I know that. Damm you two are pathetic”.“奴隶,从注意中脱身,我确信你可怜的脚是酸的,为什么你不来跪下,亲吻我美丽的脚。”。是的,女士,谢谢你。当我跪下来亲吻托尼美丽的脚时,“你知道吗,奴隶,我改变了主意,我认为你今天做的还不够,把你肮脏的嘴唇放在我珍贵的脚趾上,现在回到注意力上。”。“是的,女士”。“上帝啊,你真是个失败者,就像你那愚蠢的妈妈一样,你觉得笨笨进来的时候会想要跪下来亲吻我的脚吗?”。“是的,夫人,如果你允许的话,她会很幸运的”。”我知道。妈的,你们两个真可悲。 “See girls, that’s what they need, for some reason their brains see that as love”. After a bit there was a slight knock to the office door, it must be my mom. “Come in” said kim as the stayed sitting. My mom wakes into the office, very hesitantly, carrying a small suitcases. “Hello Helen, it’s nice to see you again. “Hello Miss Toni, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. “Oh your very welcome, believe me it’s beneficial to the both of us. So these are my friends, Miss Gina and Miss Kim and of course you know my slave, he would say hi but he is at strict attention for me at the moment”. “Of course, Miss Toni, I understand, it’s very nice to meet you Miss Gina and Miss Kim”. “Doesn’t my slave look nice with his new tattoos, Helen”. “Oh yes, Miss Toni, the tattoos look very nice on your slave, ma’am”. “Well, Helen, after our last phone conversation, I have a pretty good idea what you will choose, but I’d like to give you a choice regardless. You can sit down and have a cup of coffee with us if you feel comfortable with doing so, or you can kneel at my feet and beg me to be a slave like that billboard of devotion to me standing at attention over there, the choice is yours”. I stood and watched as my mom gently sat her suitcase down and slowly walked towards Toni before kneeling at her beautiful feet. “Please let me be a slave, Miss Toni, I will do anything to kiss your beautiful feet, I have been submissive my entire life, but fearful to ever follow through with it”. “Are you sure, Helen, are you sure you want to be a slave, my slave has given everything to me, I have marked him as a fool for life. If this is what you really want, bow and place your lips on my feet”. I watched as my mom bowed her head and kissed miss Toni’s feet. “Miss Toni I want nothing more than to be your slave if you would allow me such an honor. “You will be tested, ridiculed, humiliated and worked hard, is this what you want”. “Yes Miss Toni”. “Rise and stand to attention next to my slave, we need to go over a few things”. “First off, my slave belongs to me, his love and devotion is only for me, for all intensive purposes, he is no longer your son he has no feelings for you. In fact my slave picked out your new name, a name you associate with shame, from this point forward you will refer to yourself as lumpy. Bullies called you lumpy in school, well these women in this room are now your bullies. You will never speak to my son as a mother again, he doesn’t need, want or deserve your love. Second off, you will not be my slave, I have already sold you off to Miss Gina and Miss Kim. Your life will be that of a slave 24/7. Unlike you, I live a very normal life and would never allow a slave into that life. I have used you, I have taken all of your money and now I reached an agreement with Miss Gina and Miss Kim to take half of your salary each week in exchange for giving you to them. We will go over more with you in a bit, lumpy, for now remain at attention for our amusement, slave bring us more coffee. I returned with their coffees, placing them on the table they were sitting at. Before returning to attention, I quickly snuck a glance at my mom, who was standing very ridged at strict attention. “Lumpy, you don’t look very comfortable, but your going to get used to it. My slave can stay that way for hours on command. I want you to know we are paying you no attention as you stand, you need to know and appreciate that we are relaxing, having a good time while your standing. My slave works 15 hours a day here on the weekends and he isn’t allowed to sit, even for a minute. I’m sure he’s tired, his feet hurt, but it doesn’t matter to him, he blocks it out. He’s happy he’s working for me, making money for me. While I’m out having a relaxing brunch with my husband, my little worker bee is slaving away, not a jealous bone in his pathetic body. Is it fair, no of course not, that’s the point, my slave has committed his life to me in every way, I mean look at his stupid tattoos, and in turn, you know how I show my commitment, look lumpy, I wear a toe ring for him, ha”. These two women here will treat you the same way, Miss Kim is younger than my slave, your son, but you will treat her with the utmost respect at all times, as you will Miss Gina. I’m not sure if they will make dogfood part of your diet like I do with my slave, but I hope they do, it builds slave character, ha. I allowed you the honor of kissing my feet this morning, an honor you’ll never have again. For one, your not my slave and two, my slave looked very jealous, I wouldn’t want him to think my feet are cheating on him with his own mother, ha”. Kim are you ready to talk to lumpy now?” “Sure why not. Lumpy, our friend Toni’s slave has been working with us for a while, he does an excellent job, we’ve never had such a dedicated dishwasher before. He works his ass off for us, never complains, talks back, nothing, ever. We told Toni we wanted one just like him and low and behold, she found us one. I know Toni’s not into the whole “slave thing”. I mean, don’t get me wrong, she has ruined your son and it’s crazy the things she makes him do, you must admit she’s very creative, ha”. But she doesn’t punish him or spend any real time with him. Toni’s actually very secretive about the whole thing, she separates her slave from her family. I, obviously am not going to do that. You are going to live with me, lumpy, your going to be my slave. I know your a few years older than my mom, but that won’t be a problem, it’s not like I’m going to respect you as like my elder. I am going to treat you like shit, the same way Toni treats your son. So here’s what I expect from you right now lumpy. I expect the same effort from you that Toni’s slave gives. You will work a lot of hours, without complaint. You will treat your co-workers with respect and address everybody as either sir or ma’am, regardless of their age. You will do what your told, you are not a slave to my staff, but be very respectful of them. You may converse with them, but keep it simple. If you work with Toni’s slave, you will never converse with Him, unless it is specific to work or approved through Toni. And I guarantee if you try, your son will rat your out in a second, his loyalty to Toni is without question. To be honest I’m not sure how your home life is going to be, but I guarantee you will know your my slave at all times. As far as pay goes, obviously Toni will be taking half of your pay like she already said she would. I have decided I will take the rest, consider it my training fee. Ok slave, I don’t expect you to have any questions or complaints, but if you do tell me now”. I watched as my mom stood at strict attention listening to Kim, I didn’t know Kim was so dominant in nature, she must have been talking with toni. “No ma’am, I don’t have any questions