ailuchu 发表于 2023-12-10 14:27:29


希瑟的德里玛(我也不懂这标题啥意思) by Napoleon Leopold 作者: 拿破仑 · 利奥波德 Heather Morris had finally made it home from work and was looking forward to the long weekend ahead. She went upstairs and took a warm shower and then proceeded to get ready for the evening. Red lace panties and matching bra made her feel sexy. Red stocking held up by garter straps and 4" high red pumps adorned feet. Opening her dresser drawer heather pulled out a red leather collar with a d-ring set in the front, she lifted her medium brown hair up so she could buckle it tightly around her neck. Not so tight that it would interfere with her breathing but tight enough that it wouldn'tchafe her skin. A pair of matching red leather cuffs were buckled around her wrists and a second set around her ankles. Each in turn including her collar were secured using miniature padlocks.Reaching into her hall closet, she retrieved an overcoat and wrapping it around her body making sure to button it up. 希瑟 · 莫里斯终于下班回家了,她期待着即将到来的长周末。她上楼洗了个热水澡,然后开始为晚上做准备。红色蕾丝内裤和相配的胸罩使她感到性感。红色长袜用吊袜带支撑着,4英寸高的红色高跟鞋装饰着脚。打开梳妆台的抽屉,海瑟拿出一个红色的皮衣领子,领子前面戴着一个 D 形戒指,她把自己中等棕色的头发撩起来,这样她就可以把它紧紧地扣在脖子上。不会太紧以至于影响她的呼吸但是紧到不会擦伤她的皮肤。一对相配的红色皮革袖口扣在她的手腕上,另一对套在她的脚踝上。包括她的项圈在内,每个项圈都用微型挂锁固定。她把手伸进大厅的壁橱,取出一件大衣,裹在身上,确保扣上扣子。 Heather left her house and walked across the street to her neighbor's house. By now night had fallen and it was basically dark other than the occasional street lamp and several illuminated homes on the block.She looked up and down the street to make sure no one was around and after ringing the doorbell, she unbuttoned the overcoat and dropped to her knees, her feet spread so her bottom rested on the ground. Her back was straight while her head was bowed and she looked down. Her hands were folded together behind her back, her wrists at opposite elbows like she was taught. 希瑟离开家,走到街对面邻居家。此时夜幕已经降临,除了偶尔能看到街灯和街区里几户人家的灯光之外,基本上一片漆黑。她在街上四处张望,以确保周围没有人。按完门铃后,她解开大衣的扣子,跪下来,双脚张开,屁股贴在地上。她背部挺直,低着头,低着头。她的双手交叉放在背后,手腕放在相反的肘部,就像她被教导的那样。 She waited patiently hoping she would not be discovered by any of the other neighbors. After several minutes she could hear the footsteps of heels on a wooden floor approach the other side of the door. The porch light came flick on and Heather was illuminated against the surrounding darkness of the street. She prayed that no one was around to see her but dared not look around herself. She kept her eyes cast downward, to a spot the feet in front of her as she had been taught. 她耐心地等待着,希望自己不会被其他邻居发现。几分钟后,她听到木地板上的脚步声接近门的另一边。门廊的灯亮了起来,希瑟被周围黑暗的街道照亮了。她祈祷周围没有人看见她,但不敢环顾四周。她的眼睛一直向下看,看着她前面的一个地方,就像她学过的那样。 After what seemed like an eternity, the lock on the door turned and the door opened. She knew Mistress Amanda had pulled the curtin aside the window and saw it was her kneeling there, testing her, but intentionally taking her time opening the door. 似乎过了很久,门上的锁转动了,门开了。她知道阿曼达太太把窗帘拉到一边,看到是她跪在那里,试探着她,但故意拖延时间打开门。 "Well, well pussy, are you ready for this evening's fun and games?" “好吧,好吧,小妞,你准备好今晚的游戏了吗?” "Yes Mistress." Heather answered politely, submissively. Months after Heather'shusband had left her, Amanda had moved into the empty home across the street. Though at that time Heather didn't know that Amanda had a dark side to her and would exploit her submissive inner core, they had become friends. “是的,夫人。”