or complaints”. “Perfect, ok lumpy why don’t you get on those old tired knees of yours, take of my shoes and kiss my feet, much better than a handshake to seal the deal, ha”. I watched my mom kneel and remove Kim’s shoes, I had never seen Kim’s feet, they were pretty, she didn’t have any polish on them. Definitely nothing compared to Toni’s beautiful feet. “That’s it lumpy kiss my feet like you mean it, like your want this job more than any other in the world. I mean it sounds so appealing right, ha”. “Good lumpy, now take your wrinkly little knees over to my mom and ask her very nicely if you can kiss her feet as well”. “Miss Gina, may I please remove your shoes and kiss your feet to try and show you my gratitude for giving me this job”. “Sure lumpy, I guess, slide of my shoes first and start kissing, ha. I’m not sure you really know what your getting yourself into lumpy, but hey it’s not like we forced you to do anything”. “Ok mom, why don’t you take lumpy around for a tour of the diner, introduce her to everybody and please first impressions are always the most important, make sure she introduces herself as lumpy, as far as I’m concerned the name Helen died when lumpy put her lips to my feet”. I continued at strict attention, it had to be at least three hours, my back was starting to really stiffen up. “Well how did I do, Toni! “That was awesome, kim, I don’t think I could have done it better myself. Just remember you need to always keep her disciplined, I’m afraid if you ever loosen up, she will forget she’s a slave. There will be times when it just seems right to let her sit down, don’t give into it. I mean look my slave’s been at strict attention for hours, I could let him stretch, walk around a bit, but I won’t, you see he may want to move around but he doesn’t need to move around. Hey we’ve got to get back to work, if my save doesn’t get going soon, he will literally be at work all night. Say bye to Gina for me and have fun with lumpy, have a completion with your mom, see who can treat her worse, ha”. “All right slave, out your shirt back on, you look like an idiot, I couldn’t be seen in public with you like that, ha”. “Oh by the way, I don’t mean to be a pest but is it ok if you just direct deposit half of lumpy’s check into the same account you deposit my weekend work money, thanks”. “So slave, what do you think, does lumpy look happy”. “She looked a little nervous, ma’am, but I’m sure she will be fine, it sounds like she wants to be a slave”. “I know, I am so smart, I’m glad I figured it out when there was still money to be made, I mean I’d guess she still has another 15 years she can work, no problem”. All right well we’re back at the office, get back to work, I need to do a little budget, find out how much money exactly my little worker need are making me now. when we got back to the office, with Miss Toni’s permission, I went straight to work, she reminded me how much work I was going to have to squeeze into this day. I worked away for about a half hour when Toni called for me. I ran into her office, standing at strict attention. “Slave, I know how much work you have to do, but I’m dying for a Starbucks, do you mind?”. “Of course not ma’am, I would love too”. “Perfect, hurry up though”. I 违禁词语无法显示ed it to get her coffee, man this day just got longer, but that’s ok I’m glad I could be there for Toni. I returned with her coffee and was dismissed back to work. At 5pm, I was still trying to get my daily work done when Toni came in. I stood to attention as she put her paperwork on my desk and sat, with a big smile on her face. “I’m hoping to hear some good news slave, have a seat and rub my feet for a minute. My son and fiancé invited my husband and I out to eat, they have some news for us, god I hope she’s pregnant, I’m so excited! Ok that’s enough slave go ahead and put my shoes back on I have to go. Have a good weekend slave and remember, you are not allowed to speak with lumpy unless it’s work related, I’m sure she will be looking for a loving hand to reach out to her right now and it’s not going to be you, good night slave, see you Monday”. I worked until after 11, went home quickly for my devotionals knowing it was going to be a long weekend. As I stood during devotions I only thought of miss Toni, she of course knew but I wouldn’t until Monday how here dinner with family was and of course what he good news was. I was up early and after devotions went straight to the diner for my morning routine. I was wondering if I would see lumpy this morning and if so see how she was embracing her new life. A little after 8, kim yelled for me to come in the office. I ran to her office and stood to attention. Kim had brought lumpy with her, but she wasn’t in kitchen clothes, she was wearing a skirt and very high heels, I had never seen my mom in heels before. My mom was standing at strict attention next to kim. “Good morning jimmy, I brought lumpy with me today, she’s not working,I’m just kind of taking her around with me so we can figure each other out, like a puppy, you know. So jimmy, turns out lumpy is a great cook, you should have told me and she cleaned my house from top to bottom while I relaxed on the couch. I think it’s going to be hard to discipline her, she’s a very good worker. I did promise Toni I would be a bitch though, so when we got home I allowed lumpy to talk freely for a minute and asked her how she was doing, honestly. Well of course I didn’t mean it, I don’t need to know how she’s doing, but she confessed that her feet really hurt from standing at attention yesterday. So to Remind lumpy that it’s not ok to complain, I went and bought her a pair of very high heels, I actually have a pair like them, I wore them to a wedding last year, lasted like an hour before I had to take them off. Anyways, lumpy here is going to stay at work with me today. And when I say stay, I mean stay at strict attention with her new heels on, what do you think jimmy, mean enough?” “Oh no ma’am, lumpy should be grateful that you are kind enough to teach her how important it is not to complain. I’m sure she’s steady in pain, she will be thinking of her mistake every second of the next 8 hours and will learn to never disrespect you by complaining again, Miss Kim” “You’re so right, jimmy, I didnt think of it like that. How are you feeling lumpy, do your feet hurt?” “No, Miss Kim, not at all, thank you so much for buying me a new pair of heels to wear while I stand at attention for you, I’m so sorry for disrespecting you yesterday”. “Ok lumpy, I got it good job sucking up to your master, you can shut up now, I’m going to put my feet up and close my eyes for a bit, I’m tired. Jimmy come in every so often and make sure lumpy isn’t moving her feet around or scratching or anything”. “Yes, Ma’am”. I worked throughout the day, checking from time to time, lumpy didn’t move a muscle, but looked like she was in extreme pain every time I looked at her face. At about 3 or so, kim called me into the office to get her a cup of coffee. “Jimmy I’m impressed, lumpy hadn’t moved a bit all day, but you can tell by the look in her face she’s in the worst pain ever, for God’s sake lumpy smile for a minute, it’s a beautiful day”. I watched as my mom gave her best fake smile, which she somehow kept on her face for several minutes”. “You did well today, lumpy, I’m impressed but you know your feet look so painful in those heels, there making my feet ache, ha. You know what why don’t you come over her and kneel and rub my feet slave, consider it my gift for the day”. “Thank you so much Miss Kim for allowing me to rub your beautiful feet”. “Your welcome lumpy, rub for a bit then we’re going home”. The rest of the night and weekend went on as always, on Sunday lumpy spent a day of silently kneeling next to kim in her office, luckily for her no heels on Sunday. I woke up Monday and did my morning routine, which ended of course at Toni’s desk standing at attention as she sipped her coffee. Toni was in a very serious mood. “Slave, we had dinner with my son and fiancé last night. They gave us great and not so great news. The great news is they are having a baby, I’m going to be a grandma, can you believe it. The bad news is there moving cross country, my son got a better job offer, I finally am going to get my grandchild but I’m not going to get to see him. We have a few options on the table right now, I was taking to my husband last night and he’s about ready to retire. You know how much my family means to me, I can’t imagine being apart from them. We are running the numbers now, but I think we could be moving away slave. Don’t worry yet, nothing is in stone, but it’s a possibility. Dismissed. I returned to my desk, oh my god, this can’t be happening, I mean look at me, look at what I’ve done for Toni and she came in and dropped this on me, what will I do if she leaves, ok relax nothing is set in stone. That’s all I kept telling myself. For the rest of the week and next, Toni was very quiet and reserved, everything went on as normal but I was very nervous. Of course I couldn’t ask Toni what was going on, definitely not my place to ask, all I could do was hope for the best. On Friday, Toni came into my office and sat as I stood to attention. Sit down slave, we need to talk. As I sat, Toni put her feet on my lap and then started to rub my face with her left foot. “Here sign this and give it back to me”. “Good, ok so you just signed an official loan document slave. I have “loaned” you $400,000 which you will pay back at $500 per week, with interest over the next twenty years. It also states that payments will be made, via direct deposit. Suck my toes, slave. I’ve already made similar arrangements with lumpy. My husband and I have decided to move cross country with my son and his fiancé, I just couldn’t stand not being around my grand baby. We are buying a really nice house and should have plenty of money with my husbands retirement and you and your moms repayments. It’s been a wild ride, slave. Just think 6 months ago, you came into my office and offered to stop at Starbucks and bring me a coffee. And know look at us, you should be proud of yourself, you were the best slave a person could ever ask for. I’ve enjoyed our time together so much, I hope you have too and thank you for signing the loan paperwork, hopefully it will keep my in your heart for a long long time. I need to move on to the next chapter in my life now though slave. I going to move on by giving you the one thing that connects us, here is my toe ring slave. Kiss my feet one more time before I leave you forever, good luck slave, I know it will be harder for you to erase our past than simply removing a toe ring. I can only hope you wear your tattoos with pride and think of me and my happiness. Good bye slave.QuoteLikeDislikeSharecycollegeman, footboyneil, rasike2015.2015, Little Marty like this postmsroberts0511, g_gulliver dislike this postAug 05, 2022#6(ALTERNATE ENDING) For the rest of the week and next, Toni was very quiet and reserved, everything went on as normal but I was very nervous. Of course I didn't dare ask Toni what was going on, definitely not my place to ask, as all that mattered was what was best for HER. All I could do was hope for the best and continue to obey her every command without question or hesitation- as had become second nature to me at this point. I was really like her mindless robot now. I didn't even feel human anymore. And she knew it- and very much had started to treat me like it more and more. On Friday, Toni came into my office and sat in my office chair, as I stood to attention. She casually put her feet up on my desk, crossing them at the ankles while wearing her old office flats and said "slave, we need to talk". My heart sank. "This is going to be harsh, but I don't really care. I have decided that I am done with you. So you are basically being discarded like yesterday's garbage. Which really shouldn't come as too big of a surprise to you, as I have been telling you constantly for the past 6 months right to your face that I am married and that you literally mean nothing to me other than a 'thing' that I can use to my benefit. All that matters to me is my husband whom I love deeply and spend all my time with while you are slaving away to earn more money for me- as well as my son, and my grandbaby. Which is what makes this decision so easy for me. You see, My husband and I have decided to move cross country with my son and his fiancé, as I just couldn’t stand not being around my grand baby. And unlike a freak like you, I am normal- so I have a family and a nice, fulfilling life. So you will just need to deal with it. I am literally selling you like property to Kim and Gina for a nice lump sum. You will be joining your stupid, pathetic mother as their full time slave at the diner." I could feel my stomach turning. With that, Ms. Toni lowered her feet the floor and casually crossed her legs, kicking her top leg back and forth while she coolly inspected her freshly manicured nails and said "You know, I'm not even concerned about the way I am dismissing you either, because I feel like I really got the most out of you AND your stupid pathetic mother over the last 6 months, and I figure I will just replace you out on the east coast with some other foot freak. I'll just put an ad up online for one or something haha. There have to be plenty more of you idiots that I can use. I almost feel bad for you being wired this way...but not really haha. I really am starting to feel like it is just what you were born for. To be used to benefit people like me and MY family." She was truly drunk with her power over me and obviously didn't care about me at all, or even think of me as "human" anymore. I realized that I was more like a lab rat for her to toy with and experiment on for her cruel amusement- and profit. At this point I literally started to tremble and tears began welling up in my eyes... Ms. Toni saw how distraught I was, and her only response was "Haha look at you! You are absolutely CRUSHED aren't you?? I knew you would be. And the really funny thing is, I was actually looking forward to delivering this news to you just so I could see it in your eyes how devastated you are. Just because I think it's funny how important I have become to you- even though I keep literally telling you right to your face that you mean absolutely nothing to me. Yet you just kept slaving away for me, no matter how badly I disrespect you or how hard I work you. Well, it’s been a wild ride, slave. Just think 6 months ago, because of your c违禁词语无法显示 on me you simply came into my office and humbly offered to fetch my coffee for me- and now look what I have turned you into! You should really be proud of yourself in a pathetic sort of way though. You really were a great slave, and you actually managed to turn your pathetic, empty life into something very beneficial to a "normal" person like me!"