希瑟礼貌地、顺从地回答。Heather 的丈夫离开她几个月后 Amanda 搬进了街对面的空房子。虽然当时希瑟不知道阿曼达有黑暗的一面,会利用她顺从的内在核心,他们已经成为朋友。 Amanda was friendly in an almost older sister kinda of way. This allowed Heather to open up about her struggles of being a lonely single mom. Amanda was that ear to listen and that shoulder to lean on. One evening as the two sat on Amanda's couch watching a tear jerker movie, Amanda made her move and slowly seduced Heather into a lesbian relationship. Soonafter Heather was spending more and more time time over at Amanda's. It wasn't long afterwards that Amanda introduced Heather to bondage, taking advantage of the vulnerability of her loneliness and her submissive mind. Now three months later, Heather was nothing more but a sex toy for her a Mistress to use any way she saw fit. Heather loved every minute of it too. 阿曼达就像姐姐一样友好。这让希瑟敞开心扉,讲述她作为一个孤独的单身母亲的挣扎。阿曼达是倾听的耳朵,是依靠的肩膀。一天晚上,当两个人坐在阿曼达的沙发上看一部催人泪下的电影时,阿曼达采取了行动,慢慢地引诱希瑟进入了一段女同性恋关系。不久之后 Heather 在 Amanda 家待的时间越来越长。不久之后,阿曼达利用希瑟孤独的脆弱和她顺从的心理,把她介绍给了奴隶制。现在三个月过去了,希瑟只不过是一个情妇的性玩具,她可以用任何她认为合适的方式使用。希瑟也很喜欢这里的每一分钟。 Amanda reached down and clipped a leash to the front of Heather's collar. "Come along now pussy. Crawl into the house." She commanded.Heather dropped her hands to the floor and crawled behind Amanda into the house like an obedient dog. Amanda turned, shutting the door and locked it. 阿曼达弯下腰,在希瑟的衣领前面拴了一根皮带。来吧,小妞。爬进屋里”她命令我。希瑟把手放在地板上,像一只听话的狗一样跟在阿曼达后面爬进屋里。阿曼达转过身,关上门,锁上了门。 "Present." She said and Heather immediately sat back down on her haunches, back straight, head down and arms folded behind her back, just as she was outside the door. "Get rid of the coat." Heather pulled the coat off, folded it and placed it neatly on the floor next to her and then resumed her position. “礼物”她说着,希瑟立刻坐了回去,腰部挺直,头朝下,双臂交叉放在背后,就像她在门外一样。“脱掉外套”希瑟脱下外套,把它叠好,整齐地放在她旁边的地板上,然后又恢复了原来的姿势。 Amanda walked around her slave slowly, studying her. From behind she commanded, "Head up, mouth open." 阿曼达慢慢地绕过她的奴隶,打量着她,从后面命令道: “抬起头,张开嘴。” Immediately Heather obeyed and was rewarded with a ring gag shoved into her mouth. She hated the ring gag. It forced her mouth to remain open and caused her to drool tremendously. But she also knew why Mistress liked to use it on her as it gave her instant access to Heather's tongue, willingly or not. 希瑟立刻照做了,并得到了一个塞在她嘴里的戒指作为奖励。她讨厌戒指的恶作剧。它迫使她的嘴张得大大的,并使她流了很多口水。但是她也知道为什么女主人喜欢在她身上使用它,因为它可以让她立即接触到希瑟的舌头,不管她是否愿意。 Amanda pulled the straps around Heather's face and buckled them tightly behind her head. A second set of straps ran from the side of the gag, up along side of her nose to connect to a ring at her forehead where a single strap continue over the crown of her head to connect to the straps buckled behind her head. A third set of straps buckled together under her chin forcing her mouth to hold the wide ring in her mouth tightly. Once all the straps were buckled there was no expelling the ring from her mouth until Mistress removed it. To insure the gag would not be removed without permission, Heather heard the permanent click of the padlock. 