托尼女士看到我心烦意乱的样子,她唯一的反应就是“哈哈,看看你!你完全崩溃了,不是吗?我知道你会的。真正有趣的是,我其实很期待把这个消息告诉你这样我就能从你的眼神中看出你有多崩溃。只是因为我觉得我对你来说变得如此重要很有趣即使我一直当着你的面告诉你你对我来说毫无意义。但你却一直为我卖命不管我有多不尊重你或者我有多努力工作。嗯,这是一个狂野的旅程,奴隶。想想6个月前,因为你对我的迷恋,你只是走进我的办公室,谦卑地提出帮我拿咖啡——现在看看我把你变成了什么样子!你应该为你自己感到骄傲,虽然是以一种可悲的方式。你真的是一个伟大的奴隶,你居然成功地把你可悲的,空虚的生活变成一些非常有益于像我这样的“正常”人 Ms. Toni's flat was just dangling off the tip of her big toe now as she continued to kicked her foot back and forth, and I just couldn't take it anymore! For the first time in 6 months of complete obedience, I was "broken" and I uncontrollably fell to the office floor at Ms. Toni's feet and began sobbing uncontrollably on all fours at her feet like a crying dog. I heard Ms. Toni just laughing above me, and then I completely collapsed in a heap on the floor at her feet. She was laughing even harder at me now, laying there like a c违禁词语无法显示ed fool. But i couldnt help myself- my love and obsession for her feet completely overpowered her obvious calloused attitude toward my suffering, and I began literally slithering toward her feet on my belly like a pathetic worm because it as all I could muster - still weeping openly - and once I reached her, I began kissing her right foot with every bit of passion I had for Ms. Toni and began BEGGING her...while she was still callously chuckling at my heartbreak up above me, seemingly delighting in the emotional torment she was so easily inflicting on me.托尼小姐的公寓现在正悬挂在她的大脚趾尖上,她继续来回踢她的脚,我再也受不了了!在6个月的完全服从中,我第一次“崩溃”了,我不由自主地跌倒在托尼女士脚下的办公室地板上,开始不由自主地在她脚下四肢着地哭泣,就像一只哭泣的狗。我听到托尼女士在我上面笑然后我就完全瘫倒在她脚下的地板上。她现在对我笑得更厉害了,像个被压扁的傻瓜一样躺在那儿。但我控制不住自己——我对她双脚的爱和痴迷完全压倒了她对我的痛苦明显的冷酷态度,我开始像一只可怜的虫子一样滑向她的双脚在我的肚子上,因为这是我所能集中的全部——仍然公开哭泣——一旦我到达她,我开始亲吻她的右脚,用我对托尼女士的每一点激情,并开始乞求她... 当她仍然冷酷地笑着对我的心碎,似乎很高兴她是如此轻易地施加在我身上的情感折磨。 "PLEASE, Miss Toni, PLEASE I am begging you to keep me!! I want to stay in your life!! I will do anything!!!" I said in between passionate kisses on top of Miss Toni's perfect foot, still encased in her well-worn work flats.“求你了,托尼小姐,求你了,我求你留下我! !我想留在你的生活中! !我什么都愿意做! ! !”我说,在热吻之间,在托尼小姐完美的脚上,仍然包裹在她破旧的工作平底鞋。 "Look at you. Just when I didn't think that you could get any more pathetic haha." She said with a mocking laugh. "I am literally telling you that you mean nothing to me and that I have no problem discarding you like yesterday's trash- and you still want to be in my life?? Ok, well I personally think that is very selfish of you slave because it will delay my move to be by my grandbaby, so there will be a high price to pay for remaining in my life. You DO realize that, correct?"看看你。正当我觉得你不能再可悲的时候,哈哈。”她嘲笑地说。“我真的是在告诉你,你对我来说什么都不是,我完全可以像丢弃昨天的垃圾一样丢弃你——而你还想留在我的生活中? ?好吧,我个人认为这是非常自私的你奴隶,因为它将延迟我的行动,由我的孙子,所以将有一个很高的代价,为留在我的生活。你知道的,对吧?” "Yes, YES Miss Toni! I will endure Anything!!" i replied.“是的,是的,托尼小姐! 我愿意忍受一切! !”我回答。 "And you are doing all this just for my feet, of all things haha...I still find that SO pathetic. But I do find it interesting that no matter how badly I treated you over the last 6 months, you never broke- until I was ready to leave you. I guess you could withstand any mistreatment from me- except me leaving you, huh?" she said in a dismissive, condescending tone. "So you would rather be treated like absolute dogsh*t by me than to not have me in your life at all, is that correct?"“你这么做只是为了我的脚,哈哈... ... 我还是觉得这很可悲。但我发现有趣的是,不管过去六个月我对你有多坏,你从来没有打破-直到我准备离开你。我想你可以忍受我的任何虐待——除了我离开你,嗯?”她用轻蔑的、居高临下的语气说。“所以你宁愿被我当成狗屎一样对待也不愿意生活中完全没有我,对吗?” "Yes, Miss Toni, PLEASE anything but that!"“是的,托尼小姐,请什么都可以,除了那个!” "Well, well...this could be interesting. Let me think about it, slave. I will see if I can come up with something that makes it worth my while to keep you in my life a little longer. You have permission to deliver my coffee to my desk tomorrow morning as usual, slave. Now get to work on my paperwork for the evening, and I am going home to my wonderful husband that I love- basically the complete opposite of the way I feel about you! I will probably be giving him a nice, long BJ while you are still here doing my work for me haha." and with that, Ms. Toni stepped up full weight onto the side of my head with her flat and proceeded to then walk right down the length of my body, stomping on me with each step like I really was dirt to her- and right out of the office for the night. She had never treated me quite like that before. She seemed like she was extra harsh toward me and seemed to take more delight than ever from abusing me- both emotionally and physically. It was like the whole "hesitancy" she had previously had about the way she was treating me was completely gone now.“好吧,好吧... 这可能会很有趣。让我想想,奴隶。我看看能不能想出什么办法让你在我生命中多待一段时间。你可以像往常一样,明早把咖啡送到我桌上,奴隶。现在开始准备晚上的文书工作,我要回家了,回到我爱的好丈夫身边——基本上和我对你的感觉完全相反!我可能会给他一个漂亮的,长的 BJ,而你仍然在这里为我做我的工作,哈哈。”就这样,托尼女士用她的公寓把全身的重量踩在我的头上,然后沿着我的身体走下去,每走一步都踩着我,好像我对她来说真的是泥土一样——然后晚上就离开了办公室。她以前从来没有那样对待过我。她似乎对我格外严厉,似乎从虐待我中获得了前所未有的快乐——无论是在情感上还是身体上。就好像她以前对待我的方式所有的“犹豫”现在都消失了。 I just laid there on the floor for I don't even know how long, stunned and numb, still somewhat sobbing at the thought of her almost having gotten rid of me. All I could think about was what Ms. Toni would come up with to "make it worth her while" to keep me in her life...我只是躺在地板上,不知道过了多久,目瞪口呆,麻木不仁,想到她几乎要甩掉我,仍然有些抽泣。我所能想到的就是托尼女士会想出什么“让她觉得值得”来让我留在她的生活中..。 On her way home from work, Ms. Toni called Kim to share a good laugh with her about how her slave had reacted to the news...在下班回家的路上,托尼女士打电话给金姆,和她分享了一个愉快的笑话,关于她的奴隶对这个消息的反应..。 "OMG Kim he literally COLLAPSED on the floor at my feet in a sobbing mess when I told him I was moving away! It was absolutely HILARIOUS! And I didn't even hold back- not only was I was laughing my ass off watching his heart break before my eyes, but I TOLD him right to his face that I thought it was funny and that I didn't give two shits about him! How did he react to that? He just threw himself down at my feet, started kissing them like the pathetic foot-freak that he is, and started BEGGING me not to leave him! Haha! Isn't that crazy? I swear I could pour gasoline on him, intentionally set him on fire while i am telling him to his face that I hate him, and he would just profess his 'love' for me even more as he burns up in a ball of flames for my entertainment! What, you want to see how far I can push him? Oh, I plan to, don't worry! If I have to delay my move for this freak, you better believe I am going to take ALL my frustrations out on him and maximize the money I make off of him at the same time!"