阿曼达拉起希瑟脸上的皮带,把它们紧紧地扣在她的头后面。第二组带子从塞口的一侧延伸出来,沿着她的鼻子一侧向上连接到她前额的一个环上,在那里一条带子继续从她的头顶延伸到扣在她头后的带子上。第三条皮带扣在她的下巴下面,迫使她的嘴紧紧地咬住嘴里的宽戒指。一旦所有的带子都扣好了,她就不能把戒指从嘴里拿出来,直到主人把它取出来。为了确保堵嘴不会被删除未经许可,希瑟听到了永久挂锁的点击。 "There you go pussy." Amanda said. She knew that Heather hated to be called that. That it helped humiliate her and kept her in her place. That's why she continued to call her that. "Now I have a very special guest tonight and you are going to be on your best behavior, otherwise I will punish you like I have never done before. Do you understand pussy?" She asked as she secured a padded leather blindfold across her eyes. “这就对了,小妞”阿曼达说。她知道希瑟讨厌别人这么叫她。这让她蒙羞,让她保持了原来的样子。所以她才一直这么叫她。“今晚我有一位非常特别的客人,你要表现得最好,否则我会像以前一样惩罚你。你懂女人吗?”她一边问,一边把一个有衬垫的皮质眼罩蒙在眼睛上。 Yes Mistress came out as "ees istess" due to the ring gag in her mouth. 是的,女主人因为嘴里塞着戒指,所以出来的时候叫“ Ees istess”。 "Very good pussy. Now, crawl." Amandaordered as she tugged on Heather's leash. Unable to see, Heather had to follow Amanda's lead as she lead her through the house on her hands and knees into her special playroom. Once there, Amanda guided her to where she wanted her and had her sit back on her haunches once again. Taking ahold of her arms, she padlocks her wrists cuffs behind her back. 非常好的阴户。现在,爬阿曼达一边拉着希瑟的皮带,一边命令道。由于看不见,希瑟不得不跟随阿曼达的领导,她用手和膝盖领着她穿过房子进入她的特殊游戏室。一到那里,阿曼达就引导她到她想要的地方,让她再次坐回到她的腰部。她抓住自己的手臂,把手腕上的手铐反锁在背后。 Heather, submitted to being placed where Amanda wanted her and could sense someone in front of her. Her suspicions were correct when Mistress guided her head forward and Heather found her face planted between another woman's legs. 希瑟,屈服于阿曼达对她的期望她能感觉到有人站在她面前。她的怀疑是正确的,当女主人引导她的头向前和希瑟发现她的脸植入另一个女人的双腿之间。 "Now pussy, I want you to do your best in pleasing my guest, or you know the consequences. Now get started." “小妞,我要你尽力取悦我的客人,否则后果自负”。现在开始吧” Heather's tongue slipped through the ring gag as her mouth pressed against the woman's sex and she began lapping between the lips of her pussy. The woman moaned and struggled and as Heather went to work on her, she realized the woman was also bound and gaged. 希瑟的舌头滑过环堵塞,因为她的嘴压在女人的性别,她开始舔她的阴部嘴唇之间。那个女人呻吟着挣扎着,当希瑟去救她的时候,她意识到那个女人也被捆住了。 Wanting desperately to please her Mistress, Heather worked her tongue slowly, teasingly into the unknown woman's pussy. As she did so, she thought the woman's moans to be more of complaints than pleasure. Maybe she had never had the pleasure of another woman performing cunnilingus on her. Well Heather was going to make sure she definitely enjoyed her first time. 希瑟拼命地想取悦她的女主人,她慢慢地用舌头舔着这个陌生女人的阴部。当她这样做的时候,她认为那个女人的呻吟更多的是抱怨而不是快乐。也许她从来没有享受过别的女人给她口交的乐趣。希瑟会确保她的第一次过得很愉快。 Heather continued to lick away at her pussy, knowing that Amanda was most likely video filming this session as she did most. Heather worked her tongue as deep as she could into the woman's cunt. She found her clit with her tongued and flicked it constantly. Soon she could tell the moans of complaint were turning into moans of pleasure. The woman's struggles also subsided and soon she was trying to thrust her hips closer to Heather's mouth. Sex cream covered her face as she licked faster. The woman's breathing became rapid through her nostrils and the she was bucking hard in her bonds as she hit a powerful orgasm. 希瑟继续舔她的阴道,知道阿曼达很可能是视频拍摄这一会议,因为她做了最多。希瑟把舌头尽可能深地伸进那个女人的阴道里。她用舌头找到她的阴蒂,不停地弹它。很快,她就发现抱怨的呻吟变成了快乐的呻吟。女人的挣扎也平息下来,很快她就试图把她的臀部更贴近希瑟的嘴。当她舔得更快时,性爱霜盖住了她的脸。女人的呼吸变得急促通过她的鼻孔,她在她的束缚强烈地反弹,因为她达到了一个强有力的高潮。 Heather continued to lick as she felt the woman cum. The woman's body shook as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her. Finally, what felt like an eternity, she went limp in her bonds and moaned softly as Heather continued on the task given to her until Mistress told her that was enough and pulled her head out off of the woman's sex. 希瑟继续舔,因为她觉得女人精液。女人的身体颤抖着,一波又一波的快感从她身上滚过。最后,感觉像是永恒一样,她在束缚中变得软弱无力,轻轻地呻吟着,希瑟继续完成交给她的任务,直到主人告诉她这就够了,把她的头从女人的性爱中拉出来。 "That was quite outstanding pussy!" Amanda praised her. "For that you get a reward. You get to meet my special guest whom you pleased very well with your ability to use your tongue." “那是相当出色的猫!”阿曼达表扬了她。因此你得到了奖赏。你可以见见我的特别嘉宾你用舌头说话的能力让他非常满意” Saying that she pulled the blindfold off of Heather's face. 说她把希瑟脸上的眼罩摘下来了。 Heather blinked several times allowing her eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness of the light that had been blacked out by the blindfold. She saw the bound form of the woman in front of her and saw that by her slim body,she was younger than herself.She looked upwards and saw the firm breasts of the girl. Over the tops of those breasts she saw the face of the girl. Even with a scold gag covering the bottom part of her face, it was a face that she recognized immediately. Shock and horror overcame her as she looked at the bound girl before her. Her body taunt as her arms were pulled up high above her head, wrists locked into leather cuffs with those attached to the ceiling by a chain. The girls legs were held wide apart by a spreader bar attached to her ankles and secured to the floor. The girl's pussy dripping with cum from the orgasm she herself was responsible for.Heather wasstarring into the eyes of her own 17 year old daughter Melissa. 希瑟眨了几下眼睛,让她的眼睛适应被眼罩遮住的突如其来的亮度。她看到眼前这个女人被捆绑起来的样子,从她苗条的身材来看,她比自己还年轻。她向上看,看到了那个女孩坚挺的胸部。透过那对乳房,她看到了那个女孩的脸。尽管她的脸下半部被骂了一顿,但她还是立刻认出了那是一张脸。当她看着面前被绑着的女孩时,震惊和恐惧占据了她的全身。当她的手臂高高地举过头顶时,她的身体受到了嘲弄,手腕被锁在皮革袖口里,而那些袖口被一根链子拴在天花板上。两个女孩的腿被一根固定在脚踝上并固定在地板上的吊杆分开。这个女孩的阴部从她自己负责的高潮滴精液。Heather 正盯着她17岁女儿 Melissa 的眼睛。 Amanda laughed an evillyas she caught the complete realization on film. "That's right pussy. Your daughter is also my sex slave. And both of you pussies will serve me, your Mistress, as my sex toys. And you will do everything that I tell you to do. No matter how perverted you may think it is." 阿曼达在电影中捕捉到了完全的领悟,她邪恶地笑了起来。没错,小妞。你女儿也是我的性奴。你们两个娘娘腔会把我当成你们的女主人,当成我的性玩具。我让你做什么你就做什么。不管你认为它有多变态 The words and evil laughter echoed in Heather's mind and tears flowed from her eyes as she knew she and her daughter were now total sex slaves to Mistress Amanda. 这些话和邪恶的笑声回荡在希瑟的脑海里,当她知道她和她的女儿现在完全是阿曼达夫人的性奴隶时,眼泪从她的眼睛里流了出来。
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