“天哪,金姆,当我告诉他我要搬走的时候,他哭得一塌糊涂,倒在了我脚边的地板上!真是太搞笑了!我甚至没有忍住——不仅仅是看着他的心在我眼前破碎,我笑得屁滚尿流,而且我当着他的面告诉他,我觉得这很有趣,我根本不在乎他!他有什么反应?他就这么扑到我脚边,开始像个可怜的脚怪一样亲吻我的脚,然后开始求我不要离开他!哈哈!是不是很疯狂?我发誓我可以往他身上泼汽油,故意在我当面告诉他我恨他的时候把他点着,而他只会在燃烧的火球里为了娱乐我而更加表达他对我的“爱”!怎么,你想看看我能把他逼到什么地步吗?我会的,别担心!如果我不得不为了这个怪胎而推迟我的行动,你最好相信我会把我所有的沮丧都发泄在他身上,同时最大化我从他身上赚到的钱!” Both of them had a good laugh at that concept- that you could use someone that you obviously don't care about, blatantly treat them like dirt while flat-out telling them to their face that you don't care about them, AND even make money off of them at the same time! All because of her beautiful feet, of all things!他们俩都对这个概念大笑不止——你可以利用一个你明显不在乎的人,公然把他们当成垃圾,当面告诉他们你不在乎他们,甚至可以同时从他们身上赚钱!都是因为她美丽的脚,所有的一切! "I have to admit" Ms Toni continued to Kim "I am really starting to resent him, and even hate him. Its hard to explain...the more he does for me, the more he worships me and grovels for me- the more I just want to abuse him. It's like I just have no respect for this 'thing' as a so-called 'man' anymore. Because that really isnt what he is to me anymore. My husband is a man. This idiot is just a 'thing' that I am using at this point. And I have given him every opportunity to back out or leave me- but he just can't. It's really fucking hilarious in a way. And the worst thing for him, is that I truly believe he deserves it at this point. I mean, if someone is this pathetic- then they deserve to be used and sh*t on by normal people like us, you know? I really think God might have intentionally created freaks like this for people like us to use to our benefit. Just like horses were created to pull a carriage for us, or cattle were made to be turned into hamburgers for us! Haha. Do you 'feel bad' for the cow that was turned into your burger? Absolutely not. It fulfilled its purpose in life- to benefit a superior being. In fact Kim, you really should look into staffing your entire diner with idiots like my slave and his stupid pathetic mother! Imagine having a whole staff that you can work to death, treat like dirt, and not even have to pay them! Haha!! Your profits would soar!" Kim wondered aloud about that as a viable option for her & her mom's business, and they decided to discuss it at more length at another time. In the meantime, Toni informed Kim that she would have to be making other plans for her slave, and that she would not be selling it to her and her mother. "But don't worry." Toni said "I will make it worth my while so that I get even MORE money out of his carcass than you were going to pay me! Hey, why not? He's literally my property, right? I can do anything I want with him. So I am looking at options tonight when I get home. Hey by the way, how is Lumpy doing? Is she working hard for you?" "Oh, you better believe it, Toni." Kim replied on the other end of the phone. "I haven't fed her in almost a week now and I've been working her around the clock 24/7 with no breaks for almost 3 days. Why? Just because I can! Haha! And I think it will be fun just to see how far she will go before she literally collapses from exhaustion. Kind of like an experiment. Me n my mom have a bet going about whether she will make it until Friday or not. By the way Lumpy is literally kneeling at my feet as we talk about her right now. I have had her licking the dirt off the soles of my shoes the whole time we were chatting. So I guess I kinda lied- I'm not totally starving her haha. I have just replaced her 'meals' with letting her lick the dirt and filth off the soles of my shoes 3 times a day haha." Kim pulled her cellphone away from her ear slightly and casually commented down to Lumpy "How do the bottom of my shoes taste today, Lumpy? Anything good on there for you today? I think I stepped on some french fries when I was walking through the diner." "They are delicious, Miss Kim, thank you!" Lumpy replied, completely broken and humiliated at the feet of this cruel girl less than half her age. WHACK! Kim stomped her foot right into Lumpy's face, sending her backward. "What did I tell you to call me, you dumb old bitch?!" "Master! You are my Master! I am SO sorry, Master!!" Lumpy came crawling back to Kim's feet, begging for her forgiveness... "That's right you dumb old bitch. I fucking OWN your ass now- so you will call me your Master from now on!" was Kim's cruel reply down to her. "Yeah, I make her call me that now." Kim said to Toni over the phone. "I think it's funny to make her refer to me as her 'Master', especially considering she is like old enough to be grandma or something haha." Kim then turned to Lumpy and sarcastically said "Hey Lumpy, why don't you tell Ms. Toni how grateful you are for all that she has done for you and your son?" and with that, she held the phone down to Lumpy's split lip so she could mutter as convincingly as possible: "Thank you Miss Toni for putting me and my son in our rightful place in life. I am so grateful to you. We were born to be slaves and we deserve everything you and your friends do to us." And with that, Kim pulled the phone away, kicked Lumpy's face away from her as hard as she could like it was nothing, and then Kim and Ms Toni had a good laugh together over the phone! "Well that decides it then" Ms. Toni eventually said. "Even his own mother knows that he is getting what he deserves- no matter how badly I abuse him. Hey Kim, I have an idea. Would you be able to come to my office tomorrow morning? I may need a witness for what I am going to make that stupid piece of shit do for me- and it will probably be mindblowing for you to witness me using the full extent of the power I have over him anyway!" he next morning I was exhausted but I had fetched Ms. Toni's coffee and pastry as always, and was walking up to her office door when I heard 2 voices coming from within, chatting. So I paused for a moment, not wanting to disturb an early morning meeting that Ms. Toni may be having. Then I realized it was Ms. Kim she was chatting with. "Do you really think he will agree to this, Toni?" Kim asked. "Of course he will. All I have to do is dangle my shoe off the tip of my toe or give him the slightest whiff of my feet in these stockings that I've been wearing to the office every day for the past week, and his dumbass will do whatever the fuck I want him to. I swear he is such a pathetic fucking freak. Can you imagine being born like that, Kim? To where the smell of another person's foot can literally turn you into a mindless drone, willing to do anything they tell you to do?? Even when that person is married and literally tells you to your face that you mean absolutely nothing to them? Because he really doesn't mean anything to me, Kim. And I think he is an absolute fool for letting me use him like this." Ms. Toni was completely c违禁词语无法显示ing me emotionally. But unfortunately, listening to her complete mocking disregard for me as a person just turned me on and made me even MORE desperate to crawl into her office and offer to do anything to please her... "OMG No! I would never! Haha. Honestly, he really deserves to be weeded out of the gene pool for being such a freak, Toni. You are actually doing him - and the world - a favor by using the shit out of him and just running him into the ground until there is nothing left of him. Although I was thinking about how funny it would be if we actually BRED that idiot and his mom to create some sort of sub-human 'slave species' for normal people like us to use as much as we want without having to feel even slightly bad about it! Because obviously they would LIKE being worked to death and treated like shit, right?? We could literally breed them and sell them to normal people like us to use for whatever they want! Haha!" And with that, I heard bellowing laughter come from both Ms. Toni and Ms. Kim. They obviously had no regard for me or my mother anymore- we were just "things" to them now. To do with as they pleased. And it seemed that the opportunity to be as demanding, cruel, and heartless as they wanted to be to someone - with not a single shred of "guilt" about it - seemed to sit quite well with them. Admittedly, the fact that their lives were being made so much better by mine and my mother's sacrifice filled me with a strange sense of pride. We really WERE making their lives richer, easier, and entertaining them to no end- even if they were making our lives a living hell in return. Deep-down, I knew that they were right- we deserved it, and at this point I really felt like it was simply what we were born for. People like Ms. Toni and Ms. Kim deserved to have "people" like my mother and I to shit on, use, and work to death so that their lives could be easier and more rewarding. "Oh yeah, how is that stupid old hag holding up?" I heard Ms. Toni ask of Ms. Kim of my mother. "Oh she finally collapsed sometime last night during the graveyard shift apparently. I found her face-down on the floor of my office when I came in this morning. Looked like she literally took a header into the floor mid-step. So I made sure that as I was walking over to my desk that my stiletto heel just happened to land squarely on the back of her outstretched hand- THAT woke her up alright! I literally felt - and heard! - a bone crack in her hand underneath my heel." "OMG you are SO cruel, Kim! You literally broke Lumpy's hand?" Ms. Toni exclaimed. "Yup. I made sure I put full weight on that heel and practically pirouetted and did the twist on it for a second or two before continuing on to my desk! Haha. And then you know what that dumb old pathetic bitch did? She fucking crawled to me (limping on her broken hand, obviously lol) and then THANKED me for breaking her hand because she knew she 'deserved' it and started begging my forgiveness for taking an unauthorized break! Can you believe it?? These things are fucking pathetic and deserve everything we do to them- and then some. But for being so apologetic, I did let her have some breakfast before sending her back to work- I just casually tilted my foot up, and let her lap at the dirt and filth on the sole of my shoe for a few minutes for her 'nourishment' lol. And between you and me Toni, I seriously did step in some dog shit on the way out the door this morning- with full intention of making that stupid old bitch Lumpy lick the soles of my shoes for her 'meal' later on! I have to say, it is quite a power 违禁词语无法显示 to look down at another human being on their hands and knees before you, feverishly cleaning the sole of your shoe with their tongue when you know damn well you just stepped in a pile of dog shit just a few minutes prior." "Oh my God, you are heartless, Kim! but I think I am going to one-up you when you see what I make this freak son of hers agree to when he gets here with my coffee! And he really does deserve it for being this desperate to be in my life...especially since it is just to be near my fucking FEET, of all things!" And with that, laughter erupted from the room again...and I knew I needed to make my entrance as I was almost late with Ms. Toni's coffee now... I entered Ms. Toni's office right on time, obediently setting her coffee and pastry on her desk and standing at attention. Ms. Toni had her feet kicked up on the desk, crossed at the ankles, and OMG she was wearing a killer pair of black leather work pumps today! They had a pointed toe and needle-thin heels that must have been 4 inches high! They went perfectly with her professional pant suit and dark stockings she was wearing with her new "power pumps"! She must have noticed me staring at them, as she commented "Do you like my new shoes, foot freak? Of course you do. Do you even recognize the red soles? These are Christian Louboutins and they were expensive as hell. But I didn't care. I bought them with the money that you and your dumbass mother slave away to earn for me, so who cares how much they cost? My perfect feet deserve the best, don't they, foot freak?" She kept calling me that, as an obvious sign that she had no respect for me or my "weird fetish" whatsoever. It was so obvious now that I meant nothing to her but a source of income that she could use her feet to exploit- but there was nothing I could do about it at this point. And she knew it. "And they hurt my feet a little after wearing them awhile, but again, I realized I have a foot freak like you to rub my feet at the snap of my fingers whenever I want, so I figured why not? Haha." and her and Ms. Kim laughed. "By the way, I don't eat this shit anymore" and Ms. Toni casually dumped the pastry I spent $5 on right into the trash. "Maybe I will let you eat that out of my trash can later on today for your lunch- if you're lucky. Now kneel before your Master, bitch." and Ms. Toni snapped her fingers and pointed at a spot on the floor in front of her office chair. I immediately dropped to my knees before her, as instructed. "For somebody that isn't 'into' this weird BDSM shit, you really have gotten good at ordering him around, Toni! Haha. But I honestly don't think even he will agree to what you are about to order him to do!" Kim said. "Fuck YEAH, he will!" and with that, Ms Toni stomped her stiletto-clad foot directly into my face as hard as she could, sort of to emphasize her point, I guess? I went falling backwards uncontrollably, but immediately scrambled to get back into position on my knees, kneeling before Ms. Toni. "I am SO sorry for leaving my position without permission, Ms. Toni!! And THANK YOU for even kicking me in the face! It is an HONOR just to be kicked in the face by you- you are so beautiful and I love you so much!" and with that, both Ms. Kim and Ms. Toni began just laughing mockingly at me. "SEE?? It will literally put up with anything from me!!" Ms. Toni said. And honestly, once you lose all respect for someone and think of them as "less than human", it really becomes like second nature to use them, boss them around, and just walk all over them basically. At this point, I think of this idiot like you would think about a robot that obeys the sound of your voice haha. And when you consider that it does it all for my feet, of all things, you just really want to abuse it, actually- almost just for entertainment, you know? And it's like if it is this much of a freak for feet, then it deserves to be abused...DON'T you, dumbass!?" and with that, Ms. Toni kicked me in the face again like I meant nothing to her. "Yes, Ms. Toni! YES, I absolutely deserve all the abuse you heap on me for being a pathetic foot freak!" I instinctively replied. "Tell me how much you 'love' me again just so me n Kim can have a good laugh." Ms. Toni mockingly demanded as she casually leaned back in her chair and sipped her Starbucks. "I love you more than life itself. You are all I think about, Ms. Toni. You are my world. I worship you, Ms. Toni!!" I professed my love for her...just so Ms. Toni and Ms. Kim could have a good laugh at my expense. "Well I will tell you for like the millionth time that you don't mean jack-shit to ME. I am just using you. But we are both in total agreement that you were literally put on this earth as a tool to be used for my benefit, correct? Well, I am pissed as hell at you for delaying my move to see my grandbaby, but I am going to grant you one more year of being in the presence of my beautiful feet...but it is going to cost you." And with that, Ms. Toni laid some papers on the floor at her feet, and seemingly intentionally "popped" the heel of her foot out of her new shoes and began menacingly dangling her pump off the tip of her beautiful stocking-clad toe, just inches above this "paperwork" on the floor at her feet. "Would you be willing to PROMISE me that you will end your life at the snap of my fingers- just to have one more year of kissing my perfect feet, serving me and worshiping me, slave?" Ms. Toni asked as she dangled her shoe off the tip of her toe right in front of me- it just wasn't fair, and she knew it. "Yes, Ms. Toni, YES!! I will do anything for you!!" I replied. "Good! Then get your ass down on all fours on the floor where you belong and sign that paperwork at my feet!" And Ms. Toni threw a pen down at me, dismissively. And I signed it without question, while staring at her perfect feet encased in those dark stockings and her new killer leather work stilettos. "Toni, you didn't even explain to him what he's signing, haha! Of course, he will sign it if you don't give him all the details!" Kim said. "Don't worry, I plan on drilling every little detail into his stupid, ugly skull and I will give him every opportunity to back out of it- but he won't because he's such a pathetic fool for me." was Ms. Toni's reply. Looking down at me and taking the paperwork from the floor, Ms. Toni explained: "You just signed a life insurance policy that I took out on your miserable, pathetic life. Oh, and I used the money your pathetic mother earns for me to buy it too! Haha. You want to know how much it's for? $5 million!! And it actually wasn't that expensive since you aren't that old! And the best part? It all pays out to ME! So I get to literally work you as hard as I want every single day for MY benefit until you are literally worked to DEATH- and then I'm RICH! It's an absolutely PERFECT situation for me! And here's the cold, hard truth, foot freak. I am just gonna lay it on the line. You really do mean NOTHING to me. So I am going to make your life a living hell for this 'extra year' that I am granting you in my presence. And at the end of that time, I am just going to snap my fingers and command you to go jump off a cliff for me or something. Won't that be great? I mean, you will just be able to think about all of that money that you will be earning for me as you fall to your death! Won't that make you happy, slave? To earn $5M for your Master just with your one simple act of complete obedience?? You WILL do ANYTHING for me, correct slave??" and Ms. Toni began dangling her shoe even more aggressively from the tip of her toe... "Put your nose less than an inch away from my stockinged foot, slave, but do NOT touch it!" and I of course obeyed. The scent of her perfect foot perspiring in those nylons was intoxicating to a foot freak like me...and Ms. Toni knew it. I was entranced at her feet.“把你的鼻子放在离我穿袜子的脚不到一英寸的地方,奴隶,但是不要碰它!”我当然服从了。她完美的脚在尼龙袜里出汗的气味,让我这样的脚怪很兴奋,托尼女士知道这一点。我被她的脚迷住了。 "Toni, I swear I don't think he understands what he is agreeing to. Plus, I don't think you can just commit suicide and still get a payout from those policies. It nullifies the policy I think." Kim said.“托尼,我发誓我不认为他明白他同意了什么。而且,我觉得你不可能自杀了还能从那些保险单里拿到钱。我认为这使得政策无效。”金说。 "I researched it completely Kim. And yes, that is the case with most of them. But I picked this one specifically because it had a "1-year suicide clause" in it, meaning that as long as the "insured" lives for at least 1 year from the date of policy issuance, even if they commit suicide, it pays out. So I just need to keep him around for 365 days- and then I am done with him and I can simply snap my fingers and send him marching off a cliff for me, or however I feel like disposing of him at the time. And $5M is way more than you and your mom were going to pay me for him, so I am making out like a bandit- as always! haha"“我仔细研究过了,金。是的,他们中的大多数人都是这样。但是我特别选择了这个,因为它有一个“一年自杀条款”,意思是只要“被保险人”在保单签发之日起至少生活一年,即使他们自杀,也会得到赔偿。所以我只需要把他留在身边365天——然后我就可以和他一刀两断,我可以打个响指就把他送下悬崖,或者我当时想怎么处理他就怎么处理。而且500万美元比你和你妈妈为他付给我的钱多多了,所以我像强盗一样亲热——一如既往!哈哈” "PLEASE explain that to him. He is staring at your foot like a zombie in a trance...I don't think he even 'gets' what you are doing to him yet." Kim tried to give me one last chance to refuse this "arrangement" with Ms. Toni...请向他解释。他盯着你的脚看,就像僵尸出神一样... ... 我觉得他甚至还没有‘明白’你对他做了什么。”Kim 试图给我最后一次机会拒绝和 Toni 女士的“协议”..。 "Sure, no problem Kim! In fact, I will love drilling this into his head one more time so it hurts him as much as possible- and watch him STILL accept it haha. Look up into my eyes, freak." and with that, Ms. Toni put her manicured index finger under my chin and pulled my eyes away from her foot so they were raised up to meet her own.“当然,没问题,金!事实上,我很乐意再一次把这个想法灌输到他的脑子里,这样就能尽可能地伤害他——看着他仍然接受这个想法,哈哈。看着我的眼睛,怪胎”就这样,托尼小姐把她修剪整齐的食指放在我的下巴下面,把我的眼睛从她的脚上移开,这样它们就抬起来迎合她的眼睛。 "I am going to explain this in great detail to you. If you agree to this, you will get one more year with my feet. But I will make that year an absolute living hell for you. There are layoffs coming here at the office, and I already volunteered you to be among the "casualties"- which means you will be getting a nice severance package for the next year or so, based on your service to the company. All of which will be direct deposited into MY bank account, of course. My husband - whom I actually LOVE and CARE ABOUT - is moving this week to go to the east coast ahead of me to be near the grandbaby. Which frees up my home life to have YOU stored at my house- shackled and caged down in my basement. And I will visit you maybe once a day to let you maybe have a kiss on my foot haha. I will also be taking out all my anger out on you day in & day out for the fact that I have to be away from my grandbaby and my dear husband for a year. I plan on torturing and abusing you to no end. And I even had a genius idea of 'live-streaming' it like a "pay-per-view" event online, so that other people can pay to see what I do to you! I just wonder if there are other freaks out there like you that will PAY to see me do horrible things to you haha. And at the end of that year...I am going to uncage you and literally command you to jump off a building just for MY entertainment! Oh, and for my $5 million profit too, of course haha. I will even invite some of my girlfriends that know about my ownership of you to come and join me in a "sidewalk viewing party" where we will watch you "plummet & splatter" on the ground at our feet while we all sip champagne, laugh, and have a good time celebrating my newfound wealth! I will literally be LAUGHING and CLAPPING as I watch you obey my command to 'jump'! Haha. THAT is how little you mean to me, you pathetic foot-freak fuck. Is it sinking in now?? I will literally command you to jump to your death- and then laugh about it as I watch you obey my command like a fool for me!"“我将向你详细解释这一点。如果你同意这么做,你就可以多活一年。但我会让那一年成为你的人间地狱。办公室即将裁员,我已经主动让你成为“受害者”之一——这意味着,根据你对公司的服务,你将在未来一年左右得到一份不错的遣散费。当然,所有这些都将直接存入我的银行账户。我的丈夫——我真的很爱他,也很关心他——这个星期要搬到东海岸,比我先到一步,去接近我的孙子。这样我的家庭生活就自由了,你们被锁在我的房子里,关在我的地下室里。我也许会每天来看你一次让你亲一下我的脚哈哈。我也会日复一日地把我所有的愤怒发泄在你身上,因为我必须离开我的孙子和我亲爱的丈夫一年。我打算无休止地折磨和虐待你。而且我甚至有一个天才的想法,就是把“直播”当做一个“按次付费”的在线活动,这样其他人就可以付费看到我对你做了什么!我只是想知道是否还有其他像你一样的怪胎会付钱看我对你做可怕的事情,哈哈。在那一年年底... 我会解开你的笼子,然后命令你从楼上跳下来,仅仅为了我的娱乐!哦,还有我的五百万利润,当然,哈哈。我甚至会邀请一些知道我拥有你的女性朋友来加入我的“人行道观看派对”,在那里我们会看到你在我们脚下“坠落和飞溅”,而我们都喝着香槟,大笑,并且享受庆祝我新发现的财富的美好时光!当我看到你们服从我的命令“跳”的时候,我真的会大笑和鼓掌!哈哈。这就是你对我的意义,你这个可怜的脚怪。现在明白了吗?我真的会命令你跳到死亡边缘,然后看着你像个傻瓜一样听从我的命令,对此一笑置之!” Ms. Toni paused.托尼女士停顿了一下。 " can refuse this arrangement, and I will let you live out your days working at Kim's diner and sending me your paychecks- but if you chose that, I will be moving to the east coast this week with my beloved husband and I will NEVER see you again. You will NEVER kiss or sniff these delicious feet again..." and Ms. Toni intentionally dropped her shoe completely off, and waved her stockinged foot directly underneath my nose as she said this. "And you can just simply go to work at Kim's diner 24/7 and send me your pay for the rest of your pathetic life."“或者... ... 你可以拒绝这个安排,我会让你在金的餐馆里工作一辈子,把你的薪水寄给我——但如果你选择这样做,我这周就会和我亲爱的丈夫搬到东海岸,再也不会见到你。你再也不能亲吻或闻到这些美味的脚了... ...”托尼小姐故意把鞋子完全脱掉,说这话的时候,她穿着袜子的脚直接在我的鼻子下面晃了晃。“你可以一天24小时在金的餐厅工作然后把你可悲的下半辈子的工资寄给我” "Your choice, foot freak." and both Ms. Kim and Ms. Toni laughed.“你自己选吧,脚怪。”金女士和托尼女士都笑了。 "I hope he comes to his senses! I want his bitch-ass working for me along with that stupid mother of his for as long as possible!" Kim made it clear she didn't really care about me at all- just how she could potentially benefit from my choice.“我希望他能恢复理智!我要他这个贱人和他那个愚蠢的母亲一起为我工作,越久越好!”金明确表示,她根本不在乎我——只在乎她能从我的选择中获得怎样的潜在利益。 "He won't. I'll easily make sure of that." and she slowly pressed the sole of her stockinged foot to my lips, ever so briefly...practically causing me to pass out from the intensity of the situation, along with the fragrance of her perfect foot, as I inhaled.“他不会的。我很容易就能确保这一点。”她慢慢地把她穿着袜子的脚底压在我的嘴唇上,非常短暂地... ... 几乎使我在这种紧张的情况下昏厥过去,当我吸气的时候,还有她完美的脚的香味。 After my dizziness subsided, I asked "Will I at least be allowed one last kiss on your foot before I jump, Ms. Toni??" it was all I could think of to ask her. It was all that mattered to me.晕眩消退后,我问道: “托尼女士,在我跳之前,至少允许我在你的脚上吻最后一下吧?”我只能问她这个问题。这对我来说才是最重要的。 "Haha! Um...hmm...MAYBE I will allow it! Haha!!!" was her reply. She loved to leave me hanging and rub it in that ANY reward I ever received was completely at her discretion, no matter how minimal it was.“哈哈!嗯... 嗯... 也许我会允许的!哈哈! ! !”是她的回答。她喜欢把我晾在一边,然后反复强调,我得到的任何奖励都完全由她决定,不管奖励多么微不足道。 "Then yes, I want to have 1 more year with your feet, Ms. Toni. And I will gladly sacrifice my pathetic life for you - and your family's - profit and well being." I instinctively responded.“那么,是的,我想和你的脚再相处一年,托尼女士。我很乐意为了你和你家人的利益和福祉而牺牲我可悲的生活。”我本能地做出了回应。 "OMG I can't believe he agreed to it!" Kim was astounded.“天哪,我不敢相信他竟然同意了!”金震惊了。 "Eh, its not good enough. I think I am out of here. You can have him, Kim. I don't want him. He's not dedicated enough. He should have begged harder for me." and with that, Ms. Toni began getting up from her chair...“呃,这还不够好。我想我该走了。你可以拥有他,金。我不想要他。他不够敬业。他应该更努力地为我求情。”就这样,托尼女士开始从椅子上站起来。 I was thrown into a fit. I threw myself onto the floor at her feet, clasped my hands together in a pleading gesture at Ms. Toni's feet, and began BEGGING like my life depended on it! "Please, PLEASE Miss Toni, PLEASE let me jump off a building for you! PLEASE torture me as much as you want for your profit- or anything else you want to do with me! PLEASE! I just want to be in your life, to serve and worship you, no matter how little I mean to you!"我大发雷霆。我扑倒在她脚边的地板上,在托尼女士的脚边双手合十,做了一个恳求的手势,然后开始求她,好像我的生命就指望着她一样!“求求你,求求你,托尼小姐,求求你让我为你跳楼吧!请为了你的利益尽可能地折磨我——或者任何你想和我做的事情!求你了!我只想融入你的生活,服侍你,崇拜你,不管我对你有多么微不足道!” Ms Kim was amazed at my self-inflicted debasement. Ms. Toni wasn't. She KNEW what I would do at the possibility of having her feet taken away from me at this point. So she just casually looked down upon me with her hands on her hips, taking in my completely defeated carcass at her feet, and she slowly and deliberately stepped one foot forward, placing the pointed toe of her designer pump just under my nose, and said "if you really want this, slave, I want you to shower my foot with worshipful kisses and BEG for it!"金女士对我自我贬低的行为感到惊讶。托尼女士没有。她知道我会做什么,在这个时候她的脚可能会从我身边被拿走。所以她只是随意地俯视着我,双手叉腰,把我彻底打败的尸体放在她的脚下,然后她慢慢地,故意地向前迈出一步,把她设计的高跟鞋的尖尖的脚趾放在我的鼻子下面,说: “如果你真的想要这个,奴隶,我想要你用虔诚的吻沐浴我的脚,然后乞求它!” And so I did. In between my frantic kisses on her perfect stockinged foot, I begged Ms. Toni to abuse and torture me for her profit for the next year as much as she wanted...and I promised her that I would GLADLY march out of the top floor of a building at the snap of my Goddess's fingers whenever she was done with me and commanded me to.我照做了。在我疯狂地亲吻她完美的丝袜脚之间,我恳求托尼女士尽可能地虐待和折磨我,为了她明年的利益... ... 我向她保证,只要我的女神对我说完,并命令我做完,我就会很高兴地在她弹指之间从一栋建筑的顶层走出去。 "See? I told you he would. There wasn't a doubt in my mind. I can make him do anything." Ms. Toni stated triumphantly, while graciously allowing me to continue my groveling at her feet...“看到了吗?我告诉过你他会的。我毫不怀疑。我可以让他做任何事”托尼女士得意洋洋地说道,同时又很优雅地允许我继续向她卑躬屈膝..。 Kim was dumbfounded, but added to my humiliation by saying "If his stupid old mother is still alive a year from now, I am going to make sure she is there to watch her son jump for you, Toni. Haha. We can put her on all fours and use her as our footstool while we sip champagne and watch her son 'plummet for your profit'! Haha!"金姆目瞪口呆,但是他说: “如果他那愚蠢的老母亲一年后还活着,我一定要让她亲眼看着她的儿子为你跳下去,托尼。哈哈。我们可以让她四肢着地,把她当做我们的脚凳,一边喝着香槟,一边看着她的儿子“为了你的利益暴跌”!哈哈!” "OMG that would be hilarious." Ms. Toni laughed. "By then she will be so broken that we could probably make her kiss our feet and THANK us for commanding her son to splatter on the pavement a few feet away! Haha!"“我的天,那就太搞笑了”托尼女士笑了。“到那时,她会伤心欲绝,我们可能会让她亲吻我们的脚,感谢我们命令她的儿子摔在几英尺外的人行道上!哈哈!” "And then make her crawl over to go clean her stupid son's splattered remains up off the sidewalk! Haha!" Kim added“然后让她爬过去清理她那愚蠢的儿子在人行道上的残骸!哈哈!”金补充道
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